drop bear
Sr. Grandmaster
I'm so lost now, Steven Seagal is being used in an argument about an entire martial art?
Hanzou, is this really worth all the energy? If you are happy with the martial arts your doing and have such certainty that they are the best or at least superior then why are you so concerned with continually trying to prove this point. I'm trying to see things from your side as well but I just don't get your beef with Aikido, or rather your need to try and convert people to see it your way.
Does it somehow personally offend you when others hold opinions that are incongruent with yours in regards to what this Martial Art is supposed to be? Is this somehow negatively affecting your life and ability to train your disciplines? Is there some renegade group of Aikido players rolling up to your dojo/gym on a regular basis and leaving a mess?
But I'm not here to tell anyone what to do, what to think or what to type. If this is somehow an important crusade for you that you feel must be carried out, while I don't understand the need for it at all, I have no problem with you following your heart on this one.
There is an element that believes that overinflating the effectiveness of a training method is unethical. I agree with that mindset to a certain degree.
You can walk down the road of accepting all martial arts to far I think.