CNN - Top U.S. official: Iraq has executed some POWs

Bob Hubbard

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Top U.S. official: Iraq has executed some POWs
Thursday, March 27, 2003 Posted: 1:47 AM EST (0647 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Iraq has executed some prisoners of war in what the Pentagon's No. 2 general described Wednesday as one of many "disgusting" war crimes committed by forces loyal to Saddam Hussein.

"They have executed prisoners of war," said Gen. Peter Pace, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in an interview on CNN's "Larry King Live."

Pace did not elaborate. Earlier in the day, Pentagon sources told CNN they were looking into a report that Iraqi soldiers shot dead seven U.S. Army soldiers as they were surrendering with their hands up Sunday.

Iraqi television showed video of five U.S. soldiers in custody after their capture Sunday and the bodies of at least five other soldiers who had bullet wounds to their foreheads. Iraq has since taken two U.S. Apache helicopter pilots captive and shown video of them.

To the families of the prisoners of war, Pace said the U.S. military is doing "everything we can to locate and free their sons and their daughters."

"I don't know what to say to them that could help ease their pain. I can't imagine what they're going through," he said of the families. "We all hope and pray that this war can end quickly so that we can repatriate POWs."

General: Iraqis hang woman for waving to coalition troops
The Marine general said that what has surprised him most about the first week of fighting is the extent of war crimes carried out by the Iraqi regime. In addition to the execution of POWs, he said, Iraqis have used civilians as human shields, stored weapons in schools, set up command posts in hospitals and pretended to surrender only to open fire.

In one case, an Iraqi woman was hanged after she waved to coalition forces, Pace said.

"I've never seen anything like this," he said. "To do it so blatantly so early, not only is it a surprise, but to me it's disgusting."

Earlier, the International Committee of the Red Cross said its teams in Baghdad and Kuwait are negotiating over access to Iraqi and U.S. prisoners of war. But to date, their teams have not had contact with the prisoners. Pace said coalition forces have captured more than 4,000 Iraqi soldiers. (Full story)

The seven known U.S. prisoners of war are:

• U.S. Army Spec. Joseph Hudson, 24, of the 507th Maintenance Company. He and four others were taken prisoner Sunday after their convoy was ambushed by Iraqi forces in southern Iraq.

• U.S. Army Pfc. Patrick Miller, 23, of the 507th Maintenance Company.

• U.S. Army Spec. Shoshana Johnson, 30, of the 507th Maintenance Company.

• U.S. Army Spec. Edgar Hernandez, 21, of the 507th Maintenance Company.

• U.S. Sgt. James Riley, 31, of the 507th Maintenance Company.

• U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer David S. Williams, 30, of Florida.

• U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer Ronald D. Young, 26, of Georgia.

Williams and Young were both in an Apache helicopter when it went down Monday near Karbala, about 60 miles southwest of Baghdad. The Pentagon has said a search-and-rescue operation was launched immediately after their helicopter was lost, but it had to be called off due to heavy Iraqi fire in the area.
I just watched the video footage of both the US and UK KIA and POWs...

I need to go throw up....I've seen some sick stuff before..but this...this....I can't describe it...

Humanity will never again surprise me.

The person arranging the bodies was smiling and laughing....
1 of the feeds was very clear...
5 male bodys. 3 showed very clear indications of sever trama (heavy bruising) 1 stomach wound, all with visible impact and puncture damage to the heads...

The other part of the clip was of a British soldier with obvious facial trama lying next to a 'construction' type vehicle. I couldnt tell where any actual 'bullet' type wounds were.

A second body was mentioned in reference to the 2nd clip, but I didnt see it...unless they were displaying 1 then the other. I couldnt tell.

There are 2 females currently unaccounted for in regards to the first ambush.

The video of the POWs showed 4 in shock, and the 5th in obvious pain, with a side wound. Blood was apparent on his side.

I think every one of these 'actors' and 'celebraties' should be made to watch this...and then given 1 way tickets to go over there....
This is what war is Bob. This is what you are training for. This is why you put hours on a floor in some cr@ppy hole in the wall place.

I worked one summer on the kill floor of an abbatoir working a bolt gun and push brooming up parts. I am not ashamed to admit it that I cried every night for at least the first week. After that it became something you do.

Years later when I was boxing I would often work myself into believing that the guy across the ring was just meat that I had to deal with and that if I didn't I wouldn't be able to put a roof over my family's head, or feed them. You do what you have to do because if you don't they will it to you. That %$#@er wanted to take away everything I ever worked for. Everything I ever had. You can't live on that kind of anger and not pay a price.

...and every time you do you die a little bit inside until you either quit or you're walking dead.

Not everyone does martial arts to learn an art. Some people do it because they have to.

So while you decry the actors who live above the war I decry the people living in luxury who talk about the ways of "budo" who never went hungry or had their nose bleed out in their sleep. Who talk from a place of security who never had to live in cr@p and fight and claw for everything they had.

I don't pass judgement on others from something I know nothing about.

People for the most part suck and then others wonder why I hate most of them.
This what we're dealing with, war is ugly, it's savage. Since the Iraqi military and their militia do not play by humane rules then it's time to shut this savagery down ASAP. The war is on now, it's important that we finishing this up, shut down the barbarians in power, and bring the thugs responsible for these atrocities, if we can find them, in to face war crime trials.

In addition, when opposition (enemy) soldiers and their hidden militia come up to our the coalition troops waving white flags feigning surrender, then turn around and begin firing on our troops who meant no harm to them, and kill our troops, then maybe it's time for the kid gloves to come off... :mad:
I'm sure our troops are moving as fast as they can to end this conflict. What will be interesting is what happens when it's over and we capture those responsible for these heinous acts. THEN it'll be time to take off the gloves.

But presently - I'm sure we've not seen the full extent of what the Iraqi regime is capable of doing in terms of evil.
I think that sums it up..."...and every time you do you die a little bit inside until you either quit or you're walking dead."

To our troops....God speed, and Safe returns.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
I just watched the video footage of both the US and UK KIA and POWs...

I need to go throw up....I've seen some sick stuff before..but this...this....I can't describe it...

Humanity will never again surprise me.


Throwing up is a normal reaction by many to this type of situation. The first time you seriously knock someone out and or they are not breathing, you may want to check your pants or swallow your lunch again.

I know I have had the reflux reaction before.

And like you said, the more it happens the less you react, :(

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