I'm also a member of the International Tang Soo Do Federation and in adding to what MBuzzy and JT said, we just recently had to change our federation logo to avoid any infringement on the intellectual property of the USSBDMDK federation. Also, the Tang Soo Do that we learn is that of Choong Jae Nim Chun Sik Kim. It's the same Tang Soo Do that he has been training in since he was 9 or 10 years old and that Tang Soo Do did not have the Yuk Ro or Chil Sung Hyungs. And while Choong Jae Nim had his reasons for splitting with the USSBDMDK federation of which he was once Chairman and a Charter Member he still has the utmost respect for Great Grand Master Kwang Jae Nim Hwang Kee. I was just at a seminar yesterday where Choong Jae Nim was passing along teachings that he learned directly from Great Grandmaster Hwang Kee. It was truly awe inspiring. However, though, like JT I have an interest in the Tang Soo Do that others speak of (I own SBD vol 1&2, SBD white, orange, green , and red gup manuals, Hwa Rang Tang Soo Do Federation manuals vol 1&2) I will keep with what my school teaches out of Respect for the Tang Soo Do of Choong Jae Nim, that I hope to one day pass along to my own students. For me the International Tang Soo Do Federation is more than just a political organization that certifies my rank, It is my martial arts family. If I go to train in another ITF school, I am welcomed and even honored as a guest in the training hall. I have had the opportunity to train with Master Kim and It is an honor that he knows at which school I train and who my Sa Bom Nim is. I'm not saying that other organizations don't have that, but to me, it is more important than the forms curriculum. Sorry that my rant went way off topic but I've read so many things on a number of martial arts forums that just denigrate martial arts federations, that I wanted to say something positive about the federation to which I belong.