You Know You've Been In the Martial Arts Too Long When...

lulflo said:
When you can't remember what it feels like not to hurt somewhere...
Oh so true lol... owww laughing hurts
OK Please Understand my Spanish isn't to good but I ave done this...

When In Spanish Some One Asks you if "You Speek Spanish , and you reply Yes In Japanese..."

"Yo Abla Espanyol.... Hai"
When the quality of your day is determined not by if you make a training session, but by how many training sessions you make.

Your co-workers ask you why you're always stretching.

Your co-workers and acquaintances ask you in concerned tones if you and your boyfriend are doing okay, thanks to all the bruises.

The walls or your workplace have shoe-marks on them at hip-height.:uhohh:

Your roommate watches you cringe in pain from yesterday's class as you run out the door to make today's, thinks you are completely and utterly insane--and she's right.

Your life would be dull, empty, and dreary without martial arts.:(

You realize that if you ever want a boyfriend you can't beat into the ground blindfolded, you'll have to find a fellow martial artist who isn't taken (good luck...) ;)
Kenpokaratemom said:
When your children practice their nunchaku kata with a pair of socks while dressing for school.
Hmmm, my ears are burning. Same with the shoemarks on the walls, goshawk!
*When folks around stare at you as you unconsciously stretch your wrists as if Aikido class were about to start
*When your standing talking to someone and at the same time on the sides of your feet for a good stretch
*When you wash dishes in Kibidachi
*When you take a shower and call it Misogi
*When you take a short cut over the bed with an Akimi roll
*When your golf clubs are good devices for practicing Kamae
*When you walk to your car and your biggest key happens to stick out between your middle finger and forefinger
*You get annoyed with everyone who imitates the Crane Technique
*When everyone asks, "what belt are you"
soul_sword34 said:
*You get annoyed with everyone who imitates the Crane Technique

Try growing up in the 80's with the name Daniel...

them -- ahhh.. daniel-san -whaaa! (strike crane like stance here)

me -- Ha Ha - very funny

Repeat thirty thousand times or until head explodes

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