Your personal weakness

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Impatience (sp?). I'm very patince with others, but with myself I feel I'm "moving" tooooooo slow.

Originally posted by karatekid1975
I have balance, coordination, flexibility, technique, and power. But my speed sucks. Any advice?

I'm not Dan, but I'll jump in.
It could be your power. If the strenght is gained from body building it might be working against you. Or your strong but can't totally relax when stricking.

Im real Tuff in the ring i spar hard four times a week
I've broken my ribs toes & leg

I fight with all my heart
But when the wife starts yelling i start hiding lol
it's all good tho
My personal weaknesses? I don't like to dwell on 'em, but my endurance needs work (too much instructing, not enough training... stupid Cliarlaoch), and a few injuries tend to keep me from doing all I want to do sometimes, but that's not anything major.

On another note, I need to get more stuff into my style. I'm good at TKD, but I need to start expanding my skills. That's why I'm always hunting around for other techniques to incorporate into my own style.

I have balance, coordination, flexibility, technique, and power. But my speed sucks. Any advice? [/B]


1. Slow motion kicks to develop independant strength. Ensure that you are throwing the kick with your leg only and not having to "jerk your body" to aid in the kick.

2. Relax when you throw the kick. Go for lightness of it rahter than the power.

3. Put on heavyweight karate gi pants and try to make the gi pants pop when you kick. When you do you are kicking sharply.

As you progress you will notice you are kicking more speedily. Then if you are having trouble with your kicks landing, your timing, positioning or your set up of your opponent are off.

Can't help you there, friend. We suffer from the same weakness. Actually, I suffer from weakness to the 4 basic food groups: chocolate, coffee, garlic and beer.

Well I've got lots of work to do on everything, but what really lags behind for me is my left leg, its got no kicking power, tequnique or speed. I know ive just gota work it more, but i dun like too, lol. And i have to get my endurance back up there, it has fallen some.
Originally posted by Deathtrap101
Well I've got lots of work to do on everything, but what really lags behind for me is my left leg, its got no kicking power, tequnique or speed. I know ive just gota work it more, but i dun like too, lol. And i have to get my endurance back up there, it has fallen some.

Deathtrap 101 (May I call you Death?),
Video tape you kicking on the right side. Ensure you watch for positioning of your base foot and your upper body. You might be doing something different on your opposite side. That is a common fault when trying to kick on your less coordinated side. Ensure you create the same position on the opposite side. This will help.

Dan Anderson

PS - You know, I do seminars on this kind of thing all the time. How's that for a shameless plug?
Sorry this is gonna come out stupid however I say it....But Dan, who actually are you? Cuz you come across as someone of importance and knowledge or something and you said something bout books but I have never heard of to fill me in? :confused:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Sorry this is gonna come out stupid however I say it....But Dan, who actually are you? Cuz you come across as someone of importance and knowledge or something and you said something bout books but I have never heard of to fill me in? :confused:

I would like to second the above question. I also don't want to sound like a goof here but being in the cornfields of ohio with not much interaction with a lot of people I'd like to hear any part of your history if you care to share. By the way I believe I looked at your profile a couple of weeks ago and also tonight & wondered if there was a congratulations involved because I think you got a promotion somewhere recently unless I'm thinking of someone else. Also enjoyed your explanation on the kicking drills to karatekid. Thanks.
Hi Gents,
I am Dan Anderson. I competed in the American point karate scene heavily from 1970-1985. I was a nationally rated top ten player from 1976-1980. I just last November won my age division in the Funakoshi Shotokan World Championships. I worte the first comprehensive book on karate sparring, American Freestyle Karate: A Guide To Sparring. My old nickname was "Super Dan." Ask anyone from that era and they'll remember me. There is more of my history at my website

Dan Anderson
Awesome, and thanks for the info. It's really cool to have someone of such knowledge and skill hanging out with the rest of us. (of course I'm speaking of me only, I don't want to offend anyone here.)
Yari wrote

<I'm not Dan, but I'll jump in.
It could be your power. If the strenght is gained from body building it might be working against you. Or your strong but can't totally relax when stricking.>

I don't body build. So it might be the second thing.

Dan wrote:

<2. Relax when you throw the kick. Go for lightness of it rahter than the power.>

I'll try this one. I may be to tense when I kick. I never noticed before, but it could be the problem.

<3. Put on heavyweight karate gi pants and try to make the gi pants pop when you kick. When you do you are kicking sharply.>

I make the TKD light weight one "pop." Well, it's more of a "snap" sound, because of the light weight material LOL. Ok, bad humor. Sorry.

<As you progress you will notice you are kicking more speedily. Then if you are having trouble with your kicks landing, your timing, positioning or your set up of your opponent are off.>

I think my timing is off. I'm getting better at "faking" my opponents out to land a technique, but I think I hesitate (sp?) too much.

Thanks, Dan. I'll try these things.
Originally posted by MartialArtist
My weakness is that I don't want to fight in a linear fashion. I like to move in circles, use footwork, etc. to set up my attacks better while defending.

dude, that's not a weakness...that's an advantage. angles are the way to get to someone who's faster/better than you are (I'm not disparaging your skill or speed). attacking in a straight line is pretty much using tunnel vision, not getting the whole picture or attacking open targets from a different vantage point. weakness, indeed...bah.

me, myself, my weakness is my left side...I tend to favor my right. ever since I sprained my left foot about two years ago, it was out of play for about four months and boy did that suck. my right leg/hand gained in speed, strength, and accuracy while my left lagged behind, so now I'm playing catch-up. probably the only thing TKD taught me was balance and control with my feet. and my current instructor agrees with that, because when I crossed over my hands were terrible. I had better eye/foot coordination than I did hand/eye coordination...I had no clue what to do with them besides blocking. :D
Originally posted by karatekid1975
I have balance, coordination, flexibility, technique, and power. But my speed sucks. Any advice?

remember, raw power will only slow you down. speed+technique=power. the better you chamber your kick, the more smoothly it's executed, and the more speed you add, it will become more powerful. like Dan said, try doing some isometric leg workouts. get in a right/left foot forward fighting stance and do front kicks very slowly...count to 10 or 15 and tense the muscles. start at one when you begin to chamber and end at 10 or 15 when you replant. ten reps on each side and you'll feel some burn.
I have alot of weaknesses.

1: I like kicking alot, this means I stay outside and keep people out with thrusts so I have developed a total lack of footwork.

2: no crosses. I can't fire a cross from either side unless I hit them hard enough with a lead to turn their head.

3: move back rather than to the side. I seem to like the rocker step to much.. it works but it tends to lead into me walking backwards. I have been working on this and I'm getting better.

4: bad head movement. I rarely escape a punch by weaving or bobing, I always get out by a block or interception, sometimes slips work on jabs but genneraly not on combinations

5: the bigest one though is a lack of feal for fighting.. I don't know how else to explain it, I guess you caould say I'm never in "the zone". When I do something like play soccer I don't realy think about it. It's like one half of my brain handals tactical desisions and controls body movement and the other handels strategic desisions, everything just falls into place, there is no desision time, it just happens.. In soccer I think "oh there's an opening there" and by the time I'm thinking "there's" I have passed the ball. In Sparring I think "oh there's an opening there" and because my arms and legs don't take off untill around "there" I get hit around "an".

that and I suck at grappling.. but if I could get better footwork, crosses, head movement, latteral movement, and feal I would be alot better :-p

basicly if I wan't such a dang newbie.
Originally posted by Chronuss
dude, that's not a weakness...that's an advantage. angles are the way to get to someone who's faster/better than you are (I'm not disparaging your skill or speed). attacking in a straight line is pretty much using tunnel vision, not getting the whole picture or attacking open targets from a different vantage point. weakness, indeed...bah.

me, myself, my weakness is my left side...I tend to favor my right. ever since I sprained my left foot about two years ago, it was out of play for about four months and boy did that suck. my right leg/hand gained in speed, strength, and accuracy while my left lagged behind, so now I'm playing catch-up. probably the only thing TKD taught me was balance and control with my feet. and my current instructor agrees with that, because when I crossed over my hands were terrible. I had better eye/foot coordination than I did hand/eye coordination...I had no clue what to do with them besides blocking. :D
My weakness is that I don't like fighting in a linear fashion. So if the situation calls for me to do so, I wouldn't like it. For instance, in a hallway.

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