I think its imperative. I would love to see BJJ studios bring in the Aikido the way they have Judo and show some love to the foster kid in the family. I would pay good money to get into a big BJJ studio that spent some time theory crafting and practicing with Aikido techniques/principles. The Aikido community doesn't seem to be doing the work to fix itself, it would be great to see the brain trust in BJJ to work on salvaging Aikido from itself. Right now the BJJ community is having too much fun just making fun of it and pretending it doesn't exist.
The thing is that Judo actually has something to offer Bjj, and can be incorporated into the Bjj regimen rather easily. Aikido simply doesn't have anything practical to offer Bjj that it couldn't pick up from more practical sources.
Do you remember a few weeks ago when this was all theoretical? Now its only effective for big burly men who cross train other MA's since Dan the Wolfman and Remy made their videos. When we started this journey together I was just doing Japanese interpretive dance and none of it worked at all.
And nothing's changed. Dan the Wolfman wristlocking teenagers half his size doesn't prove the efficacy of Aikido.