After doing a whole lot of research on Yang style tai chi chuan and Taoism I can say that Tai chi makes a little more sense today because of what I read in Taoism. But that research had the opposite effect from what I expected when it comes to Yang style Tai Chi.
I am more disillusioned and disappointed in Yang style in the 21st century than I was before.
It is the most widely practiced tai chi in the world but that has caused it to become incredibly watered down. Very few that practice it know anything about the martial arts of the Yang family and many do not even know it was considered a martial art. As one gentleman told me “I do not DO martial arts, I do tai Chi”. As if Martial arts was beneath him and tai chi person was superior to that. But then I have also heard a very well trained tai chi sifu, with a good lineage, refer to other martial arts as “lower forms” and “Tai Chi as superior”.
I have seen push hands advertised purely as a Qi Gong with emphasis placed on the fact that it had nothing to do with Martial arts.
Many people doing Yang Tai Chi do not know anything beyond 24, 32 or 48 form Yang style. And they certainly have no idea that there is a fast form, Broad sword forms, straight sword forms, staff forms and a spear form, not to mention the traditional 108 (depending on how you count)
And there is absolutely nothing wrong with this, practicing their Tai makes them happier and healthier. But all of this is virtually killing Yang style tai chi as a martial art. And to be honest, I am not sure that it isn’t already too late to resurrect Yang style tai chi.
Few practice Yang style as a martial art and of those few fewer still know the actual Yang style martial arts. Many take things they learned in other martial arts and apply it to yang style. This can translates into the use of to much force. As for the use of Qinna, and this surprised me, it depends on what your Yang style teacher’s lineage is. If it comes from Yang Cheng-fu, it is doubtful that they are keeping true to the Yang style of Yang Cheng-fu. Yang Cheng-fu, although incredibly talented and never defeated, removed much of the Qinna. If a teachers lineage goes to Yang Shau-hao (Yang Cheng-fu’s older brother) then the Qinna is still there, but that lineage is far less prevalent than to Yang Cheng-fu.
I wrote this in the hope that I can be proven wrong, I have practiced Yang style for a very long time and I have considered giving up the fight.
What do the other Yang stylist think, Tai Chi people and martial artist’s think?