All of us have more in common with each other than we do most other people. That includes if you practice for sport, street, fitness or whatever.
Agree! After all, we are all interested in MA.
When Hanzon talks about "anti-grappling", he is looking at this issue from a grappler point of view. IMO, when we talk about striking vs. grappling, we should not have any style boundary.
- striking art is more than just the WC system. It can be long fist, Baji, Taiji, boxing, MT, Karate, TKD, ... .
- grappling art is more than just the BJJ system, it can be Shuai-Chiao, wrestling, Judo, Sambo, Sumo, Aikido, ...
IMO, since most grapplers don't mind to "cross train" the striking art, they also don't mind to test their grappling skill against strikers. If all strikers also don't mind to "cross train" the grappling art, and also are willing to test their striking skill against grapplers, this ridicules term "anti-grappling" will never even be invented.
If a wrestler doesn't mind to learn boxing, why should a boxer refuse to learn wrestling? No matter you are a striker, or you are a grappler, you should always test your skill against people from the other side of the fence.
Just image that if you are a
- striker and no grappler can take you down,
- grappler and no strikers can knock you down,
that kind of fun even money cannot buy it. Is that our common goal and we all want to achieve?
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