Mostly Harmless
The videos referenced are commercially made and sold DVDs. The goal for these videos is profit.You can say anything you want about anti grappling but at least they have 'stepped up' and posted videos of themselves to prove their claims (however successfully), which is more than I can say about you.
I've said before, the bar for teachers and school owners SHOULD be much higher than for non-teachers and non-school owners. Like myself, Hanzou is not a school owner or a teacher. It would serve little purpose, if any, for him to post videos of himself in the context of a thread discussing concerns regarding some specific videos and claims by well established WC guys on the topic of anti-grappling.
My impression is that the guys who posted these videos, and who are trying to sell these DVDs on anti-grappling are well established, well known WC instructors. People, clearly, take their word for it if they say technique is sound. If the technique is NOT sound, can't we all agree that's a bad thing?
The conversation gets so emotional. I get that to an extent. But, it all really boils down to the specific techniques shared. And if these are on the "highlight reel" trying to sell the DVDs, we can construe that the rest of the DVD contains the same.
Once again, the issue isn't the philosophy and the theory. It's in the specific application demonstrated in the videos. As long as we remain theoretical and abstract, there's room for everyone to get emotional. But I believe that if we get specific, we can actually make some progress.
For example, I would characterize the videos posted in another thread to be concerning, for reasons I outlined in that thread. The video posted by Drop Bear is what I would call solid "anti-grappling." While I don't know if it's good WC, I can say that it appears to be somewhat legit technique for defending the take down and remaining on your feet when a competent wrestler clinches with you.
If there's one thing I've learned recently, it's that you CMA guys think fundamentally differently than I. We just flat out don't see things the same way. This is a good thing, IMO. But it's only made it more clear to me that I cannot replicate your thought processes on my own, and vice versa. A bunch of CMA'ists just flat out cannot sit around and think like grapplers, developing "anti-grappling" in a vacuum.
The call to action on the part of the grappling contingent here has been pretty consistent, simply build the technique with grapplers. That doesn't mean train BJJ (although not a bad idea, IMO). It doesn't mean borrow techniques from folk wrestling, sambo, CaCC wrestling, Judo or BJJ (although again, could be okay if done wisely). It DOES mean working out the techniques outside of the clinical laboratory of like minded MA'ists. The video Drop Bear posted was a technique developed in cooperation with competent grappling. The techniques being defended were applied realistically and the grapplers reactions were consistent with what a grappler might actually do. And so, if trained well, there is a good chance that the technique will help and not hurt.
I can't say the same for many of the techniques shown in the various "anti-grappling" threads. What I've seen are techniques that will likely just make your situation worse and not better. It's not my ego saying that. It's actual grappling experience, seeing in these techniques things that would actually help me and hurt you.