Your Most Feared Opponent

Compared the imminent rise of sunken R'lyeh and the return of Great Cthulhu and the Old Ones what merely human martial artist could be frightening?
not to sound like a broken record, but i don't fear any particular art.

what i do fear is an opponent (not even necessarily a trained opponent) who is absolutely dedicated to ending me, to the point that he'll accept serious injury or even death to get it done.

that dude is far scarier than your most brutal mma bruiser or subtle ninjutsu practitioner.

Here, here!! I 2nd those comments!!!:ultracool
My most feared opponent?

Neo-Nazi skinheads. Really. They're not usually skilled fighters, but anyone who's bought entirely into such a perverse worldview -- and is willing to commit violence in its name -- is terrifying to me.

And even if you take out the one that comes after you, hope he doesn't have your name or a picture (and with camera phones these days. . .). A friend of a friend had to uproot and move across the country because he messed up a skin in a brawl. A few weeks later he found his face and information on a Nazi website, labelled as "Kill on Sight."

It's not an empty threat, and if they can't find you, they'll find your family.

And considering how deeply entrenched Neo-Nazi gangs are in our prison system, you'd better be damned sure you have a good lawyer and a solid case if you DO take one out.

I don't care how tough any individual is -- a network of violent people with a genocidal bent is far more terrifying.
That is why this race-mixing Jew and his Muslim mixed-breed Afro-Asian wife are very, very glad they practice Pencak Silat and live in a state with very reasonable concealed carry laws. Anyone with a felony record who wants us dead on general principles because of accidents of birth must be considered dangerous.
The calm, non emotional opponet who is well focused but still aware of what is going on around him.
My most feared opponent is.................MYSELF!

With all the pentup frustrations and disappointments that life freely hands out, along with those that just like to screw folks over, I'm affraid of what I'll do if something or someone would really push my button. We all have our breaking points and it's just scary to think what you could/would do if your training were really let lose. :btg:
A Silat artist. Although anybody above my self in rank and experience can be daunting. If you know before hand who and what they are would be scarier than to find out afterwards, after you wake up, if you do. We had a recent special guest at our dojo a Mr. Thomas Lomax. What he didn't show us scared me.
My most feared opponent?

Neo-Nazi skinheads. Really. They're not usually skilled fighters, but anyone who's bought entirely into such a perverse worldview -- and is willing to commit violence in its name -- is terrifying to me.

And even if you take out the one that comes after you, hope he doesn't have your name or a picture (and with camera phones these days. . .). A friend of a friend had to uproot and move across the country because he messed up a skin in a brawl. A few weeks later he found his face and information on a Nazi website, labelled as "Kill on Sight."

It's not an empty threat, and if they can't find you, they'll find your family.

And considering how deeply entrenched Neo-Nazi gangs are in our prison system, you'd better be damned sure you have a good lawyer and a solid case if you DO take one out.

I don't care how tough any individual is -- a network of violent people with a genocidal bent is far more terrifying.

i got done reading that neo-nazi thing, and agreed with you out right. period. bunch of freaks... (rambles to self about WWII and death camps)
I was going to settle for saying something trite and witty like "Me, because I know what I'm going to do" but others have had far more insightful things to type.

I think I agree most with those that have made mention of the impacable foe who is prepared to accept any damage to get to you. That is an enemy I would fear to face as I would have to kill him to stop him and I have a philosophical objection to doing that (despite training in a sword art :)).
I would say me because I can defeat myself very easily with lack of confidence!
Braz-Jits for a name applied to any martial art that gets you to the ground, holds you there with no defense and pummels you helplessly or breaks bones (slowly? krik-krik-KRACK). I hate being on the recieving end of headbutts and elbows. Muay Thai gives me trouble too.
Sadistic-old-man style gets me every time.
Probably a very aggresive muay thai fighter who really wants to hurt you wouldn't be very nice. Muay Thai can be very bloody and mercyless.

Other than that Tibetan Lama Pai is very aggressive. The philosophy of this style is to make the first strike as devasting as possible as to retard your openent. Then just go to town on him striking mainly veins and arteries. Not much of it around anymore but those guys can really cave your face in. Master Lo Wei Keung is a bad ***.
I'll speak as an Amphibian here. It really depends on the style. Praying Mantis? Not a problem. 10,000 Golden Bees? Bring 'em on! Centipede? The more the merrier. But my Warty Canetoad Kung Fu is no match for White Crane. All I can do is rely on secret techniques like "Startled Frog Hops Quickly"
I prefer my [SIZE=-1]Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator! NO ONE ever suspects that! :roflmao:[/SIZE]

What, no comfy chair? NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!

I think i would have to agree with everyone here on their contributions... anyone better at any MA than me (about 99% of MA'ists), anyone who is serious about about killing me, mobs of thugs etc. To which i would also add my stupidity... most of the scary situations i've been in have come from me a) not paying enough attention to my surroundings, b) being cocky and c) not listening to my instincts.
With out a doubt a good MMA fighter.Someone like Fedor who no matter how hard you hit him, no matter how good a submission you have him in he will always seem to to gain control and pound you into the floor.

I cant imagine any worse feeling in the word to have someone get full mount on you and pound you you with elbows and punches.

Not cool at all.

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