UFC 1: Gracie fought Art Jimmerson (Boxer), Ken Shamrock (Grappler), Gerard Gordeau (Savate).
UFC 2: Gracie fought: Minoki Ichihara (Karate "living legend"), Jason DeLucia (Pancrase, Kung-Fu), Remco Pardoel (Judo), Patrick Smith (TKD).
UFC 3: Gracie fought: Kimo Leopoldo (TKD).
UFC 4: Gracie fought: Ron van Clief (Kung-Fu), Keith Hackney (Kempo), Dan Severn (Greco Roman).
You claiming that any of this was fix is pretty ridiculous. Of course there would be match-ups of what would be considered to be most competitive and more entertaining; it's called a business also? At that time, up to1993, we already knew what would happen when a STANDUP STRIKER fought another standup striker = Kick-Boxing. And we already knew about Judo and Wrestling tournaments. However it was extremely rare to ever see a Striker vs. Grappler competition with ZERO DQ rules = UFC 1-4. This was mainly why Gracie was matched up with a Striker first just as Shamrock and Remco Pardoel were matched up against Strikers answer the question of "what would happen".
But was Gracie able to hide from the other Grapplers as you've implied? He ended up fighting the winning Grapplers anyway (Shamrock, Remco, Severn). What would have been the point of having the Grapplers fight each other while the Strikers doing the same? They'd still end up fighting Grappler vs. Striker in the end. The way it was matched, made much more sense.
And what GREAT AWESOME Grappler that wasn't allowed to compete at all, in order to protect Royce Gracie. Can you name them?
Royce Gracie beat Ken Shamrock and Dan Severn, who both later became the dominating forces of the early UFC's.....destroying most of their competition whether strikers or grapplers.... with Severn's PRO MMA record being 101-19. So there goes your notion of Gracie fighting cans.