You Know You've Been in the Martial Arts Too Long When you.........................

Shakespeare is rolling in his grave! LOL. but a poor player that struts and frets his hour across the is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, and signifying nothing. -Macbeth act V, Scene 5

This is what I tell myself when my boss is hollering at me (and he normally should be hollering at someone else, because usually I had absolutely nothing to do with whatever ticked him off)....thinking about this quote makes me smile....but its hard to keep a straight face, and that sometimes pisses him off more.
lol, i know i entered this school, its JKD School, they let us do something silly and Stupidity. That Teacher might have a problem or Amnesia on his head. that guy actually Acts sooo silly! I will never apply or go there again!
Originally posted by nightingale8472

Shakespeare is rolling in his grave! LOL. but a poor player that struts and frets his hour across the is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, and signifying nothing. -Macbeth act V, Scene 5

This is what I tell myself when my boss is hollering at me (and he normally should be hollering at someone else, because usually I had absolutely nothing to do with whatever ticked him off)....thinking about this quote makes me smile....but its hard to keep a straight face, and that sometimes pisses him off more.
Damn, you win this round....Time to ig out that complete worls of Shakepeare set.......naw, it's more fun to make a mockery......Is this a shoto I see before me?
.....that is the question.....whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the backfists and roundhouses of outrageous fortune.....

Nah, maybe not......


....tell ya what.....I have a meeting I need to go to in just a couple of minutes, but then I will continue. Fair enough?? to get ye olde englishe to fit into a sparring session.....gonna take a second or two to compose, no?

That Hamlet, man.....he was one guy who could throw a nasty backfist, I'm sure....hehe....

Just for tunetigress, I will attempt this apologies in advance.....:eek:


"To beat, or not to beat: that is the question.
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the backfists
and roundhouses of outrageous fortune, or to raise arms
against a sea of opponents, and by opposing block them?
To spar, to beat: no more; and by a beating to say we end
the heart-ache and the thousand natural checks the flesh
is heir to, 'tis an end of doubt devoutly to be wish'd.
To spar, to beat; to spar, perchance to win; aye, there's the rub;
for in that sparring session what dreams may come true when
we have shuffled off this white belt must give us pause:
there's the respect that makes a virtue of such long study
in the arts; for who would bear the techniques and forms of
belt tests, the instructor's questionings, the proud mom's
incessant nagging, the pangs of defeat, the certification's delay,
the insolence of lower ranks and the spurns that patient merit
of the unworthy takes, when he himself might his quietus make
with bare fists? Who would pushups bear, to grunt and sweat
under a tedious workout, the undiscovered belt test under whose scrutiny no tester passes, puzzles the mind with martial
question, and makes us rather bear those techniques we have
than to fly to others we know not of? Thus, sparring with masters
does make white belts of us all; and thus the native hue of
resolution is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, and
enterprises of great bob and weave with simple parries the
masters turn away, and we lose our point of origin.
Spar you now! The fair muse of combat! Nymph, in thy heart
be all my failed blocks remembered.....

Hamfist's Soliloquy, by Wm. Shake-n-spar

All apologies given to the original author, and to all those that read......


I pictured Mel Gibson dancing around with a
sword while giving stating the above prose.

Just my Sick and Wrong :D brain at work.

Heh....Mel Gibson, sure. Strutting around, sure. But sword? No.

How about sparring gear?

Have him contemplating a sparring glove, instead of a *that* could be sick and wrong.....

Sparring in tights? *shudder*.....


Tonbo, oh Tonbo, wherefore art thou Tonbo? Sorry, but I'm a Musician, that's the best I can do unless I've got a tune to sing it to, LOL!

Thank-you for finishing it, Tonbo, that was utterly spectacular! What a way with words!! Your Literary Brilliance should go down in MartialTalk history as our 'Wordsmith in Residence.' The Bard would be proud!

My day's Amusement Quotient has been highly enhanced by your efforts. I appreciate you taking your time to keep me entertained. Apparently you are aware that I am easily amused by anything remotely funny written by those possessing more than a tenth grade level of literacy.

And OMG, your spelling Tonbo was impeccable! Not once did I have to repress the urge to scribble on the puter screen with my trusty red pen (the traditional weapon used by people of my ilk to defend against ongoing ignorance) and show you the error of your ways.

You've got an A+ in my book Tonbo! :asian:
Thank you....I am humbled.

I don't know for sure that have done the Bard proud....I think I more or less have him spinning so fast in his grave he could be a propeller.....buuuuuut, ya know.........he *had* to know he'd be parodied at some point, right?

Apparently you are aware that I am easily amused by anything remotely funny written by those possessing more than a tenth grade level of literacy.

Hehe....I *didn't* know that, but I'm glad I amused you. Me, I'm easily amused, period. Just ask my wife....:D .....I often feel like I have a sign above me that says, "Fascinated by small, shiny objects".....

Seriously, though, I was glad you threw out the challenge. I used to have an English teacher that did things like that, and it was always fun. As it is, my wife and I banter back and forth with puns and such.....the repartee' is always going on at our house....

See, many, many years ago when I was in high school, I was dating the woman who is now my wife. We had many of the same teachers, and both went through honors English. We made many a literary reference back then, and just never got it out of our systems......thankfully, now I am married to this wonderful woman, and her smarts force me to keep an edge on my "larnin' ".

Long reply, but you get the picture. Thank YOU, Tunetigress, for the challenge.

:asian: :asian:

Well Tonbo, you are quite welcome. Anytime the spirit moves you, I will be here to enjoy your talents!

Anyone else out there with some 'larnin' under their belt who also possesses a sense of humor that wants to try to provide this pathetically bored ole Tune with a giggle or two, please feel free to 'let 'er fly!' ;)
You know when my hands are full I always use my feet my elbow or my knee to push an button, open a door, and when I
see a good fight I start kicking and punching. People look at me
like I'm crazy but I just look back at them like nothing happen. ha
ha ha ha your very funny....

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