Anti-War Protester gets Educated

As I sit with my family in the evenings, i can tell my wife is concerned about the war. She is a very upbeat happy person. For a couple of weeks now she has been much more passive. It is due to fear, fear for my 2 children, for me, and for herself.

My daughter asked me if I was going to go to the war. What a difficult situation for my 6 year old to think about, but this is a topic that the people of Iraq have been faced with almost my whole life. Fear, anxiety of conflict, will my parents be there tomorrow. My entire life has been spent in relatively bliss. No, i am not naive or dumb, but because of the efforts of previous soldiers have provided for me and my country men.

Those who protest the war, and exercise the rights they have been given should realize what we have. They should investigate the reasons for the President to protect them. The Iraqi leadership has been known to aid terrorists. Were the terrorist that attacked the United States of America aided by Iraq?
I do not know. But, if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck then most likely IT IS A DUCK.

Back to the daughter.........

My answer to her was no, but in my heart I have been debating about signing up. It is my belief that I want my children and my family to live free and have the choices we have. I am willing to fight and die for those rights. I am not a young and irrational adult but a man who is about to turn 30 and has a successful career. I am willing to put my life on hold go fight for my family and my country. Imagine for a moment the attacks on our schools in the past. Although these attacks were made by other children did these attacks strike terror? This fear is the thing our President is trying to abolish. As parents would you fight for your childrens lifes? Would you fight for your freedoms? Would you live in a society that could not express the fact they do not like the war? Most people I know, if they dont like the idea they wont do it. If they do go ahead with it, the process does not last very long. I love my country and I thank those who preserve our freedoms.

I take martial arts to be prepared to defend my family if I ever need it. It is peace of mind. I hope i never have to use it. But i have given myself a better opportunity if needed. This is the same principle to me that our leaders and Soldiers are giving us.

Sincerely, :asian:

Jeremy D Nelson
Originally posted by khadaji
I aways kind of wondered why Saddam was not taken out years ago if he is so bad?

What makes you think the Kuwaitis, the Israelis, the Iraqi opposition haven't tried repeatedly?

WHy do you think Saddam has one of the most sophisticated and elaborate effort to protect his personal security?
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
What most US civilians do not understand, nor do they know, is what it is like to live eevry moment in fear. Fear you will be in the wrong place at the wrong time, say the wrong thing, wear the wrong clothes, not move fast enough, say the wrong thing, or look the wrong way. They don't know what it is like to go really hungry, or cold, or hot, to not have the basic comforts. They will go for a week or 2 to bring water to the desert, or a care package...but they won't 'live' there...or drink the same water as teh villagers...without filtering it first that is.

Americans are soft...they do not understand. They think that everything can be talked out. They think that by disrupting traffic in NYC that it matters a bit in Iraq. It doesnt. The average Iraqi could care less.

They just want to live without fear.

All they know right now is fear.
Fear that Saddam or his forces will kill them.
Fear that the American Devils they have been taught to hate will kill them.
Fear that a bomb or bullet or gas, or worse will kill or maim them or their families.

People who deny the camps, the holocost, the horrors, have never looked at them.

I forced myself to watch the POW videos...I forced myself to watch footage from the Nazi camps....a still picture doesnt convey it ... words do not convey it... it changes you... to see that much evil in the world.

Those who can look at it and not feel....or worse, can deny it.... they aren't human, IMO....


That is why so many people in other parts of the world have no respect for the Americans. They just don't the Americans as tough as they are.
Originally posted by khadaji
I aways kind of wondered why Saddam was not taken out years ago if he is so bad?

In the first Gulf war the US stoped it short, not wanting further casualies, and thinking that the saddam regime was weak enough to fall from power. Perhaps they thought the local uprisings would finish him off. At the time, perhaps it seemed like a reasonable idea. 12 years later, it doesn't seem like it was such a good idea.