2nd Black Belt
Originally posted by sweeper
I have alot of weaknesses.
1: I like kicking alot, this means I stay outside and keep people out with thrusts so I have developed a total lack of footwork.
2: no crosses. I can't fire a cross from either side unless I hit them hard enough with a lead to turn their head.
3: move back rather than to the side. I seem to like the rocker step to much.. it works but it tends to lead into me walking backwards. I have been working on this and I'm getting better.
4: bad head movement. I rarely escape a punch by weaving or bobing, I always get out by a block or interception, sometimes slips work on jabs but genneraly not on combinations
5: the bigest one though is a lack of feal for fighting.. I don't know how else to explain it, I guess you caould say I'm never in "the zone". When I do something like play soccer I don't realy think about it. It's like one half of my brain handals tactical desisions and controls body movement and the other handels strategic desisions, everything just falls into place, there is no desision time, it just happens.. In soccer I think "oh there's an opening there" and by the time I'm thinking "there's" I have passed the ball. In Sparring I think "oh there's an opening there" and because my arms and legs don't take off untill around "there" I get hit around "an".
that and I suck at grappling.. but if I could get better footwork, crosses, head movement, latteral movement, and feal I would be alot better
basicly if I wan't such a dang newbie.
I second...all of these. I'm really good at blocking with my face. My feet don't move during sparring, and I keep forgetting my head can move independantly of my shoulders, and there are more then two axis's of motion. I fall really well though