"A black belt is a white belt who never quit"

Despite some of the objections, I really feel the original quote is completely true. For those individuals who show up but just go through the motions, I would argue that they have quit, but just don't know it yet.

People usually quit whne they percieve there is some impossible barrier to their advancement (not always, but often). Those that overcome these barriers advance...they persere. Those that walk away are the classic quitters. Those that saty, but never get past the barriers stay stuck in limbo. Thev've effectively quit without actually walking away. Not sure wich kind of quitting would be worse.

Despite some of the objections, I really feel the original quote is completely true. For those individuals who show up but just go through the motions, I would argue that they have quit, but just don't know it yet.
:) You get it! To stop taking the Martial Arts is NOT the only way to quit.
Every time that you say "I'll never be able to get this kick"... you've quit.
And I've done it many a time... and then I realize that I'm being a quitter... that's not what a black belt is.
I know "black belts" who pump out the moves... but they don't really try. They don't set an example. They're not the heroes that little children want to see when they look at a black belt.
They AREN'T black belts. I don't care what you say. And I shall never acknowledge them as such.

A black belt is a white belt that NEVER, EVER, EVER gave up. That's a true black belt. They wanted to, many a time; thought about it... but in the end they gave it their all, and transcended the everyday person.
A TRUE black belt.