Mind set? Are ready to take it all the way?

still learning

Senior Master
Hello, Lately there have been people mention "mind set". Are you taught to do this? know what it is? Will you? ..can you take it all the way thru?

Is your mind condition for this? ... under stressful situtions? are yiou prepare to end someone life? to use a knife and stab them, shoot and kill at close range....take a bat and swing it at someone head?

Most people think they can when the time comes? In real life very few people train under stressful conditions. (police officers do...even they freeze for a few seconds until the training kicks in?)

Most of us will never know? ...until it happens...most of you will lose...read "STRONG ON DEFENCE"! after reading the book....you will understand this "mind set" more.

We are not condition to kill, main, shoot, someone. When the time comes under those stressfull situtions.....look at the records on victims...most lost the fight from the beginning.

In the martial arts we all train to attack and destroy....but like most soldier..you are train to kill too. But when you are there...real thing...many people have a hard time...taking it all the way.

We become victims..when we fear for our life and don't fight back. When you decide to fight back "the mind set" you will not care what happens to you....and will do what ever it takes to end the attack.

These are my thoughts and feelings here!!!!!! Yours may be very different.

Only when it happen to you for real life..you will know how you will react. Hopefully all of us will never have to face those terrible situtions...

Do you know what it is? and is your mind prepare to have the "mind set"? ..........Aloha
My real concern is that in a lethal confrontation I WILL almost certainly be at an extreme disadvantage because there is a high likelihood of their being armed.

In terms of shooting - my biggest concern and what would cause me delay is concern that I may hit an innocent. How many people have shot "burglars" only to turn the lights on and find a family member with a fatal gunshot wound? That's what would give me the greatest pause.
Jonathan Randall said:
My real concern is that in a lethal confrontation I WILL almost certainly be at an extreme disadvantage because there is a high likelihood of their being armed.

In terms of shooting - my biggest concern and what would cause me delay is concern that I may hit an innocent. How many people have shot "burglars" only to turn the lights on and find a family member with a fatal gunshot wound? That's what would give me the greatest pause.

Killer instinct and mind set is almost the same thing.....study this so you will have no hestation on your actions and reactions.

No one wants to harm a family member....but if it wasn't...will you be able to shoot at close range first? .....you will know the real answer when it happens.....if you can give that answer after it happens...you win in the "mind set". Preparing and doing the real thing....not the same. Study this.....just trying to open your mind here.....Aloha
still learning said:
Killer instinct and mind set is almost the same thing.....study this so you will have no hestation on your actions and reactions.

No one wants to harm a family member....but if it wasn't...will you be able to shoot at close range first? .....you will know the real answer when it happens.....if you can give that answer after it happens...you win in the "mind set". Preparing and doing the real thing....not the same. Study this.....just trying to open your mind here.....Aloha

I understand what you are saying, and it is a good point. However, those were my greatest concerns in a lethal confrontation. Regarding mindset: I've been the victim of armed violent crime and would not have hesitated to do what it took to stop the perpetrators had I been able to - up to and including lethal force.
Jonathan Randall said:
I understand what you are saying, and it is a good point. However, those were my greatest concerns in a lethal confrontation. Regarding mindset: I've been the victim of armed violent crime and would not have hesitated to do what it took to stop the perpetrators had I been able to - up to and including lethal force.

You had a real experience...not easy huh? Most of us who did not..will not know till it happens (our reactions)and no two situtions will be the same ,with the same outcome either.

But having a "mind set" to fight back...will help guide you to react hopefully right away....(note there are times when it is best to do nothing..trust your instincts on this.....guy just wants your purse,wallet) ...Aloha
Yes and I had to use it a couple of times, mind set needs to be consider all the time for that killer instrinct to be there.
Everybody believe they are ready until it happens to them and reality wakes them up from there dreams.

I always tell my student to be aware of everything and in the school I'll walk over and test them about it with a rubber knife or some other weapons just to see how they re-act without warning and for the most part they freeze up in the beginnings and after lt say 20-25 times they start to re-act. I also have other people come in to test them that they do not know. It is all about the willingness to hurt someone or the willingness of you to get hurt.
Yes I would and have. Dealing in a certain enviroment always kept me in that mind set, sometimes going overboard.
bushidomartialarts said:
i think most of us would do what was necessary. it's the after that's hardest.

After one guy was out cold and not breathing, I stuck a pen in his mouth to remove his tongue from the back of his throat and he started to breath. I had also told people to call for an ambulance before I began the procedure.

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