I once had this guy, when he found out that I do karate, kept hassling me with the line,"show me a move, show me a move". I kept putting him off until one day he decided to annoy the hell out of me by saying almost like the simpsons,"are we there yet? are we there yet?"
So I made a fist, with the end of my thumb poking forward just a little bit. I hit him with the end of my thumb, square on the Liver plexus point on the floating ribs (not real hard) and he folded like a card. I looked down into his eyes and said,"There, hows that for a move?"
I think he was satisfied, he has never asked me again.:rofl:
So I made a fist, with the end of my thumb poking forward just a little bit. I hit him with the end of my thumb, square on the Liver plexus point on the floating ribs (not real hard) and he folded like a card. I looked down into his eyes and said,"There, hows that for a move?"
I think he was satisfied, he has never asked me again.:rofl: