You Know You've Been in the Martial Arts Too Long When you.........................


So he should know better, right? And if just get him when he ain't lookin'......

I'm married, and I can threaten my wife all I want. She always says the same thing...."You gotta sleep sometime, sweetie."


Good thing I am never serious......I can't sleep with one eye open, and I get dizzy when I am always turning around to make sure no one's behind me.....

All in fun--

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Tachi (see earlier posts above) is my RL wife.

She is soooooo on base when she mentions the "Pink Panther" setups....almost every time she comes home from class, one of the first things she says to me is, "I need to borrow you..".

Roughly translated, that means: "Get up off the couch and throw a right punch at me....I have an application I need to work through".

*sigh* Okay, hon. Will do. *Thud* Can I get up now? :D

I can't return the favor, though. She's always asleep when I come home from *my* class. (of course, my class is late on Tuesday nights).

But the weekends, now.....that's a different story.....:D

Yeah, tonbo can talk the talk...:D

So far it has worked out nicely. It seems when you reach certain levels in your training, it's hard to find partners to work with, i.e. fewer fellow students working on the same material...

It has been a real benefit to not only have someone to try techniques on that has the same experience, it's also a treat to work with someone from a different style. I would say it has improved my forms and techniques to work with input from my husband (thx, sweetie )


Just amke sure you do it inside or the neighbors may call the police....In our house we call it Domesticly Disturbed.
Heh....Domestically Disturbed.....I like that....:D

My wife and I spar throughout the house, simply because we will throw moves at each other in short bursts, and totally at random. Yeah, we *have* space upstairs that is open and suited just for that purpose, but that would require some sort of *formality*......

And the neighbors wouldn't call the police on us. They're all too busy just shaking their heads and trying to figure out if we are nuts. They know we are not *violent*, but they don't know if we are.....uh....sane.....:eek:

Our families are a different matter. They *know* we don't have all the dots on our dice. But, nice thing is, they love us anyway.


my neighbors think I'm totally nutso...

I got permission from the management of my apartment complex to practice with blunt (blunt kamas are okay, but nothing that looks like a sword) weapons in the aerobics area of the apartment gym. I walk over there with a bag full of weapons and spend an hour or two... the people on the exercise bikes think I'm nuts, but heck, its private property, and management says its ok... Its either that or practice indoors...and my cat has not learned yet that chasing the nunchuks is not a smart move.
Originally posted by nightingale8472

my neighbors think I'm totally nutso...

I got permission from the management of my apartment complex to practice with blunt (blunt kamas are okay, but nothing that looks like a sword) weapons in the aerobics area of the apartment gym. I walk over there with a bag full of weapons and spend an hour or two... the people on the exercise bikes think I'm nuts, but heck, its private property, and management says its ok... Its either that or practice indoors...and my cat has not learned yet that chasing the nunchuks is not a smart move.
Let him/her catch them once, He/She'll learn. Like my dad used to say, let him pull the TV down on his head once or twice, he won't do it again.
hehe...true...but weapons in general aren't a very good idea in a little one bedroom apartment with lamps, televisions, trophies, and a computer...

not completely sure about the cat learning... Indiana is a cat of very little brain. my kitten has fallen in the bathtub at least five times, the fish tank twice, off the edge of the balcony (with a strong wind) twice, gotten his face stuck in a water glass three times, and accidentally pitched the other cat out of a second story window once... (he was fine, btw, Anakin (other cat) was sleeping on top of the recliner by open window. I had pulled screen out to clean it. Indy barrelled into the backrest of the recliner after a toy that was lying on the seat, and the chair opened, dumping Anakin out the window and Indy halfway out. i hauled indy back in, then went down and retrieved Anakin. Both were fine, but Anakin gave Indy a pretty good smack when he got back upstairs...silly beasties.).
weapons in general aren't a very good idea in a little one bedroom apartment with lamps, televisions, trophies, and a computer...

NO? I would call it....."environmental awareness"....:D

Yeah, you don't get the full range of motion, but......who knows, maybe someday you will *have* to fight in a one bedroom apartment using kamas!! Hey, it could happen......


Peace-- could call it...."redecorating".....:eek:

Okay, bad. Yeah, practicing in your apartment is probably not a good idea. Might make the neighbors think you are more....uh...."challenged".....than they already do.

"Geeez, hear that girl crashing around again?" "Yes, George. Sounds like she broke the lamps and a few vases this time. She should invest in cheap dishes, instead."


Reminds me of one of my early apartments, when I was in college. My roommate and I were both taking a fencing class, and we would fence in the parking lot in front of the apartment. We would also jokingly banter back and forth while fencing, in the style of Cyrano de Bergerac. Talk about getting some looks from people.

I played Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet in college...dunno why they cast a girl as Mercutio, but hey, floppy hat, ponytail, loose fencing shirt with very tight sports bra on underneath, I guess I could pass for a rather feminine looking guy...

we were always practicing with our swords in the middle of the quad; the campus police didn't know what to make of it, very conflicting issue... 1 it was a weapon and weapons are no-nos. and 2, it was for a university event... they were very confused, so they just left us alone. We'd practice our lines at the same time...

MERCUTIO: Tybalt, you rat-catcher!
TYBALT What wouldst thou have with me?
MERCUTIO Good king of cats, nothing but one of your nine


ROMEO Gentlemen, for shame, forbear this outrage!
[TYBALT stabs MERCUTIO, and turns tail and runs like the coward he is]
MERCUTIO I am hurt.
A plague on both your houses!

insert dramatic death scene reinacted with catsup in the middle of the quad.

glad we could amuse, Tune.

...what's in a name... that which we call a martial artist, were he not a martial artist called, would still smell quite foul after a long evening in the dojo.

-Romeo and Juliet, Act II, Scene 2, with apologies to the bard.
