Most Important Belt?


Senior Master
What do you feel is the most important belt in the MA's?

I am asking this because I never really gave it much thought and the other night in my sons class the Assistant Instructor who was there made a statement that really made me think. There was a new child there (her dad is in an adult class) and at the end of their class he called her up to the front to formally introduce her to the rest of the students and then presented her with her white belt. He stated when handing her the belt that it was the most important belt for anyone in the MA's.

My first thought was "OK where are we going with this?" He went on to explain that the white belt showed that someone was brave enough to try something new and start on a new path. Without getting a white belt, nobody would ever earn a black belt, therefore the white belt should be reguarded as the most important belt and "awarded" after the first class to show their follow through to the decision to try the MA's.

I might add that it was something that had never even crossed my mind and it made great sense. Plus you could tell she was proud of "earning" her first belt already. The assistant-instructor that night had just earned his 1st BB 3 nights earlier, so I'm sure he had been thinking of his journey so-far and the importance of each step along the way. I'm just tossing this out there to see if any of you great people on MT had thought of where you would be if never getting that white belt. And also if your thoughts on the importantance of a white belt, IS it the most important in your opinion and why?

My answer: yes, it is the most important belt I have ever gotten, and for the exact reasons given above.
bydand said:
He went on to explain that the white belt showed that someone was brave enough to try something new and start on a new path. Without getting a white belt, nobody would ever earn a black belt, therefore the white belt should be reguarded as the most important belt and "awarded" after the first class to show their follow through to the decision to try the MA's.

I would have to agree 100% without a doubt. Never thought about "awarding" the white belt though. Very nice!
bydand said:
What do you feel is the most important belt in the MA's?

I am asking this because I never really gave it much thought and the other night in my sons class the Assistant Instructor who was there made a statement that really made me think. There was a new child there (her dad is in an adult class) and at the end of their class he called her up to the front to formally introduce her to the rest of the students and then presented her with her white belt. He stated when handing her the belt that it was the most important belt for anyone in the MA's.

My first thought was "OK where are we going with this?" He went on to explain that the white belt showed that someone was brave enough to try something new and start on a new path. Without getting a white belt, nobody would ever earn a black belt, therefore the white belt should be reguarded as the most important belt and "awarded" after the first class to show their follow through to the decision to try the MA's.

I might add that it was something that had never even crossed my mind and it made great sense. Plus you could tell she was proud of "earning" her first belt already. The assistant-instructor that night had just earned his 1st BB 3 nights earlier, so I'm sure he had been thinking of his journey so-far and the importance of each step along the way. I'm just tossing this out there to see if any of you great people on MT had thought of where you would be if never getting that white belt. And also if your thoughts on the importantance of a white belt, IS it the most important in your opinion and why?

My answer: yes, it is the most important belt I have ever gotten, and for the exact reasons given above.

brown because you start getting introduced to what's really going on and it's your first time to see the big picture, although you might not know everything in it.
they say 3rd black belt is when you have a pretty good understanding of the entire system, and after that you are 'sharpening' your skills and creating your own way of fighting rather than being the 'shadow' of your instructor.

the 11th BB belt is very important too, because no one else has it :D
True the white belt is a begining with out a starting place then you have not began to learn. Each belt after shows progress Even the black belt would not have made it if that person did not start by trying to learn.
I'm going to post from an instructor's point of view.

I'd have to say that the most important one is the first one that they earn. Whether this means that they have to earn their white belt, or whether they are given a white belt and have to earn a colored belt, doesn't really make a difference.

There were many styles out there that would use very few belts. Some possibly only white and black, others maybe white, green and black, maybe some include a brown belt in there. Sure, many of us would like to see that kind of old-school approach, but the fact remains, that sometimes the sheer volume of requirements can overwhelm the inexperienced martial artist.

It's no secret, that a lot of the dropouts are white belts who haven't progressed to their next rank. By giving them something tangible in a reasonably short time period (your testing period), you might be able to spur on some of them, and grant them fresh motivation. While most of them are probably not going to become your top-echelon of students, at least you're granting them a better chance to get there.

If they happen to develop a good sense of consistency and determination along the way, then you've done a great job. If they don't develop those traits, and quit along the way, well, at least you gave them a shot, and a chance to experience things.

Of course, I do not advocate just giving them the belt. They must earn it, and meet the requirements, just as anyone else would. I'm simply pointing out the good things that happen when they do get that first earned rank.

Let's face it: everyone can benefit the longer someone stays at a dojo. The student benefits, because he can learn new things, and improve upon the old. The other students benefit, especially those of similar rank, since they'll have others who can spur them on. The instructors benefit, because they get more experience at bringing up new students (which is an art, in and of itself!). The school owner certainly benefits, since it is, after all, a business.
White is most important. It is the start of the journey.
Black is 2nd most important. It means you now know where you are going on your journey.
Brown is 3rd most important. It means you have made the commitment to find the path for your journey.
The first colored belt (usually Yellow, Orange, or Blue depending on style) is the 4th most important. It is the first step in your journey and proves you can progress.

In some systems/styles you need a belt higher than Black to teach: Usually 1, or 3, or 5 stripes. This would be the most important after Black Belt -- if that is the path you have chosen on your journey.
bydand said:
He went on to explain that the white belt showed that someone was brave enough to try something new and start on a new path. Without getting a white belt, nobody would ever earn a black belt, therefore the white belt should be reguarded as the most important belt and "awarded" after the first class to show their follow through to the decision to try the MA's.

I too agree with Henderson and the instructor.

Although I was once a JMA and KMA guy I am now a CMA guy and we do not have belts in the styles I practice, but I equate white belt with Beginners mind and that is most important.
The next belt is the most important one. This represents a tangible, attainable goal in everyone's training, whether you're white belt or 4th dan. The next belt is your most important one as it (or the requirements embodied by it) are what you strive for and what helps keep you motivated to continue your training.
I agree that getting through the white belt is the most important one cause it sets you on your path.

I also have heard that the belt I'm in now Blue Stripe, it's the halfway point to the black, is also a major one. It's got the most moves and once you get through it you can basically see the light at the end of the tunnel.
On a similar note as Nomad, but I think he is looking the wrong way.

I think, perhaps, the last belt I earned is the most important. It represents the attainment of a short term goal.

I have not yet reached my next short term goal, which is where I part from Nomad's thought. Therefore, while the goal is important, I have not yet reached the belt.

Of course, the sequential series of short term goals will bring us to our long term goal ... which for me, is to get back to the White Belt.

(of course, every time I stand before Mr. Planas, I feel like I am getting further away from that white belt).
michaeledward said:
On a similar note as Nomad, but I think he is looking the wrong way.

I think, perhaps, the last belt I earned is the most important. It represents the attainment of a short term goal.

I have not yet reached my next short term goal, which is where I part from Nomad's thought. Therefore, while the goal is important, I have not yet reached the belt.

Of course, the sequential series of short term goals will bring us to our long term goal ... which for me, is to get back to the White Belt.

(of course, every time I stand before Mr. Planas, I feel like I am getting further away from that white belt).

I think I see what you're saying, but my motivator is to bring myself to the next level, in terms of technique, maturity, etc. Therefore the next belt is more important than the one I have on... I have already attained that goal, and am attempting to move forward from that point.

Besides, the next belt for me is BLACK. Which will finish off my collection (of actual physical belts) nicely :ultracool
Nomad said:
I think I see what you're saying, but my motivator is to bring myself to the next level, in terms of technique, maturity, etc. Therefore the next belt is more important than the one I have on... I have already attained that goal, and am attempting to move forward from that point.

I think that the most important belt is going to vary by person - it could be your current rank, the rank you're aiming for, a rank at which you felt you did exceptionally, a rank which has a special meaning - for example, when I reached III Dan, I realized that I was the same rank my instructor was when I started as a white belt, which was very meaningful (and somewhat shocking) to me.

Nomad said:
Besides, the next belt for me is BLACK. Which will finish off my collection (of actual physical belts) nicely :ultracool

For you, perhaps; for me, my instructor has presented me with a new belt at each level of black belt... although I had to fold the I Dan belt over so the name doesn't show, due to returning to my maiden name after a divorce.
id have to go with white, it takes guts to start and its when you learn the foundation of hte art...with out a solid foundation nothing can stand strong