You Know You've Been In the Martial Arts Too Long When...

When you refer to the constant bruising on forearms / shins as "Kenpo tattoos"

When your boss stays late, sneaks up behind you, and nearly winds up on the wrong end of a spinning back fist
when your friends wont play monopoly for the fear of you breaking the board.

when you practice kicking forms in the bath and wonder why the bathrooms flooded.

when you stand shouting obcenities at your wife first thing in the morning for not getting up to make your sandwiches for work and realise she is out cold due to all your punching and kicking in your sleep.

when your kids wont cry and complain in fear of a spinning back kick.

when you start to think romeo and juliet stars JET LI.
I know a certain young lady that practiced punches in the shower...and actually punched the shower door off!!

jjmcc said:
when you practice kicking forms in the bath and wonder why the bathrooms flooded.
When you finally go into that full split but you can't get up out of it.

When you practice your TKD form before yoga and everyone is looking at you strange.

When you throw bread, apples, magazines up in the air to test spin heel in the grocery store.

When you forget and wear your real pajamas to class.

When all the four year olds you trained are grown and in your BB class.

When you can't remember what you did with your belt. I did that this week. My 2nd dan double stripe, was left hanging in the changing room.
Sarah said:
3. Every time you handle a screwdriver or razor knife, etc., you just can't help changing grip from hammer to reverse to flip over to dagger grip etc. And your shop help is standing cautiously far, far away from you.
Guilty... But you have to include pens/pencils, water bottles (with the cap on), etc... :)
OUMoose said:
Guilty... But you have to include pens/pencils, water bottles (with the cap on), etc... :)

You do this, at the picnic as well as a front shoulder roll with your open pop can and do not spill a drop ;) :D

The hard part is doing it the third and forth times because people cannot believe you, and then watching the untrained try it :lol:
bignick said:
one time i came back to my dorm and took off my shoes and lined them up nice and neat outside the door and walked in...

also...very guilty of the bowing...or automatically answering yes sir/ma'am
Yeah, I get a lot of flack for sirring and ma'aming all over the place. "you're making me feel old".
And I always do stances in line at the grocery store. My wife yells at me for that... typically because my stance isn't low enough. :lol:
When in an application form it asks for your martial status and you write 2nd dan tae kwon do..
. . . you get caught in the ladies room at work trying to remember a kata (in a skirt and heels no less). :rolleyes:

. . . you've stacked some boxes in the store room just high enough to get a good stretch when you prop your foot on them (on casual Friday only).
When everything around you starts looking like a makiwara or a wooden dummy.

When you start asking yourself if you could take that guy over there, the one sacking your groceries.

When you start buying your jeans based on whether or not you can kick to the head with them on.
When you tell someone you are in martial Arts and they do either a "Hiyah" or a "wax on, wax off" and you want to elbow them in the jugular

When someone asks you what kind of stuff you and then asks, could you beat bruce lee/jet li/jackie chan etc. and you smile...
When you can't remember what it feels like not to hurt somewhere...

Walk the walk..
I got a funny look when I yes, ma'amed my Yoga instructor on Monday.
I suppose from everyone else. Just popped out. TW
:ultracool When sitting at a bus stop, you know exactly how every person will end up on the ground with at least two hemorrhaging organs and a broken limb IF they attack you as they walk by.

:ultracool When some guy starts to pick a fight with you at your favorite pub, everyone else backs up and gets silent. You hear one whisper "This is going to be funny!" Then the guy looses his nerve and walks away.


When someone threatens you in a public place and averyone around you laughs.

:ultracool If you have ever stopped being friends with someone when they encouraged a guy to pick a fight with you because they wanted to see you in action.

:ultracool When you hang out in your favorite chineese food place, the chef and at least four of the people sitting with you are instructors too.

:ultracool When you can have a three hour conversation with a Martial Artist who does not speak your language.

:ultracool When you can spot another Martial Artist by the way they walk, how long they have been training and what style.

:ultracool A friend of mine has been doing Kung Fu since she was a young child, her dad is one of the top Masters of her style. Her baby boy was less than an hour old when he tried to punch the doctor with a Fu Nan Choi fist.

:ultracool When you spend more than two hours a day surfing Martial Arts Forums and downloading MA video clips.
