it's just different. They can say they are Aikido and that's fine to me of you change the philosophy of the style away from the original then you changed the style. Its not "real" or not "real" it's just different
Well even Ueshiba wasn't doing original Aikido towards the end. He was doing some bizarre ki-stuff where he was throwing people without touching them. Of course the reality was that his students were throwing themselves without him touching them, but I digress.
Never once said anything like that. I said the Founders philosophy was different then other styles so it attracts a different type of person (in general again every rule has exceptions) I've trained at different Aikido Dojos and been to larger seminars and they type of person is just different then what I've seen and met in Goju or BJJ or MMA gyms. Even at my Judo dojo there is an Aikido class at the same,time on the same mats they were just different. Not better or worse just different
You didn't say it, but that's what you're implying.

lol go read 65% of the posts you make all over MT
I don't need to read my own posts, I wrote them after all.
Perhaps if you could provide some examples?