90% of fights go to the ground...

I've been hearing that for a really, really long time. And, I admit, on the surface, it sounds good. However, you seem to assume that an attacker who has already dragged you to the ground can't poke eyes, etc. too. Whenever I hear these arguments, it's as if the person presenting them believes eye pokes (EMFG) and groin grabs are some sort of Ancient Chinese Secret that no one but they know about.

My point was that there are no rules in a street fight. One does what they need to survive. Any fight has way to many variables to control. I agree with all your points.

I never said their was a holy grail to self-defense, just that there are no rules.
Good story and solid point. People that start fights never seem to consider the consequences. The human body is a fragile thing. Some injuries never quite mend right again.

Just about every Martial Artist I've ever met from any discipline has treated others with courtesy and has tried very hard to avoid conflict.
Sorry my last post was screwed up by autocorrect. I believe you missed the point of his point.
remember if you fight you may DIE! that is always the first rule, the only other rule in a fight is : Do what ever you have to do to survive! after that well if it was not that serious what are you doing fighting?

if it hits the ground get off the ground fast! if you can talk your way out do, if you can walk away or run away do.. if you have to fight, end it fast before your injured, crippled, or killed!