I think maybe the topic has shifted a little from MJS' initial intention. I think rather than looking at why we have so many defenses against similar attacks (sorry, that was really my own digression in the beginning of the thread), what he is really looking at is, are some attacks really so highly unlikely that it is simply a waste of time to prepare for them?
Yes, that was my original intent, although the little bit of drift that has happened has been very informative.

Some people believe certain stylized attacks are impossible to actually carry out in the real world. If this is actually true, then it is kind of a waste of time to prepare for them. I guess not everyone believes that it's true. What one person believes will never happen, or could never happen, another person believes could happen and might happen. I guess you need to satisfy yourself about the possibility of a certain type of attack happening and being successful. If you think it could happen, then you should prepare for it. If not, then don't.
Good point. Like I said, we have defenses for a number of attacks. I havent had a gun pulled on me (thank God) but I still work gun defense.