Kenpo While Sitting


Staff member
Lifetime Supporting Member
Just wondering how many Kenpo/Kaju folks work self defense from a seated position? Sure, if its possible to get up, we should, after we survive the initial attack, but what about those times when we're not able to get right up?

So, is this something that you work on in class, on your own, etc.?

For myself, it is something that I've done, however, its not something I do regularly. I've played with a few things while seated in a chair or on a bench. Its amazing what happens when you put on some limitations as to what you can do. In other words, what if you were confied to a wheel chair, with no use of your legs? Kicking and getting up are out of the question.

Certainly something to think about. :)
Just wondering how many Kenpo/Kaju folks work self defense from a seated position? Sure, if its possible to get up, we should, after we survive the initial attack, but what about those times when we're not able to get right up?

So, is this something that you work on in class, on your own, etc.?

For myself, it is something that I've done, however, its not something I do regularly. I've played with a few things while seated in a chair or on a bench. Its amazing what happens when you put on some limitations as to what you can do. In other words, what if you were confied to a wheel chair, with no use of your legs? Kicking and getting up are out of the question.

Certainly something to think about. :)

We've practiced from sitting crossed legged to lying on your back or on your side, as if you were catching some rays at the beach and an altercation were to happen. I've played with some stuff with sitting on a chair, but we've never actually practiced it in class.

For my BB test I had to defend myself from these positions and getting bear hugged from behind while sitting.
Near me in Southern Maine there is a school that is devoted almost entirely to self defense for people with disabilities...

Here it is, I found it. Natural Motion Martial Arts. From their webpage:
Specializing in Martial Arts for the physically challenged, physically disabled, and stroke survivors in the Greater Portland, Maine area.
They teach what they call Broken Wing kempo.

I bet a lot of thought went into just what you are talking about! I've always wanted to go look at them, even though I don't have a disability (yet, Knock on wood). It's neat that there is thought going into MA for those who can't move as easily as most.
we were working on this 3 weeks ago, from a chair, while reading a newspaper/magazine, or just by ones self.
We were also practicing using a paper/magazine as a weapon/distractant, too.
I have developed an entire area on this subject.
It covers,
*from a chair,
*from a chair infront of a table,
*from a booth,
*getting out of a car,
*in a bus or airplane type of seating arrangement.
This has been very popular in class and at seminars.
I have developed an entire area on this subject.
It covers,
*from a chair,
*from a chair infront of a table,
*from a booth,
*getting out of a car,
*in a bus or airplane type of seating arrangement.
This has been very popular in class and at seminars.

Mr. C,
Have you also "Incorporated" using a newspaper/magazine In those session as well?
I laughed my **** off at first, then my master showed me some of the things you could do with a magazine/newspaper, and i was literally "Humbled"!
Mr. C,
Have you also "Incorporated" using a newspaper/magazine In those session as well?
I laughed my **** off at first, then my master showed me some of the things you could do with a magazine/newspaper, and i was literally "Humbled"!

My momma would get after me with a rolled up newspaper when I misbehaved. To watch her, you would have thought she had years of experience in weapons training.

The fly swatter on the legs was the worst, though.
My momma would get after me with a rolled up newspaper when I misbehaved. To watch her, you would have thought she had years of experience in weapons training.

The fly swatter on the legs was the worst, though.

early stages of child abuse, my prayers are with you, chico!

As for our lessons, we did the infamous hold up to blind the attacker, so you can set up techniques, get away, and, infamous strike to eyes-type.
No, I have not incorporated a rolled up newspaper for training, well maybe for my dog.
It is a thought though.