You Know You've Been in the Martial Arts Too Long When you.........................

I once had this guy, when he found out that I do karate, kept hassling me with the line,"show me a move, show me a move". I kept putting him off until one day he decided to annoy the hell out of me by saying almost like the simpsons,"are we there yet? are we there yet?"

So I made a fist, with the end of my thumb poking forward just a little bit. I hit him with the end of my thumb, square on the Liver plexus point on the floating ribs (not real hard) and he folded like a card. I looked down into his eyes and said,"There, hows that for a move?"

I think he was satisfied, he has never asked me again.:rofl:

Originally posted by tunetigress

oh Fist of Fury, with a handle like that, you probably are! LMAO! :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Yeah, too many of those "hit" too close to home, both the stories and the original list.....

I used to work with a guy that knew I was in MA. He would talk tough about "surprising" me and how he could mess me up, even though he had no training. One day, he tried to surprise me.....and did...;)....he "attacked" with a rolled up magazine, used like a knife thrust. We were both surprised when I disarmed him and "filleted" him with it. I honestly don't know which one of us was more surprised, but I got the bigger laugh out of it......

....and more than once, I *have* been caught at work, running through techniques in my cubicle while programs I was working on were running. "So, tonbo.....what was all that hand-waving going on?" "Ahh....well, I....uh...."

At another company I worked for (as technical support), there was an iron pole in my cubicle (part of the support for the roof). While on "hold" sometimes, I would practice strikes on the pole, working on my speed and flow......that is, until the CEO of the company (who just happened to be in the room above me!!) called my boss and asked who was banging on the supports...;)

Ah, yes....the memories..;)

Last year, at one of my jobs, a fellow worker found out I did martial arts (I think I was a green belt at the time). He kept saying "That MA stuff doesn't work ..... blah blah blah." So one day we were bored and flinging rubber bands across the room. He got pissed because I kept nailing him with rubber bands. He charged me with the tape gun pretending he was going to "thrust" it at me. I threw the fastest side kick I've ever done. I just tapped him in the ribs, and left my foot print on his shirt. I was suprised and so was he. I think he stood and stared at me for about 5 minutes in aw .... hehehehehe
They hit very close to home, my wife is a Brown Belt under me and it seems that every time I'm standing in the kitchen she wants to spar......
Hiya Seig.

hehehehehe. Me and my man get into nightly sparring matches in the kitchen. He started martial arts in January (after I got him addicted before that), and we are both yellow belts in TKD. He tries to beat me, but he can't hehehehehe
Well, fortunately for us, I WAY outrank her, a fact she sometimes forgets. What usually happens is that when I finally get annoyed, I do something she hasn't learned a counter for yet. Her next thing is to ask me why I haven't taught it to her before and then demands to be taught it RIGHT NOW. That's when I say something profund, like I taught you all YOU know, not....or something else that could wind me up on the couch...
It could be worse guys...
My missus likes to play fights, but she has no idea. She has never trained in any martial arts, and will only watch martial arts if they are a part of an action movie. Of course, I don't want hurt her, so I let her get a few in. Then she says silly things like, "Geez those guys at karate must be weak. If you can train with them and not get hurt, but I can hurt you.." She just doesn't realize that it's easier to handle if you are allowed to hit back. So the other night, I had learned some new pressure point techniques, and after applying some of the 'rub' points, give her a tiny little jolt on the jaw line. Well it didn't knock her out but it made her eyes roll, you should have seen the look on her face. The best part was that she couldn't complain of being hurt, or me being too rough, cause I wasn't. She just wasn't sure what had happened to her, and I got to have a good laugh.

:D Dave :rofl:
:D My hubby won't play fight with me, and he even hates when anyone does it near him now. I see him cringe when we are around any of our Kenpo friends, cuz he knows what's coming! His trouble began when I first started training and he thought it was fun to tease me about it. I'll grant you that I didn't seem like the 'Karate type' whatever that is supposed to be, but I was having loads of fun learning it and perhaps he was jealous. Really, the only time contact was ever made with him occurred not long after I started and was still learning Yellow Belt Tech's. I didn't even have a Gi yet, but was already fully addicted. My daughter and I arrived home all excited from our lesson that day after learning a tech called 'Breaking the Sword.' Hubby went into his usual teasing mode, laughing at me, and asking if we learned any deadly moves yet. "Well" I replied, "we DID learn how to break a person's arm today from a handshake position." After the required 'yeah, yeah, you couldn't even break a nail' load of crap, he did a really dumb thing. He grabbed my hand. He regretted it. I was surprised (yet pleased) to discover how effective Breaking the Sword can be. No actually, I did NOT break his arm ( tho I betcha I could now! ) but I hurt him pretty badly, and succeeded in scaring the daylights right out of him. And since that day, he has never again teased me or belittled me about my training or my daughter's. If I want a new piece of equipment or pair of Otomix, it's 'whatever you need sweetie' , though now I'm starting to get 'I thought you already had one .' He is happy to carry our bags, and hold water bottles and Bos at tournaments. Just as long as we don't hurt him! LOLOLOLOL :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
LOL. That's too funny. Eventhough my man and me are both yellow belts in TKD, I studied before. Everytime he'd learn something in class, I already knew a counter for it, or suprise him with something I learned in TSD. He would get frustrated and mumble under his breath hehehehe. But he'd keep trying to get me till he was too pooped to do anything lol. Then I just give him a good swif round kick in the butt (yes, in the butt) hehehehehe.
:rofl: Those are so funny! I have to admit that I've accidentally done several of those things. Particularly the bowing and the practicing stances in line or while waiting for someone to come pick me up. :lol:

How do some of you guys get those awesome Dragonball Z and other Anime Avatars on your profile? Download them from the computer? I've tried to save my Avatar from another website forum and use it on this one but for some reason, it didn't work!:confused:

Robyn :wavey:
Hee Hee Hee...

Robyn I quietly lifted mine from AOL! Shhhh.....
Check the support forum for Avatar info. If ya ned help getting one up, drop me an email with your username and include the avatar and I'll see what I can do.

back to the thought you all were on about sparring with your husband and I are both black rank...he's in Kenpo and I'm in Tai Chi. It's natural for us to greet each other at the door with "will you punch in for me?" instead of a hug.

Any of you see the old "Pink Panther" movies with Kato where he stalks Clouseau as he comes in the house?

The best is when we are with friends of family and get into a 'friendly' mini-match. Everyone has become used to it, but they still tell him to not hurt me...when usually I can nail him with a good dim mak move.


All those and many more I have done and seen.

How about using weapons on the beach to train
and doing forms and wondering why the rengers
came over to talk to us in the first place.
The scary thing was that by the end of the summer
all the regulars knew us 'crazies' over there
in the far corner and left us alone and did not

It is all good training.

As for the sparring with the spouse, this is good,
just remember to never let it get bad between you
two, then the 'history' of 'abuse' could be
an issue. Enjoy it, for if you can train with
each other than most likely the trust is there
and will remain there.

I enjoyed this thread. Very nice.

"As for the sparring with the spouse, this is good,
just remember to never let it get bad between you
two, then the 'history' of 'abuse' could be
an issue. Enjoy it, for if you can train with
each other than most likely the trust is there
and will remain there. "


I *am* the spouse. And things are good. Haven't been bad, and I doubt it will get there. Most of our sparring is VERY light, and more theoretical than anything. Working on *techniques*, however, is a different story. Her working those pressure points can get *really* annoying.......and painful.....

But is a great setup, and a wonderful situation all around. Makes training that much better.

Thanks for your reply, Rich.....:asian:

my ex boyfriend never saw me do any martial arts, never came to class, never went to my tournaments (not because he didn't want to, just schedule conflicts), and then would accuse me of being a wuss because he could pin me in a tickle fight. LOL. He didn't realize that I knew counters to the hold, I just CHOSE not to use them, because they were things like eye pokes, throat jabs, and groin shots. People that don't take martial arts don't realize that it isn't something that is used for play. Kenpo is a very get-in-get-dirty-you-walk-away-he-doesn't type of martial art, and my ex didn't understand that the only way I could get out of the hold was to cause him serious damage! LOL.
Originally posted by nightingale8472

my ex boyfriend never saw me do any martial arts, never came to class, never went to my tournaments (not because he didn't want to, just schedule conflicts), and then would accuse me of being a wuss because he could pin me in a tickle fight. LOL. He didn't realize that I knew counters to the hold, I just CHOSE not to use them, because they were things like eye pokes, throat jabs, and groin shots. People that don't take martial arts don't realize that it isn't something that is used for play. Kenpo is a very get-in-get-dirty-you-walk-away-he-doesn't type of martial art, and my ex didn't understand that the only way I could get out of the hold was to cause him serious damage! LOL.

Now THAT is a funny story!
Nightingale, I know *just* what you mean.....

Sometimes, when my wife and I are wrestling around (just playing!!), she will "place" her knee or elbow, fingers, or hand, shall we say, *very strategically* and just, it is not *always*....ah....*there*.....but, she is good with pressure points. When she wants me to know that she *could* do something, she lets me know with just enough pressure.

That always adds fun to it, since I have to laugh back, knowing that I would try to counter that, and so on, and so on......;)

Maybe with next/current boyfriend, you could "remind" him of what you could do in a tickle fight.....

*makes a phoenix fist and smiles*. In just the right don't have to hit.....just apply a little pressure....:eek:
