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Originally posted by Elfan
Just as counterpoint to the movie stars not risking their lives thing, many prominant suporters of the war like Bush, Cheney, Rush Limbaugh, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Tom Delay, Trent Lott... also lack military experience, although many of them were elegeble for the draft.

Well, Bush WAS in the armed forces... but he apparently went AWOL in 'Nam. I haven't seen much evidence on that particular bit of rumour, but I have heard the rumour pretty often, so if anybody can confirm or deny it, I'd love to hear the truth.

Either way, most of their kids sure ain't military.
GWB was in the National Guard AirForce. He was a fighter pilot. He didn't serve in Vietnam.

Btw, did the leftwing people protest Clinton's draft dogdging the Vietnam war? Guess not.
Bush Sr. was a vet..
Bush JR. I think was in the Nat. Guard, but its questionable if he ever showed up. (conflicting info)

Clinton was taken to task repeatedly for his draft doging.
Originally posted by Johnathan Napalm
not by those who criticize GWB..

And those that do criticze GWB are the one that were taken to task by those going after Clinton. And so the cycle continues. Both parties see the other as the attacker.

And I sit back and wonder if those in the rest of the world have succeeded in trying to take this country apart.
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
And those that do criticze GWB are the one that were taken to task by those going after Clinton. And so the cycle continues. Both parties see the other as the attacker.

And I sit back and wonder if those in the rest of the world have succeeded in trying to take this country apart.

Nope. This country has always been butting head with the recalcitrant ingrates among us. It has never let them block its path to progress.
Originally posted by Johnathan Napalm
Nope. This country has always been butting head with the recalcitrant ingrates among us. It has never let them block its path to progress.

Yes it has, It also has had to deal with the elitists and those who assume their point of view is right, by either divine right or some other way. Yet, we seem to muddle through and succeed when others have failed. Maybe the people ?

Note: JN this is not a personal attack on you so do not take it this way. I am only replying abstractly to your comments.

Have a Nice Day. It is sunny and 68 F or 20 C right now. :D
OK. let's start with, I'm opposed to this war. It's for oil, it's unjust and the Iraquis are allready losing out to American companies (an aAmerican company will be running the docks at the seaport under US contract. Britain is opposed to this. The company is famous as "Union Busters". How truly Republican.)

I would never burn the US flag as a protest. I hold it to importantly to destroy or damage it. But it should be noted, if it has not allready been, when a flag becomes to soiled or damage to be flown it is not thrown out with the trash. If you take it to the Boy Scouts or to the Veterans of Foreign Wars they will dispose of it properly by ceremonially burning it and burying th ashes.
Just wanted to write in and speak up for the, "recalcitrant ingrates." Could be worse. I could be Lucky Lindy, the Nazi sympathizer.
Yes Bush served in the Texas Air National gaurd but was AWOL from it. I searched and found many references to it (someone apparntly sued with the FOIA so they have his military records) to it and no attempts to refute it. Sorry for not making that point clear.
"I eats my Peas with honey,
I've done it all my life.
It may seem kind of funny,
but it keeps them on my knife."
Originally posted by Elfan
Yes Bush served in the Texas Air National gaurd but was AWOL from it. I searched and found many references to it (someone apparntly sued with the FOIA so they have his military records) to it and no attempts to refute it. Sorry for not making that point clear.

Gee, if you are so sure, time to call the MP to have him arrested and prosecuted. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Yes it has, It also has had to deal with the elitists and those who assume their point of view is right, by either divine right or some other way. Yet, we seem to muddle through and succeed when others have failed. Maybe the people ?

Note: JN this is not a personal attack on you so do not take it this way. I am only replying abstractly to your comments.

Have a Nice Day. It is sunny and 68 F or 20 C right now. :D

Even if you mean it to be a personal attack, I still wouldn't have picked that up. Never thought of myself as an elite nor have been blessed by divine right. If anything, it is to the opposite.
Originally posted by Chuck
"I eats my Peas with honey,
I've done it all my life.
It may seem kind of funny,
but it keeps them on my knife."

Dudley Doo Right!
Originally posted by Johnathan Napalm
Gee, if you are so sure, time to call the MP to have him arrested and prosecuted. :rolleyes:

Others have sent letters of complaint to the DoD but I feal the nation would not benifit from proscecution at this time.
Originally posted by Elfan
Others have sent letters of complaint to the DoD but I feal the nation would not benifit from proscecution at this time.

I do. It might remind him that he still hasn't proved to me that he actually won the election. Not that I'm important enough for that, but I can dream, can't I?

Bah, I'm sick of it all. So much bull-crap these days. Just for once, I demand an honest politician, an intelligent news report that presents all sides fairly, and a steak that won't cause me to go nuts from mad cow in 10 years. Is that so much to ask?
Well sadly the answer seems to be yes, that is too much to ask.

Some come prety close at times (Ron Paul, Rep TX comes to mind) but I'm too jaded to really trust any of them any more.
Originally posted by Elfan
Others have sent letters of complaint to the DoD but I feal the nation would not benifit from proscecution at this time. if you really have a case to prosecute....... :rolleyes:

Hint: it is all a wishful thinking from those who cannot get over the fact that they lost the election to GWB.

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