Senior Master
I still vividly recall the occurances of 9/11, watching it on the news, listening to the talking heads...
I always enjoyed going out to lunch with one of my best friends. we were diametrically opposed on everything political. never saw eye to eye on anything. I was incredibly conservative and he incredibly liberal. Shortly after 9/11, he had a change of heart. He signed up for the Army a few days later. His political views have changed quite dramatically too. We see eye to eye on almost all topics now (of course a few still remain). so, for him, 9/11 was quite a dramatic life changing event.
For myself, I've not been changed too much. My political views have not changed very much and I personally did not know anyone directly involved.
How about you? Have your views on things? Become more liberal, more conservative? How was your life affected in other ways?
I always enjoyed going out to lunch with one of my best friends. we were diametrically opposed on everything political. never saw eye to eye on anything. I was incredibly conservative and he incredibly liberal. Shortly after 9/11, he had a change of heart. He signed up for the Army a few days later. His political views have changed quite dramatically too. We see eye to eye on almost all topics now (of course a few still remain). so, for him, 9/11 was quite a dramatic life changing event.
For myself, I've not been changed too much. My political views have not changed very much and I personally did not know anyone directly involved.
How about you? Have your views on things? Become more liberal, more conservative? How was your life affected in other ways?