7starmantis said:
1. It doesn't have to be written down anywhere, it doesn't have to exist anywhere. It is an absolute that doesn't need support of existence to be seen.
If one claims that something is absolute and external to the structures of society and structure, then one is saying that something exists. If something exists then there must be proof of its existence...otherwise its just another myth or social construction.
Where is any absolute? Where is gravity?
Well, lets see, we can measure gravity directly and we can write down a set of laws that will describe gravity everywhere in the universe. If absolute morality exists in the same way that gravity does, then one should be able to test it and write down a set of laws and show that it exists everywhere in the universe. Thus far, everywhere in the universe that we can see, one can see gravity working. This is not the case in regards to universal morality. In fact, the opposite is true.
The standard exists in our abilities to evolve and the fact that our species is mutable means that we can change. However, that simple fact no more exludes absolutes as it does relativism. Change does not mean total change.
Actually, the fact that our species changes and that our societies change and that our ideas change exclude any posability of an absolute. The change is directionless in any sense of moral quality. The changes we are talking about are reactionary to the environment.
Also, because a society changes doesn't mean what was left behind is either right or wrong. Those are simply not the determining factors. The standard is within our inherant need to evolve.
There is no such thing as a need to evolve. Evolution is reactionary to environmental changes. Evolution happens or it doesn't...and then extinction happens.
If rape is not ultimately wrong, explain the need to evolve to a point of rejecting rape? On a biological level, it is heavily supported and extremely usefull for evolution of our species. If not raping someone is more usefull in our evolution then it must be wrong and is being evolved out. But that wouldn't fit with a relative view that rape is not wrong and is completely ok and acceptable in simply another culture. Why would we evolve past rape is rape is actually acceptable within a different group of people?
Firstly, the so-called biological level that you are talking about is loaded with assumptions...number one being that the biologic level means that people are swinging in the trees and grunting. However,
any society is a biologic level. There is no separation. With that being said, depending on the circumstances presented by the environment and local cultural structure, can be very advantagous for males to dominate women. Rape is but one tool that a male would use to make a female submit. In this society, rape is not wrong. This is applicable in many agrarian societies.
Secondly, physical and structural circumstances can change and thus make rape maladaptive. In modern societies, the value of a man's strength is diminished and the roles of men and women meld. Thus, treating women equally becomes more advantagous. Societies that treat their women equally will be more productive...better able to compete.
This process is not determined by any greater sense of right or wrong. It is simply a matter of circumstance.
2. Are you asking why people committ crimes?
No, I am wondering why, if an absolute morality exists beyond the bounds of culture, why all cultures do not subscribe to this morality. The fact that they don't indicates that absolute morality does not exist.
You can look through history and find people who have allways followed this standard....
No you can't. One can see that cultures are evolving, but there is no moral direction to this evolution.
you can also find people who have not followed this standard. Does either one prove anything in this discussion?
Yes, but you don't want to see it.
Is right or correct or "good" only so because its followed? Is bad or wrong only so because its shuned?
The answer is yes to both questions unless you can somehow show that absolute morality exists.
No, slavery was wrong, so we changed....if it was right, why the change?
Slavery still exists in parts of the world where it provides advantages in a society. Slavery in this part of the world became "wrong" after it no longer was advantageous for our society to hold slaves. In other parts of the world it is right, in our corner of the world it is wrong.
Lets get back to the victims rights. The victim of rape certainly does not accept the rape, so how do we progress and ignore her (or his) voice? The argument about the death penalty is moot here as it is an understanding of violating human rights for a specific reason and with cause and a purpose. Right or wrong is not the question here, the question is about murder. The one being put to death would have violated the human rights of an individual and thus according to our societal laws, we are then going to violate their's. I dont think anyone who supports the death penalty looks at is as not killing.
Wow, just wow. You just contradicted and refuted yourself...again.
If we were to really embrace relativism, our culture accepts capital punishment, so its has to be right.
It doesn't have to be right at all. Culture's change. Ours will too. The disagreement over the "morality" of the death penalty is evidence of a lack of any real standard.
3. Nothing happens. I'm not saying its wrong because the wrong action is follwed by something...or anything. Its simply wrong, regardless of follwing action, belief, or acceptance. Wrong isn't simply "wrong" because it contains punishment. Consequence doesnt determined the correctness or usefulness of action. Are crimes only cirmes when followed by punishment? Are people only criminals when caught and tried and found guilty? Or is committing the crime still wrong regardless of them "getting away with it"?
The only thing that determines what is "right" and "wrong" are the rules of the society. You have done nothing to show how something can be wrong outside of those rules. Further, you have not shown how this wrong could apply everywhere and to anyone. That is the bar if you are going to claim that there is such a thing as absolute morality.
So all that makes things wrong is the learning others need to see it as so?
Does a mother need to learn to feed her baby?
As a father of two children and a husband of a woman who breastfed both children, I can catagorically say that a woman must learn how to feed her baby. There is much more involved then simply putting the boob in the babies mouth...
Is feeding your baby wrong is some peple do not feed their babys? Your saying rape can be ok if a culure accepts it, and its only wrong because of our learned disgust for it....following that logic, wouldnt it only be right in the other culture because of their learned acceptance of it?
Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying.
So learned behavior is all that seperates right from wrong, good from bad, ok from not ok? Understanding only affects the one doing the understanding, it doesn't change the truth. Either rape is wrong or rape is right. The ability or purposefull following of said right or wrong doesn't change the truth of it.
What is this truth that you are talking about? Is this another word for absolute morality? Are you claiming that rape is universally wrong? Just because you dress it up in another word doesn't mean that you can somehow slip by any standards of proof. If you claim that this is truth and that it is wrong regardless of culture, then you have got somehow who how it is wrong regardless of culture and you've got to be able to demonstrate in every culture how it is wrong regardless of culture. Any exceptions disprove your hypothesis.
Yet again, I'm not talking about morality.
Yes you are. If you say something is right or wrong, that is morality.
Morality is the accepted set of rules by which a group chooses to live. Morailty changes with culture. However, truth does not. Regardless of the groups acceptance of rape, or its label of "moral" or "immoral" the act of raping another human being is bad...wrong.
If truth does not change, then please show how it does not change.
Step outside your own box of understanding and usage of the word "wrong" Not wrong as in looked upon with disgust from other members of the society, but bad in that it should not be performed.
In some cultures, rape
should be performed. It is expected and it is part of the social framework. It evolved as a structure of that culture and other peices of that culture depend on its performance.
There is a universal standard, that that is human rights. These are not relative as you say for that would mean slavery was never wrong. In which case Ray Jenkins was just out of his mind with the reparations argument eh? Or maybe we could discredit him by saying he was an absolutist.
Human rights are relative. Look at what is defined as human rights between the US and Saudi Arabia. Who is more right?
Slavery was either wrong then and still wrong, or right then and still right. If its wrong now, why was it not wrong then? If it wasn't wrong then, why has it been destroyed?
Slavery can be both right and wrong at any given time. The only thing that determines whether it is wrong is the rules of the society...which are based on the physical and structural circumstances. BTW - slavery has not been destroyed. Not in this country and not throughout the world. If it is advantagous for a society to own slaves then it will not be wrong to do so.
One person can't just think up something, convince others to agree, and then that suddenly becomes right or wrong.
Why not? People do it all of the time.
Why is it we think we are so important or powerful to make what is right and wrong.
What else is there besides us?
We didn't make gravity, we just simply found it. I dont see anything to prove otherwise with these human rights issues. Do you honestly believe we have created human rights out of our own collective intelect? Why do (almost) newborn twins cry when the other is spanked or removed, or fed, or held? Their cognitive reasoning comes from somewhere and they haven't been trained to know that the other baby may get something I wont get, its inherant. In fact I think its as inherant and biological as thinking. Why do we think? We didn't learn to think or reason, we learn to use those tools, but not to learn how to actually do it. To deny inherancy altogether is to deny personality. We each have our own personality which is a collection of experiences, but is also unique when we are born. This goes to show that all is not learned, so absolutes must exist at some level, what level is the discussion at hand.
No, it does not show that absolutes exist on any level. No adaptive trait is absolute. Everything is mutable. Everything changes. Even gravity and protons decay. Even if morality was genetic, which it isn't, mutations would change morality and thus negate any absolute standards.
I'm sorry, that is completely false. I agreed that a child growing up in any social group has a tendancy towards that behavior, but to say one should expect one if not all to perform said action is completely absurd and in my opinion a bit bigoted. Do we expect children from the inner city, say 5th ward in Houston to kill people and do drugs again and again? No, absolutely not, we simply cannot expect such things of people...thats called labeling and discrimination. Do children growing up in those surroundings see those actions and sometimes follow those actions, yes. Does every child, or "all" follow that course, most assuredly no. Research some of the most respected people in our history and society and see where they came from, you might be surprised.
Raping and murdering and killing in the 5th ward in Houston is not the norm. It is by and large the exception. However, in some cultures, rape is the norm. In those cultures, every male would learn to do it and it would be totally accepted. NOT doing it probably would be considered wrong.
However, even so, what in the world does it have to do with their actions being right or wrong? You offer no proof of right and wrong changing with the thoughts of a societies members.
Dude, open a history book. Read.
Again, this is not true. A child does not have to be taught to misrepresent symbols. Your right, many prominant psychologist have studied this, they seem to agree now as well.
Have you ever read any developmental psychology? Children need to be taught to lie.
The bottom line is that the definition of right and wrong while using reactions is faulty. Everyone will react differently to one action because of their cultural and social experiences.
If this is true, then why do societies exist at all? Most people react exactly as their societies dictate. If they don't...well that is why societies build prisons.