9-11 Truthers: Talk about it here

Right, and regaurdless of whether we believe this as the gospel truth or as made of false evidence. Im not 100% convinced that either story were getting from either side is truth to be honest... Im sure the answer lies somewhere in between the two.

I watched a little of this video last night before I ended up falling asleep and what I did recognize was that this version as compared to the first video I watched from them, the "tone" had kinda changed a little within reason.

They pretty much kept to the point in the first video which is probably a "rough draft" perhaps but they pretty much tried to dispute the fact that it was all terrorist blamed. As I wached thru maybe 1/2 of this video they kept to the same guideline as it may be, however, what i noticed this time is they left the option of believing up to the viewer....

TWIN FIST I never-ever said what you were saying was not right, nor was wrong. I just threw some extra "screws" in the mix since this topic is of 9/11.

I firmly stand behind my last post on this WAR though. I do not believe we need to be there anymore. It's a lost cause and it's a war that needs to end ASAP! REGAURDLESS of the truth behind 9/11 there is a bigger a much larger issue that is going on here within our own country. Our own govt.

I am also not convinced that what I have read, and or heard of this New World Order and the bigger agenda of tieing together the 4 corners of the globe together in the : NAU, EU, AFU, and the ASU.

Revelation 7

1And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.

There is defenitly something going to happen soon. I believe this firmly. Im not 100% sure and as of when, but it will be within the next several years.

There are so many conspiracy theories, I do not claim to buy into any of them.. Since the past 100 yrs man has always tried to break the code of the Holy Bible and dictate when the end of times will be.

SIGNS is all we have to watch and see. WE NEED TO RECOGNIZE and know Jesus. He is gonna be our only savior in the end. I've no room to talk because I have alot of mixed feelings about alot of this too. But one thing is for sure, if an when the Police State and Martial Law become implemented and they start to take away my 2nd amendment right to bear arms. I will then realize its getting one step closer.... Im preparing now and not waiting till the final moment like many will. I'M AWAKE and taking a larger look at the LARGE picture here.

Whether or not 9/11 is a hoax, or was an actual act of terrorism and kick in our "Nuts" then it' time we stop letting our GOVT try to continue making these laws that they think will protect us, when in fact they are hurting us.

They are striping us of our rights and our freedoms each and every day and I for one am sick of it....

This is off topic, but i will beg the boards pardon.

The war is hardly a lost cause. The surge WORKED

violence is down, public opinion of the us military is up, and the iraqi's are actually doing a lot more of it on thier own.

that being said, questioning things is good, as long as you listen to the answers you get......

Again, we went over, we have IRAQ in order.. Why must we continue to be over there? How long do they think we need to stay over there in this conflict? IF we pulled out today, they will fall right back into the same unorganized country they were. So what do we just stay over there and babysit them? Continue to use up all their resources and buy their oil? I personaly think we should just have done like the old way.. Went over kicked their buts and just took the country over and let that be that... Why must we continue to send our young and seasoned vets over there over and over, tour after tour to do what? Buy OIL? It has been said that there are enough oil reserves in Alaska and in the US.

Again there is a larger agenda behind this whole thing..


If the truth lies behind the NWO then were gonna end up with a large rude awakening...WMD, HAARP, RFID VERICHIPS, REAL ID CARDS, POLICE STATE, MARTIAL LAW, SENSELESS KILLINGS, POPULATION CONTROL

we are estimated at 7billion people on this planet. With China having nearly 3 to 4 billion of the 7. Have you researched HAARP? what its capable of? Again whether or not its true, if they can change our weather patterns to cause hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and all this flooding etc.... Then im concerned this is just the beginning of the end.

Look at whats going on right now in IOWA, police going into people homes and making them leave their homes, so they can seize thier weapons..

And violence is no more down now then it was 10 yrs ago. In fact its staying pretty steady... I dont' know but there just is things to consider outside of 9/11. To me that was just the evnt to set all the rest of the events in order.
This is off topic, but i will beg the boards pardon.

The war is hardly a lost cause. The surge WORKED

violence is down, public opinion of the us military is up, and the iraqi's are actually doing a lot more of it on thier own.

that being said, questioning things is good, as long as you listen to the answers you get......

I disagree with you about whether the surge worked but thank goodness I can understand the argument here!

kailat, all countries are basically disorganised when it comes down to it, it's what keeps us free and sane! You can only push the people so far and then they say enough is enough.
Before the last war we had Black Shirts in England ranting and raving about how Hitler was right etc, the British public tolerated it for so long as we believe in free speech but then when the Black Shirts crossed the line spouting their anti Semitism and showing their true colours they were shown that they weren't welcome here. More than 300,000 people turned up for the Battle of Cable Street.

We could have gone the way of Germany in 1936 or we could have gone the way of Russia in 1917, we don't because the British people aren't stupid, aren't sheep and will do what's necessary when necessary. I have no reason to believe the American people will do any less. Have a little faith in your people.
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*waits for UNK to chime in*

I'm a little late here and actually on my way to bed. Jet lagged. First of all, I don't believe the official version of the 9-11 story. Too many inconsistencies. I don't pretend to be able to tell you what actually happened.

Secondly, I don't think we'll ever know what really happened because a myth has been created and disseminated and all of the evidence that one would need to re-investigate has been destroyed.

Thirdly, 9-11 truthers are deluded. If I really believed that My Country was so callous that they would kill me and my family for the oligarchy's whims, then I would try my darndest to get the hell out. Further, a government that could actually do this, cover it up and create a myth that convinces most people to toe the line is not a government that is ever going to be influenced by democracy.

I don't respect these guys who go around talking about this stuff without ever taking the time to really think about what they are saying.

In the end, this atrocity will be erased by the monstrosity of time and it won't matter who did what. Maybe the myth turns into legend or may it is forgotten...just like so many other things that shouldn't have been forgotten...
Not sure if anyone has thrown this page up there yet, but I figured I would. Let me tell you, the guy who writes these things is certainly not my hero. I don't use him has any form of evidence towards anything. I'm just putting this out there because it pertains to the topic.

If you're offended by some swearing, don't visit the site. But I think we can all handle it.



I'm also going to throw up a few more sites that he links to on that page, just in case.


Do I think there's a 9/11 conspiracy? I think there's enough information about the terrorist attack that the common U.S. citizen doesn't know about, but I think that general "hide the truth" applies to most situations involving government action.

Do I think what hit the Pentagon was a missile instead of a plane? No.

I don't think the "9/11 Director" or whoever he'd be called would take a look at a missile and say, "Well, it KIND of looks like a plane. Just make sure it's going really fast so people don't notice it's missing one of the most prominent parts of any aircraft: the WINGS."

I say this because apparently some "eye witness" reports indicate the lack of wings on the aircraft that struck the Pentagon.

Honestly, the government's been keeping secrets from the American people for a VERY long time. I'm sure they could execute some master plan like this with the greatest finesse.

Bottom line, I think there's a fair amount we don't know about this terrorist attack. But I'm not questioning that it was anything other than that.
Gee, none of the terrorists were named O'Herlihy or O'Doole, or Schmidt, or Jones. None of them were Protestant, Catholic or Jew or Buddhist, etc.

They were radical (fanatical) Muslims of Arab decent.

That's enough for me.
This topic has been beaten to death in this forum. The only thing that I'm going to say is this...

How can anyone say that they know this or that about 911? The information has passed through people's hands and has been spun to fit their agendas AND so much will never be discovered, or told, or investigated because it doesn't fit certain agendas. We'll never know the truth and I don't trust the government to tell it to me. If you do beleive the official line, fine, but I think it refelts more of the individuals willingness to beleive the official line rather then any objective look at "evidence."

Because, lets face it, no one here has seen any real evidence whatsoever. We just repeat what other people say.
I want to go back to little grass shack
In Kealakekua, Hawai`i
I want to be with all the kanes and wahines
That I used to know long ago

I can hear the old guitars playing
On the beach at Hônaunau
I can hear the old Hawaiians saying
Komo mai no kâua i ka hale welakahao

It won't be long till my ship will be sailing
Back to Kona
A grand old place
That's always fair to see, you're telling me

I'm just a little Hawaiian
A homesick island boy
I want to go back to my fish and poi

I want to go back to my little grass shack
In Kealakekua, Hawai`i
Where the humuhumunukunukuâpua`a
Go swimming by
Seen here.

Federal report refutes 9/11 conspiracy theory

Investigators say fire — not explosives — brought down nearby skyscraper

GAITHERSBURG, Md. - Federal investigators issued a report Thursday concluding that fires brought down a skyscraper next to New YorkÂ’s twin towers on Sept. 11, refuting conspiracy theorists who have long believed that explosives somehow caused the collapse.
Scientists with the National Institute of Standards and Technology say their three-year investigation of the collapse of the 47-story World Trade Center 7 was the first known instance of fire causing the total failure of a skyscraper.
The investigators also concluded that the collapse of the nearby towers broke the city water main, leaving the sprinkler system in the bottom half of the building without water.

You can see the federal report here, in PDF form.