So...let me see if I've got the players ranks/etc straight:
Tim Hartman - 6th under Remy, 7th under WMAA both modern arnis
Dan Anderson - 6th under Remy Presas modern arnis, 8th MA80
Kelly Worden - 6th under Remy Presas, 7th from Presas Family ?? both modern arnis
Dieter Knüttel - 6th under Remy Presas, 7th under PI masters.
So, how is Dans 8th in MA80 different from his 6th in Modern Arnis, or his 7thin Karate?
Or is Dan saying that his 8th in MA80 is a promotion from his 6th in MA?
Is the problem that Dan asked?
I don't know if Dieter did, but I don't believe Tim or Kelly did.
Are all of the seniors supposed to freeze where they were?
I've seen argument that Tim was wrong cuz his juniors pushed for the bump. Seems thats common in other arts though. Kenpo comes to mind.
I've seen the argument that Dan was wrong because he asked.
I've heard of systems where you don't test until you ask.
Course, the argument here can also be made that out of these 4 seniors, only Dieter actually tested for 7th. Dan skipped straight to 8th without a test. Tim tested for his 6th, but did any of the other 6ths actually test?
You see, depending on how you look at it, we can argue all sides. I don't think we will actually find a resolution though.
Someone will always find issue.
Then again, maybe the real answer is a simple one.
Each did what was right for them and their respective paths.
Tim Hartman - 6th under Remy, 7th under WMAA both modern arnis
Dan Anderson - 6th under Remy Presas modern arnis, 8th MA80
Kelly Worden - 6th under Remy Presas, 7th from Presas Family ?? both modern arnis
Dieter Knüttel - 6th under Remy Presas, 7th under PI masters.
So, how is Dans 8th in MA80 different from his 6th in Modern Arnis, or his 7thin Karate?
Or is Dan saying that his 8th in MA80 is a promotion from his 6th in MA?
Is the problem that Dan asked?
I don't know if Dieter did, but I don't believe Tim or Kelly did.
Are all of the seniors supposed to freeze where they were?
I've seen argument that Tim was wrong cuz his juniors pushed for the bump. Seems thats common in other arts though. Kenpo comes to mind.
I've seen the argument that Dan was wrong because he asked.
I've heard of systems where you don't test until you ask.
Course, the argument here can also be made that out of these 4 seniors, only Dieter actually tested for 7th. Dan skipped straight to 8th without a test. Tim tested for his 6th, but did any of the other 6ths actually test?
You see, depending on how you look at it, we can argue all sides. I don't think we will actually find a resolution though.
Someone will always find issue.
Then again, maybe the real answer is a simple one.
Each did what was right for them and their respective paths.