Interesting read.

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Originally posted by bloodwood

You have issues with Dan Anderson and the use of his titles. From what I'm hearing there are many others out there that share your views on this matter. Michael Bates used the title Professor in association with Modern Arnis and deserved the backlash. Dan on the other hand has mixed his title of professor of karate with his title in Modern Arnis and should separate the two. He is causing problems for himself.


"Many others" is quite a generality. Care to name names so that I can address my critics?

Dan Anderson

Just a reply to some of the critical concerns in the Modern Arnis clan who don't have the gusto to respond personally.
I guess one that comes to mind is Dan Anderson wondering why I do not care for his use of Professor and the term Founder of Modern Arnis 80, well this is an easy one. The term founder implies that Dan Founded Modern Arnis in 1980. Dan's detailed explainations aside, face value, that's exactly what it implies, a person outside his circle reads it just like its written! He could use the term Director of Modern Arnis 80 and that would be a little more correct.

No, that wouldn't be a little more correct. I established a style of Modern Arnis based on what I was taught by Remy Presas and as the establisher of that style, I am the founder. You are continuing to foster the impression of something else. What someone else reads into it is something else and that can be clarified when it comes up.

He was written in at the recent Arnis gathering in California as Professor Dan Anderson Founder of Modern Arnis 80.


Just a reminder, Remy Presas was the Professor and the Founder of Modern Arnis, interesting that Michael Bates took so much heat for the use of the Professor title but Dan's use isn't an issue?

The only difference here is that I never used the title until Remy Presas passed away. To me, he was the only Professor.

Let's see, Al Tracy founder of Ed Parker American Kempo?

Actually he went under "Tracy's Kenpo" for many, many years. he never used the term Parker Kenpo.

What's the difference? None...

See above.

My article seemed to be to self serving? To bad if people don't like my view of the different issues in Modern Arnis, in my view it is the truth, there is nothing warm and fuzzy about it.

No complaints there. We all have our own viewpoints and what is true for each of us is what is true for each of us.

I have always spoken about my views strongly and stood by my words and actually signed my name,


not some stupid web name like Bloodworm, slickwilly, or any other crap like that. As far as people who never heard of me, well gee crawl out from under the dojo carpet and check into the real world every 10 years or so. I have been around a long time, long enough to be promoted by Professor Presas (not Professor Dan)

Thanks for your acknowledgement of the title.

to a higher degree than most the critics pounding their own hairless chest. I credit all the Filipino Modern Arnis Practitioners as seniors to me and all Western students in Modern Arnis, it is written in the interview in black and white.
I mention Randi Shea as a senior in the system, I speak with Randi at least once a month, he is the head of the IMAF inc. we are friends until he tells me otherwise. No Randi is not my senior or my leader in Modern Arnis, he knows I feel this way and it don't seem to bother him. Datu Shishir is welcome to support who he feels he needs to, he contacted me and we discussed his decision before it was posted. Hey guys I have my own chapter of Modern Arnis, the shirts were printed and distributed when Remy was alive and healthy in 1988. Hey that could make me "Founder of Modern Arnis 1988."

Factually, yes, except you continue to have and create a misunderstanding of the meaning of the "80." You'll notice I don't use the term "Modern Arnis 1980."

Before you accuse me of having a big head, check the hat size in your own self serving groups. If you don't like what I write, write an article yourself and try to get it published, most publications won't accept girl scout pen names, so stand up and be counted, or crawl back under the dojo carpet.

Still Standing,

I expect nothing else.

Datu Kelly S. Worden
401 Puyallup Ave.
Tacoma, Washington

All for now,
Dan Anderson
Founder, Modern Arnis 80
Originally posted by Renegade

Actually Remy announced that I was his #1 student in the US! It was also the highest test in over 17 years!

Being in the midwest and training since early 1991 (which makes me still a baby!), I can confirm Tim's quote above; when I was around and in my area Remy had announced publically that Tim was his #1 student on more then one occasion. I hadn't even heard of Kelly Worden until after professor had passed away. Now that doesn't mean that Kelly didn't exist, for he was doing his own work on the west coast. Most of why I hadn't heard of him was because of my location. I think another reason why I hadn't heard much of him when Professor was alive was because Datu Worden had recieved his Datuship and rank years before I even started training, but had been inactive with Professor and his Professor's organization due to personality differences (or political differences, or whatever you want to call it, but Kelly does mention this in his interview). Although he was very active (as far as I know) teaching his programs on the west coast, he wasn't actively training with professor throughout most of the years that I trained with professor. Because Datu Kelly hadn't been around, this is probably why Professor was totally comfortable saying that Tim was his #1 guy, even though Datu Kelly had his 6th degree and Datuship as well.
Originally posted by Bob

I agree with you totally about perception. We all have different perceptions because we all have different influences, information and most important LOYALTIES..........



Your point is very true, about the loyalties. Everyone has their loyalties, and that does lace the way things are percieved. The thing about loyalties is that it's hard to understand the reasoning behind the loyalties, because loyalties are very individualized.

Example: In Modern Arnis I am currently loyal to Remy Presas, the art itself, Tim Hartman, and the WMAA. I have some degree of loyalty to Ted Redish, but since he is not active that loyalty is limited. My loyalties are not secret. But, the real question is WHY am I loyal to these entities. When I started Modern Arnis here in Michigan, my instructor was Ted Redish. Ted was a great teacher who I accredit to giving me my base in the system. He introduced me to Professor Presas when I was young, a man who was like a legend to me at the time. I continued to train with both Remy at seminars and Ted in my home town until Ted had to retire from teaching Modern Arnis. The few senior students in the class also retired when Ted stopped teaching, leaving me to face a decision: Keep training with Professor as my primary teacher, and try to teach what I know in a small study group, or quite? I chose to keep training. I got to know Remy a lot better, and after many outings outside of the training hall (breakfast, out to other meals, car rides, the bar, etc.) I got a flavor of the human being behind the legend. I have remained loyal to his wishes and his dream of Modern Arnis to this day. Here is where Tim fits in. Tim was a friend of my 1st Modern Arnis instructor, Ted. Ted would always tell the few of us who went to the camps that Tim was very good, and was the one to ask for advise when Remy wasn't available. When I would ask Professor questions, he would usually help me directly, but there were times that he was occupied and couldn't. He almost ALWAYS sent me to Tim Hartman for instruction; it was rare that he told me to ask anyone else. Then Tim was recognized on numerous occasions, and publically, as Remy's "#1 guy". This told me that Tim was the next best source when Professor wasn't available. Then after Professor passed away, I was sort of kept in the dark. I was ready to quite Modern Arnis, but Tim was the one who reached out to me when none of the other people I tried to contact could give me any answers. This, of course led me into the WMAA, of which I am now a proud member of. I feel that the WMAA, at least for me, has good people, and the best Modern Arnis to offer out of any of the other Orgs. And to top it off, it is lead by the next best thing outside of Professor Presas himself; his "#1 guy".

These are my reasons behind my loyalties, and I think that the reasons for my loyalties are more important then the actual loyalties themselves. I will say, though, that when I am on a public internet site I try not to pass on my opinions and perceptions as if they are fact. I instead try to use pure logic to make my points, and logic prevails even when I get nasty. My loyalties don't taint my logic either; logic is logic, and what makes good sense simply makes sense regardless of loyalties. I find that when one does their own thinking, then one can "do your own work" while still maintaining the loyalties, and giving credit where it is due.


Originally posted by Dan Anderson

"Many others" is quite a generality. Care to name names so that I can address my critics?

Dan Anderson

Hey Dan,

Just change the title to "Head Master" and the organizational name to "Anderson Modern Arnis 80". That should end the problem.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Originally posted by bloodwood

Datu Worden

The use of screen names on this forum allows people to express their views without being belittled. There are many out there who would be afraid to confront you or anyone else of your level and rank just because they feel they don't have enough time in or the rank to do so. Therefore many people post here and not just the top people in the art. Everyone can have their say.

There is no question as to your status in the martial arts and the fact that you have done much to expand and promote the art. You have stated that others have their views as well and that you respect them for that as in the case with Datu Shishir. Just as you are OK with his decision so should you be with others and not always be the judge.

You have issues with Dan Anderson and the use of his titles. From what I'm hearing there are many others out there that share your views on this matter. Michael Bates used the title Professor in association with Modern Arnis and deserved the backlash. Dan on the other hand has mixed his title of professor of karate with his tile in Modern Arnis and should separate the two. He is causing problems for himself.

No one will ever agree on what the Professor said or didn't say. Everyone has there own version on this issue and that is what we have to live with.

You have used your Datu status to broaden and stretch the art. Now why not use it to bring more harmony to the Modern Arnis community. Honey is a better draw than vinegar. If you have written off everyone else, that's you choice but maybe it's better to reach out than to slam the door.


Hello Bloodwood,

You wrote in reply to Kelly Worden, the following:

The use of screen names on this forum allows people to express their views without being belittled. There are many out there who would be afraid to confront you or anyone else of your level and rank just because they feel they don't have enough time in or the rank to do so. Therefore many people post here and not just the top people in the art. Everyone can have their say.


First and foremost the use of a screen name does not prevent being "belittled", it merely allows one to not be identified, personally. I really don't care if someone uses a screen name, I will respond to the content of the post, not the personality behind the screen name.

To hell with being afraid to voice your own concerns and doubts in an internet forum out of fear that your time in system, training, rank or particular martial arts background is less than someone elses! If you know something to be true, say it! High ranks levels do not confer upon anyone the sole virtue of truthfullness and all encompassing knowledge - high rank simply means that one has high rank - how they got it and what their actual skill level is - does not immediately translate from the rank that they hold.

One of the reasons for hosting the 2003 Symposium and opening it up to any Modern Arnis Instructor who wants to participate (limited only by space and time considerations, not afilliations or organizational memberships) is so that we all can see for ourselves if an instructor has truely earned his/her ranking in Modern Arnis based on actual skill competencies.

I am not suggesting that there are not other criteria for advanced promotions/ ranks, nor am I suggestiong that Professor Presas, or any other system leader can not/ should not promote based on their own considerations. I simply want to make available for all interested parties a physical venue where the emphasis will be on actual ability and skills within the art of Modern Arnis.

There are a significant number of Modern Arnis instructors who trained with Professor and since I subscribe to the 'skill is rank theory', those people coming to the Symposium to present should be prepared to give it their very best shots. Those people who are coming to see which of the presenters are truely skilled in the art of Modern Arnis, should be prepared to be critical, but fair and honest in their personal evaluations. Each of the presenters will be judged on thier individual merits as Modern Arnis practicioners.

Since we will have some very strong presenters and skilled peoiple in attendence, the Symposium will also offer everyone an opportunity to train with a number of people whom they "never heard of before". We will also get to see, train and talk with people "whom we have never seen at the seminars and camps that we attended!"

And returning to my orginal point, I do not care what screen name a person uses. All I am interested in is whether or not the person is telling us the truth as they believe it to be and they can document their contentions in some emperical manner!

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Originally posted by PAUL


Your point is very true, about the loyalties. Everyone has their loyalties, and that does lace the way things are percieved. The thing about loyalties is that it's hard to understand the reasoning behind the loyalties, because loyalties are very individualized.

----- deleted a paragraph ----- JB

These are my reasons behind my loyalties, and I think that the reasons for my loyalties are more important then the actual loyalties themselves. I will say, though, that when I am on a public internet site I try not to pass on my opinions and perceptions as if they are fact. I instead try to use pure logic to make my points, and logic prevails even when I get nasty. My loyalties don't taint my logic either; logic is logic, and what makes good sense simply makes sense regardless of loyalties. I find that when one does their own thinking, then one can "do your own work" while still maintaining the loyalties, and giving credit where it is due.


Very nice piece of prose, Paul. It is logical and does not demean anyone else's point of view. This is the kind of clear thinking and self awareness that will will allow you to be both critical and fair with regard to what you observe. Are you planning to attend the Symposium and/or the WMAA Camp?

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
We used to call him "Big Detroit" and the guy he always brought with him "Little Detroit" at the Michigan camps. I liked him--nice guy, hard worker, great attitude. I remember when he got his black belt. It's too bad he's inactive!
Dr. Barber: Thank you very much!:) I do intend on attending both events. WMAA camp is already set for sure, and I have made plans on testing for Lakan Tatlo. Symposium is something we'll have to see about. It is kind of contingent upon my production at work, and whether (for work reasons) I can afford the time off during that month. But I will try to make both! :D

Arnisador: "Big Detroit" and "Little Detroit" :D That's pretty cool; I never new that! I think that Little Detroit was Ryan Chinowski, who tested for Lakan at one of the MI summer camps years ago. I ran into him at Worlds Gym the other day. I hadn't seen him in forever. I haven't talked to Ted in forever either, but the skinny is that they've been at my old stomping grounds at a TKD school on Thursday nights sparring, and working out a little with some people (no arnis). I plan on visiting them soon (next week if they are there) and catching up.

I'd like to get them involved again, if they are up for it. We'll see though; first off I don't know if they are up for it, and secondly I am a different Paul (training wise) then I was when I last did Arnis with them (almost 8 years ago). Yes, it has been that long, and yes, you are that old! :eek:

:rofl: :D

Originally posted by DoctorB

Hey Dan,

Just change the title to "Head Master" and the organizational name to "Anderson Modern Arnis 80". That should end the problem.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.


I'm not going to change a blasted thing because others:

A) don't like it,
B) it offends their conceptions of how things should be,
C) have words they don't understand in the explanations I give (and refuse to look them up so that they do understand what I say) so they continue to have lack of comprehension of what I say
D) think I am trying to be the hot snot of Modern Arnis now that Remy Presas is gone and refuse to change their mind on that subject.

I will change whatever I will change on my own determinism and for no other reason! This has been my successful action and is what has made me excel in Karate and what will make me excel in the Filipino arts.


Note: If it sounds like Jerome has pissed me off, he hasn't. Actually, we get along marvellously and it is a sound suggestion. I just don't do those sort of things with MY relationship to the martial arts I practice. That's all.

Originally posted by Dan Anderson


I'm not going to change a blasted thing because others:

A) don't like it,
B) it offends their conceptions of how things should be,
C) have words they don't understand in the explanations I give (and refuse to look them up so that they do understand what I say) so they continue to have lack of comprehension of what I say
D) think I am trying to be the hot snot of Modern Arnis now that Remy Presas is gone and refuse to change their mind on that subject.

I will change whatever I will change on my own determinism and for no other reason! This has been my successful action and is what has made me excel in Karate and what will make me excel in the Filipino arts.


Note: If it sounds like Jerome has pissed me off, he hasn't. Actually, we get along marvellously and it is a sound suggestion. I just don't do those sort of things with MY relationship to the martial arts I practice. That's all.


Hi Dan, not a problem for me, just made the suggestion because of your stated preference for the term "head master". I fully understand that there are other issues involved in regard to this name/title thing and I also understand that I am not one people involved in the dialogue by forum-posts. Not a problem for me to be concerned about in terms of what you posted... I share a great deal of your attitude when it comes to people telling me what I should or should not be doing within my own martial arts organization.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Aren't titles a funny thing and the emotions they raise? If this were a more barbaric society and butt whippings weren't a civil offense where you could really get hammered in court, there'd be a lot less titles and more reputations...and a lot more quiet.
Originally posted by Dan Anderson

Aren't titles a funny thing and the emotions they raise? If this were a more barbaric society and butt whippings weren't a civil offense where you could really get hammered in court, there'd be a lot less titles and more reputations...and a lot more quiet.

Hello Dan,

I must say that I am in agreement with your statement.

Ranks and titles are system specific in reality and should also be indicative of ability level and skills. Such is not always the case and in Modern Arnis, there have been so many titles thrown around by the late professor Presas, that knowing just what a title means within the Modern Arnis context is exceedingly difficult. The only title that has had any real "staying power" is "Datu". All of the others, commissioner, guardian, protege, technical assistant, black belt society and govenor have fallen by the wayside. The MoTT title is too new and Remy died much to soon for us to determine if that title would have lasted under his
continued leadership. Of course, it is now a fixture because the people who have the title are not about to let go of it.

In the end, I believe that titles and ranks are only as valid as the actual skill levels of the people who hold them.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Maybe it's me, but this sounds like a big pissing match. After reading more of the modern arnis posts I get the impression that there are alot of people trying to cash in on GM Presas' name. How can you tell who's whom?
Originally posted by DJAVULS OGA

Maybe it's me, but this sounds like a big pissing match. After reading more of the modern arnis posts I get the impression that there are alot of people trying to cash in on GM Presas' name. How can you tell who's whom?

You are correct about there being a "big pissing match"; however, do not be so quick to dismiss the entire matter in
this manner. There are a number of significant issues that need to be addressed since Professor's death. There have been a lot of titles issued by Professor, in the past and most were very short lived. The obvious question that needs to be answered is are ANY those titles still relavent in the context of Modern Arnis as practiced in 2002 - 2003?

Professor, did promote a number of people to fairly high ranks, who were not skilled in the art of Modern Arnis. Are those ranks still meaningful with his passing? There are any number of people that the latter description could fit. A number of people will submit their own candidates for this dubious distinction, however the person I have in mind lives in Miami, FL.. He was promoted to 5th degree solely on the basis of being Filipino. The facts behind this promotion are documentable. The promotion occured at a summer camp in Massachuetts in 1993, if my memory serves me correctly.

Then there is the issue of the MoTTs, a title that is supposed to supercede all other considerations of rank and titles; plus there is the contention that tapi-tapi is the highest skill level within the art of Modern Arnis. Then there is the notion that a group of people who are ranked at 5th degree black belt are going to succed the late GM as the leaders of the art. That alone is a contestable question in terms of both logic and emotion, particularly, when one considers that there are people who hold 6th, 7th and 8th degrees in Modern Arnis from the late Professor, himself! (I am not one of those people!)

Add to this mix the fact that the current Philippines National Government, recognizes, Mrs. Rose Mary Presas and her children,
Remy, Jr., Mary Ann and Demetrio, fathered by the late GM, as the legitimate heirs to the art of Modern Arnis. This fact certinly spices up the matter and clearly takes it beyond being a "big pissing match"!

Finally, you have the fact that tha late Professor Presas, taught his art in the USA, Canada and Europe from 1975 through 2000, without ever establishing a permanent national or international HQ; he never established a standard body of techniques to be taught and mastered; he never established an objective and written set of requirements for rank promotions; He never allowed others to help him establish a formal written curriculum base for the art of Modern Arnis! Therefore, the resulting proliferation of claims, counter-claims and disagreements are
well within the relm of reasonable expections.

I do not take any position as to who is correct or incorrect. I do not presume to know whose claims are valid and whose are not.
I am not making any claims toward establishing a leadership role in Modern Arnis. My sole interest in this matter concerns the development and hosting of the 2003 Modern Arnis Symposium, in Buffalo, NY on July 11, 12 & 13 at the Erie Community College - City Campus Field House. This event will allow EVERYONE from
all sides of the Modern Arnis spectrum an opportunity to meet, talk and demonstrate their mastery of the art. This will be a "stand and deliver" event. The presentors are self selected and only considerations of time and space will limit who will be able to demonstrate their variant of the art.

I first proposed and then decided to host the 2003 Symposium because I saw a lot of things posted, but no one taking the bull by horns to organize an event where the Modern Arnis players could see for themselves who truely has the ability and skills to do the art of Modern Arnis at a superior level of execution.

If you will allow me to paraphrase the lyricist, Mose Allison:

IF talk were criminal, some Modern Arnis People would be leading a life of crime, but in reality, their Minds are on vaction and their Mouthes are working OVERTIME!

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Originally posted by DJAVULS OGA

Maybe it's me, but this sounds like a big pissing match. After reading more of the modern arnis posts I get the impression that there are alot of people trying to cash in on GM Presas' name. How can you tell who's whom?

Yes, unfortunately, it sure does sound like it. And it is unneeded. We all have our own relationship with the martial arts whether they be Filipino or any other nationality and we will do what we will do and in 200 years time or less, it will mean less than a fart in a breeze. Dan, Tim, Remy Jr., Randi, Jeff, Kelly and so on. Who is going to care in the not so distant future? Read the history of any martial art. Styles are frail things and they do not last. They get changed and modified and and and and.

Yes, it is a pissing contest that doesn't need to be. I have been invited to do a joint seminar with Kelly and PRof. Leonard Trigg which I have readily accepted. It should be good for us and good for the art. More on that in the WMAC forum.

Dan Anderson
WOW!!! Where was I back in the 80s.

I read Wardens post with some amusement. The Balintawak thing is plain goofy!! He needs to check his facts. Every since Remy and I gave the frist public demo on Balintawak ( here in the U.S by him )in I beleave 1984 or 5 in Portaland orgon and Remy started to let it be more publicly know that Balintawak was his main core. More and more people have been trying to jump on the ban wagon. GM Buot and I have had numeros discussions about this, and my concerns of how Balintawak will be bastardized by some.

Modern arnis rank is still about as acturate as a rifle thats been run over by a tank. First its seems everyone forgets about Robert Demott, who recieved his 6 th degree in the early 80s and his 7th in mid 80's. Why doesn't anyone remeber this guy??? OH YEAH!!! cause most of them wern't even training back then!!!! Then there is Jeff Owens, Jeff Fields, Jimbo Power, Robert Steel, Charley Brooks, Clyde ( can't pronounce last name let alone spell it ) Jeff Nowicky, Ron Milen, Richard Davis, Rick johnson, and of course Yours truely all from Michigan all started in Mid to Late 70s.

I don't know Roland at all, All I know is what Remy told me about his actual stick fighting ability and I will keep that to my self. I know that Master Dan Anderson was close to Remy, as was Fred King on the west coast. I beleave Dan is fully qualified to do his Modern Arnis 80 thing. For the life of me I can't see why he would do it any other way. For those that are trying so hard to be someone of importance, don't forget that guys like Dan have been at this for quite some time.

In a nut shell just do your thing, if its right people will know and they will seek you out. And always give credit where it is due. Remy told me this a long time ago and I didn't beleave him, but in the last few years he has proven himself right.

Which brings us to another matter. As far as the Tuhon Gaje thing, e-mail me I will give you the name of the article and date and author. I am a little tired of information that I give others being used to indorse themselves as if they got the info from Remy and not me!!

Congrats Dan on your tournament win.

Originally posted by Rocky

WOW!!! Where was I back in the 80s.

I read Wardens post with some amusement. The Balintawak thing is plain goofy!! He needs to check his facts. Every since Remy and I gave the frist public demo on Balintawak ( here in the U.S by him )in I beleave 1984 or 5 in Portaland orgon and Remy started to let it be more publicly know that Balintawak was his main core. More and more people have been trying to jump on the ban wagon. GM Buot and I have had numeros discussions about this, and my concerns of how Balintawak will be bastardized by some.

Modern arnis rank is still about as acturate as a rifle thats been run over by a tank. First its seems everyone forgets about Robert Demott, who recieved his 6 th degree in the early 80s and his 7th in mid 80's. Why doesn't anyone remeber this guy??? OH YEAH!!! cause most of them wern't even training back then!!!! Then there is Jeff Owens, Jeff Fields, Jimbo Power, Robert Steel, Charley Brooks, Clyde ( can't pronounce last name let alone spell it ) Jeff Nowicky, Ron Milen, Richard Davis, Rick johnson, and of course Yours truely all from Michigan all started in Mid to Late 70s.

I don't know Roland at all, All I know is what Remy told me about his actual stick fighting ability and I will keep that to my self. I know that Master Dan Anderson was close to Remy, as was Fred King on the west coast. I beleave Dan is fully qualified to do his Modern Arnis 80 thing. For the life of me I can't see why he would do it any other way. For those that are trying so hard to be someone of importance, don't forget that guys like Dan have been at this for quite some time.

In a nut shell just do your thing, if its right people will know and they will seek you out. And always give credit where it is due. Remy told me this a long time ago and I didn't beleave him, but in the last few years he has proven himself right.

Which brings us to another matter. As far as the Tuhon Gaje thing, e-mail me I will give you the name of the article and date and author. I am a little tired of information that I give others being used to indorse themselves as if they got the info from Remy and not me!!

Congrats Dan on your tournament win.



I am not sure where you were (* even though I remember you *), :) but, I know where I was. I not only remember most of the people you mentioned and a few more who were training back then. I also have had the priviledge to train with many of the people on this list of yours Rocky.

I will contact you for the article information later.



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