Then again, if their agenda was pure, they'd have a houseful of adopted kids and fosters. Plus raising money for scholar ship for kids of single moms.
Last I heard, the county was looking for foster homes in a very bad way!
Indeed. Anti-abortionists will convince women to choose to bear the child to term; sometimes, they will even help the women to receive medical care prior to and during birth. Once the child is born, the mother and child are dropped like a hot potato. If such people were truly concerned about the child, care would continue until the child is fully adult and has completed school.
Things happen. Short of a hysterectomy, birth control fails. Sometimes, the child-to-be is wanted, but the biological development fails. The path from zygote to human is not trivial. Fetuses may be lacking entire systems of organs, may threaten the mother's life, and may, on occasion, be better described as lumps of cancerous flesh than as fetuses.
This happened to a friend of mine; in fact, she nearly died of it. Due to a genetic abnormality, her fetus died in utero. Unfortunately for my friend, her insurance company sent her to a Catholic hospital, which performed abortions
only if the mother's life was clearly in danger - so despite having determined that the fetus was dead, the hospital would not induce labor, nor perform a D&C (both methods of abortion) until she was in
clear, medical danger. Therefore, she stayed in the hospital for 4 days, knowing her fetus was dead inside of her, waiting to either go into labor naturally, or to develop an infection from the dead tissue that had been her fetus and go into toxic shock, at which point her life would be in danger - which is what happened. She developed toxic shock, characterized by significant fever and massive infection, at which point the abortion was performed - at much greater risk to her life than if it had been done earlier. Notice
the fetus was already dead when all of this occurred - but the necessary procedure was technically an abortion, and
the hospital refused to do it until her life was in danger.
This is one of those cases where, to me, abortion is a clear and appropriate procedure - but because of moral objections to the word "abortion", despite medical proof that life had already ended,
it couldn't be done. I have never understood how this was a reasonable decision.
As usual, it is a great melange of greys - no black and no white, no matter how much some people may wish otherwise.
Definitely. A Catholic friend of mine once told me that if she were raped and became pregnant as a result, she would bear the child and then give it up for adoption. That's her choice. I'm not sure I could do it, but I respect her adherence to her beliefs.
Bottom line: if you don't approve of abortion, don't have one. But don't tell other people what they can and cannot in regards to abortion, unless you are willing to support your words with your actions, by providing for the child thus born through adulthood and beyond, just as you would for a child of your own.