This is what's really sad about Tang Soo Do & Soo Bahk Do Associations they don't want to share knowledge with anybody but their own group, what every happen to sharing technique, hyungs, self-defense skills and other thing of this nature, is everybody that self centered about something so miner than sharing Hyungs with each other regardless which group we belong to. GM Ferraro, trained with GM H.C. Hwang, and the Chil Sung, Yuk Rho hyungs that are part of the Tang Soo Do Mi Guk Kwan are pretty much up to date, and if there are some differences than that just makes my point, change what already been made so it becomes a big secert, that only students of that group can get or learn, it's a sad day when martial artist of the same style can't share because of the group they belong to.
Ken Barrett