I, for one, haven't challenged him. I'm not sure anyone else has, either.
I offered him the chance to come and hang out with our training group, to participate, to see how a TMA group trains and practices. All of this for no other reason than to allow him the first hand opportunity to gain information he has yet to acquire from any other source than folks in his school, his teacher, and others that hold the same preconceptions he holds.
I thought that MMA was a load of manure until I met the guy that taught me Modern Arnis. After talking with him, learning what he was about, what he thought about training (which, to my surprise, was far closer to TMA party line than I would have thought possible), and what he was able to do, I gained a new found respect for MMA in general - as long as it is approached correctly.
Judo-kid is just that - a kid. I wouldn't challenge a child. Hell, I won't challenge an adult (for ethical, moral, and legal reasons) either. I just wanted to have a friendly exchance of information, from a senior student to a junior student. Mutual information exchange, mutual benefit. Then Judo-kid got a little big for his britches. Whatever.
I doubted he would come in the first place, and his comments and behavior lately have reinforced my belief that he never had any intention to do so. I think it goes a long way toward shedding light on his real intentions. If he was all about training, no matter the source, then he would have taken the opportunity. The offer is still there (for anyone that wants to take it - we won't turn anyone away) for what it is worth. But he seems to think that I am the one with a need to prove myself.
Again, whatever.
Today is my victory over my self of yesterday. Tomorrow is my victory over lesser men (because I have endured and lasted another day). That is the challenge I take up, not whether I can beat a given person on a given day...