Answer me this: Why, Hanzou, do you always bring up the worst video examples of "anti-grappling"?
You can't argue that "anti-grappling" doesn't exist, and can't be effective. It's a strange term to use, but in any case, anytime you can thwart a grappler's game and come on out top with striking, you've successfully retained your game while thwarting his, and avoiding truly grappling in the process, have you not? You don't have to grapple a grappler. Now, I'm not saying that there is a fool proof method for this, or that it's even easy to do in the first place. You won't always be able to avoid grappling. But you can, and the more you train to that end, in a realistic way, with grapplers, the more likely you'll be able to.
I can't help but think you are spinning things with an agenda sometimes. While I applaud your crusade against unrealistic defenses against grapplers, you tend to come off as stating that grappling is the end all be all, and that it's a waste of time to counter grappling with anything other than grappling. If that's the case, we might as well just throw away all of these "useless arts" and depart upon a mass exodus to the one and only true martial art, BJJ.