You know you're hooked on Martial Arts when...


Crazy like a...
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Got an e-mail from a friend that contained this... ;)

  1. You know you're hooked when the first word out of your parrot's mouth is KIAI!, and you teach your cat how to free spar.
  2. You know you're hooked when you have more bruises than a roller derby queen, and you still go back for more.
  3. You know you're hooked when you shut the refrigerator door with a side thrust kick.
  4. You know you're hooked when you shop for clothes based on whether you can kick in them.
  5. You know you're hooked when the only clothes you'll wear are gis.
  6. You know you're hooked when you actually crave a beach workout.
  7. You know you're hooked when the books on your night stand are by authors like Gichin Funakoshi, Hirokazu Kanazawa and Musashi Miyamoto.
  8. You know you're hooked when the Twelve Days of Christmas becomes: one boxing bag, two boxing gloves, three shin pads (includes an extra pad for the one you'll inevitably lose), four Tokaido gi's, five rolls of adhesive tape....twelve cases of Tiger Balm.
  9. You know you're hooked when you look for a place to live based on the amount of practice space it provides.
  10. You know you're hooked when you refuse to wear shoes.
  1. You know you're hooked when the first word out of your parrot's mouth is KIAI!, and you teach your cat how to free spar.

    I don't have a parrot - does a barking dog count? :lol:

  2. You know you're hooked when you have more bruises than a roller derby queen, and you still go back for more.

    Well... yeah. I mean, if you can't get some practice in, what's the point? :idunno:

  3. You know you're hooked when you shut the refrigerator door with a side thrust kick.

    Or twist kick... or turning kick... or front kick... all depends on what I'm in the mood for!

  4. You know you're hooked when you shop for clothes based on whether you can kick in them.

    Yeah, and what's it to you?!?!?! Hey, if I can't defend myself in it, why buy it?

  5. You know you're hooked when the only clothes you'll wear are gis.

    I dunno if I'd go that far - if only because I can't wear a dobok to work. :(

  6. You know you're hooked when you actually crave a beach workout.

    Hmm.... haven't been near a beach lately - but I'm sure it'll come up if I ever am!

  7. You know you're hooked when the books on your night stand are by authors like Gichin Funakoshi, Hirokazu Kanazawa and Musashi Miyamoto.

    You say that like it's a bad thing.

  8. You know you're hooked when the Twelve Days of Christmas becomes: one boxing bag, two boxing gloves, three shin pads (includes an extra pad for the one you'll inevitably lose), four Tokaido gi's, five rolls of adhesive tape....twelve cases of Tiger Balm.

    Especially the Tiger Balm - the older I get, the more I use!
  9. You know you're hooked when you look for a place to live based on the amount of practice space it provides.

    My realtor thought I was kidding - but I really did pick my current house in part because there was enough space in the basement for most tuls - and I've since renovated it provide enough for all but that one with the really weird diagram.

  10. You know you're hooked when you refuse to wear shoes.

Hey, I decided long before I got into TKD that if we were meant to wear shoes all the time, we'd be born in them - TKD just reinforced it for me!
Got an e-mail from a friend that contained this... ;)
  1. You know you're hooked when the first word out of your parrot's mouth is KIAI!, and you teach your cat how to free spar.
  2. You know you're hooked when you have more bruises than a roller derby queen, and you still go back for more.
  3. You know you're hooked when you shut the refrigerator door with a side thrust kick.
  4. You know you're hooked when you shop for clothes based on whether you can kick in them.
  5. You know you're hooked when the only clothes you'll wear are gis.
  6. You know you're hooked when you actually crave a beach workout.
  7. You know you're hooked when the books on your night stand are by authors like Gichin Funakoshi, Hirokazu Kanazawa and Musashi Miyamoto.
  8. You know you're hooked when the Twelve Days of Christmas becomes: one boxing bag, two boxing gloves, three shin pads (includes an extra pad for the one you'll inevitably lose), four Tokaido gi's, five rolls of adhesive tape....twelve cases of Tiger Balm.
  9. You know you're hooked when you look for a place to live based on the amount of practice space it provides.
  10. You know you're hooked when you refuse to wear shoes.
and when you own more weapons from kobujitsu then you do of modern fire arms and would reach for them before you call 911...
You know your hooked when you and your friends are talking and you randomly yell out round house to the face owned lol. not to mention you talk about every martial arts movie ever made and could possibly recite two to three lines from them all. :rolleyes:
You know you're hooked when the books on your night stand are by authors like Gichin Funakoshi, Hirokazu Kanazawa and Musashi Miyamoto.

Does it stll count if they are written by, Sun Lutang, Tung Ying Jie, Chen Zhenglei, Tim Cartmell and Yang Jwing Ming :)
still go back for more.
  1. You know you're hooked when you shut the refrigerator door with a side thrust kick.
  2. You know you're hooked when you shop for clothes based on whether you can kick in them.
  3. You know you're hooked when the Twelve Days of Christmas becomes: one boxing bag, two boxing gloves, three shin pads (includes an extra pad for the one you'll inevitably lose), four Tokaido gi's, five rolls of adhesive tape....twelve cases of Tiger Balm.
  4. You know you're hooked when you look for a place to live based on the amount of practice space it provides.
  5. You know you're hooked when you refuse to wear shoes.

Heh. Those five apply to me. Of course, you left out "You know you're hooked when it's a regular occurance for you and your friends to start wrestling at the drop of a hat, normally ending in an armbar or triangle choke" and "when you find yourself thinking about fighting as you walk to class then notice everyone you pass won't come within arm's length." Haha. Eye of the tiger.
- You still watch Karate Kid every time it comes on TV
- You listen to "The Power" by Snap on the way to work
- Sweep the Leg has deep insightful meaning to you
- You punch and kick in the mirror to see how awesome you look
- You wear your gi around the house just because you can
- you have enough old gi's to wear them as pajamas every night
- You think "Every Body was Kungfu Fighting" should be the nation anthem
- You do the slow motion Jean Claude Van Damme palm heel strike
- Your belt testing is more important than your birthday
You know you`re hooked on martial arts when someone punches you in the face and tries to rob you and afterwards you feel good about it because it improved your understanding of self defence.
You know your hooked when you own every martial art movie made (wheather it was a good movie or not).

You know your hooked when you ask your parents to get you a new kung fu uniform, a punching bag (with large metal stand), and new sparring pads for Christmas.

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