I had a thought.
With these sort of conversations. And ones where people think I am saying MMA is the only way. Or that i don't understand Aikido.
Do you guys think that these factors somehow change from system to system?
Where i can't create space in the clinch in MMA due to the risk of getting pulverised. You can in Aikido?
That there is just a stylistic difference here?
Because that is a fairly rare circumstance.
Nope, all same-same.
Thing that might be not working is body alignment in a "clinch," whether western boxing or Thai. Keep in mind, I consider being able to snatch a moving wrist out the air akin to Mr. Miyagi's catching a fly with chopsticks. (That man can do anything."
Trying to work on a wristlock while in a clinch is sort of like working on one on the ground during rolling/naewaza. They show up, but they look different. Still work though. Sometimes even better, since because both of you are on the ground, the option of just"leaving" is out the door, most times.
I think you're mistaking what I'm saying as an "always" thing, Drop. Obviously, it's not, nor can it be something that "always" works. Just like you're not always going to land the jab to set up the uppercut, or get the stutter-step off of the intended sweep that sets up the massive Harai-goshi that wins the match, or evade a half-guard right into a baseball choke. Can these things happen? Sure. Do they happen often? Depends on skill level, but with two skilled guys going at it, typically not.
If a guy is coming at me with mayhem in mind, I'm going to be backing up, if I can, hands up to try to de-escalate. Well, maybe that is the start of the wrong kind of engagement for describing what I'm trying to get at here.
OK, MMA gym. In the ring, got the prototypical bomb-thrower opposite. First of all, I hope I can transform myself immediately back 20 years into that guy, who did that all the time, just for cardio/wind purposes. Fighting like that is hard work. Anyway, hands up, that Muay Thai guard hand position I like, which is higher and more forward than some guys like, sort of leaving my abdomen exposed (but remember, I'm 28 and you could run into my gut back then with a Chevy S-10 truck and I'd have been OK I think. Bomb thrower is coming in, circling, stepping straight in, whatever. Engagement starts.
Shots come in, deflected, evaded, some land sure. For me personally, if he's striking at me, I'm doing some bombing of my own to his inner thigh, whichever one is leading. I can hit it if he can hit me.
Here's a problem: Are we wearing gloves? Because if we're wearing anything over a 4-oz fingerless, I won't have the ability to really grab anything effectively enough, for me, to control it.
Let's say we're in some cool (or maybe not so cool) gladiator/mma fight sequence in a B-movie, no gloves. One guy drives the other guy up against the ropes/cage and starts trying to work the body, and the guy against the cage clinches, a hand around the neck/head, the other down around the arm. Not great, as the other arm is deliving damage to the other side gut/ribs.
But, and you should try this, life the outside leg, keeping the other guy's weight on the one closest inside to keep the rising knee from rising where you don't want it to go, and relax a bit of the pressure on the arm. I promise you it pops up and back so the dude can opunch with it as well most times. But, thing is, it's hanging in space, in a controlled place, and Not Moving. You predict the time and location of this moment, and you CAN just grab the thing. And, once you got it, you can, possibly, do all sort of things with it.
Easy? No. Possible, yes. Figured it out doing it ont he ground, in a north-north top-down configuration in BJJ class, got it to work a couple times, thought about it, then tried it standing, still works though the window is a lot smaller.
Now, all of the above is for someone who can withstand bombs, and deliver some, setting them up. It is not your average aikido person, who... in my personal experience, trains a couple hours a week, perhaps as many as six, might (maye) do some cardio at the gym, is very possibly a vegan and... I could go on but you get the picture. It probably will Not work for them. Almost certaihnly won't.
I can guarantee that it wouldn't work for me against GSP, either, at any point in my history. You can insert your favorite or most infamous MMA name for GSP there too.