Yuk Ro Hyung

I never fight in a front stance, but in SD scenarios there are many times where I have control of the person and my feet are in a psuedo-front stance and my hips are forward. I'm pretty comfortable and the other person isn't.

Forms =! Fighting
Forms = Self-defense combinations

There is a great application for low cross-blocks in front stance The 4th sequence in Pyung Ahn O Dan, where you have the person controlled via their neck/collar and are knocking them out with a cross punch. WIth the hip turned in and the attacker off balance it is a very strong application.

I agree. I wasn't saying that a front stance is not applicable to learn. Indeed, I train in front stance very often. I'm just not a fan of the deep front stance in forms or self-defense training. I solely use the deep front stance for stretching and strengthening my legs.
Hrm...the kinda things that made me wish the ITF did those forms. Cool stuff.

I don't see whats stopping you from learning these hyung. Just because someone tells you cant learn them is bull. Tell me if I'm wrong but isn't one of the things you learn in the martial arts is to always grow and learn different things. thats why my Sbom nim is so sick of these organizations telling him he can't do this or do that thats why he left so he could better himself and his students. And believe me he has!!!!!
We are currently learning the bunkai to the tradidtional cannon of hyungs as well as the chil sung and yuk-ro hyung and believe me a lot of the moves are very devestating to your opp.
I don't see whats stopping you from learning these hyung. Just because someone tells you cant learn them is bull. Tell me if I'm wrong but isn't one of the things you learn in the martial arts is to always grow and learn different things. thats why my Sbom nim is so sick of these organizations telling him he can't do this or do that thats why he left so he could better himself and his students. And believe me he has!!!!!

While I agree with you, not doing the hyung is a political and "liability" issue. It is one of those things that the heads of the organization probably don't like saying or doing, but have no choice.

The US SBD Fed is pretty adamant about the protection of the intellectual property of the Hwang Family. While the hyung themselves aren't really protected in any way, there have been a great deal of lawsuits regarding the use of names, logos, etc. I have heard from some that the denial of the use of those hyung is an action to save them a lot of headaches and problems.
The other thing to keep in mind is that these hyungs are changing. When I learned them in 97-99, they were taught a particular way and were being performed with a different focus on various moves. I learned them right from the source as my teacher's teacher was/is the regional examiner for the USSBDMDK Federation. Years later, when comparing notes and movements it looked like we weren't even doing the same hyung anymore.

On top of this, if you look at old published material of these hyungs, in some cases, new material has made this obsolete. I've got an old version of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Volume II where the Hwa Sun shown is not the Hwa Sun practiced now. There are similarities, but they look like different hyung. At some point, the hyung was rearranged and altered.

That said, if you aren't in the Federation, you aren't really going to know what you are practicing. You won't really be able to keep up with the changes and to tell the truth, why would you want to? It would seem to me like it was more trouble then it was worth.
I don't see whats stopping you from learning these hyung. Just because someone tells you cant learn them is bull. Tell me if I'm wrong but isn't one of the things you learn in the martial arts is to always grow and learn different things. thats why my Sbom nim is so sick of these organizations telling him he can't do this or do that thats why he left so he could better himself and his students. And believe me he has!!!!!


I learn from my sabomnim.
I do practice on my own, naturally, and you all are very helpful...but I learn hyung when my sa bom nim teaches them to me... I've tried using a book, and it's just not the same. Plus, it's just a matter of respect. I'm not the master.

As to hyung not in the ITF curriculum...they're interesting, and yeah the cool factor does make them appealing, but I've found that the curriculum I'm learning is more than sufficient. Skill isn't a matter of how many forms you know.
I'm also a member of the International Tang Soo Do Federation and in adding to what MBuzzy and JT said, we just recently had to change our federation logo to avoid any infringement on the intellectual property of the USSBDMDK federation. Also, the Tang Soo Do that we learn is that of Choong Jae Nim Chun Sik Kim. It's the same Tang Soo Do that he has been training in since he was 9 or 10 years old and that Tang Soo Do did not have the Yuk Ro or Chil Sung Hyungs. And while Choong Jae Nim had his reasons for splitting with the USSBDMDK federation of which he was once Chairman and a Charter Member he still has the utmost respect for Great Grand Master Kwang Jae Nim Hwang Kee. I was just at a seminar yesterday where Choong Jae Nim was passing along teachings that he learned directly from Great Grandmaster Hwang Kee. It was truly awe inspiring. However, though, like JT I have an interest in the Tang Soo Do that others speak of (I own SBD vol 1&2, SBD white, orange, green , and red gup manuals, Hwa Rang Tang Soo Do Federation manuals vol 1&2) I will keep with what my school teaches out of Respect for the Tang Soo Do of Choong Jae Nim, that I hope to one day pass along to my own students. For me the International Tang Soo Do Federation is more than just a political organization that certifies my rank, It is my martial arts family. If I go to train in another ITF school, I am welcomed and even honored as a guest in the training hall. I have had the opportunity to train with Master Kim and It is an honor that he knows at which school I train and who my Sa Bom Nim is. I'm not saying that other organizations don't have that, but to me, it is more important than the forms curriculum. Sorry that my rant went way off topic but I've read so many things on a number of martial arts forums that just denigrate martial arts federations, that I wanted to say something positive about the federation to which I belong.
@fuzbuckle: I was wondering why they changed the logo...figured it might be something like that. All I heard was that we were changing logos.
This form is also known as Choong Jul.... if memory serves it means "Cutting through the center". In SBD curriculum it is a Cho Dan form.

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