Hi Everyone,
Please forgive me if I am not using the precise Tai Chi terminology in the question(s) in my post. I am new to learning Tai Chi lingo, etc, nevertheless, I hope you can follow what I am trying to ask.
I am excited about visiting what I believe to be a reputable martial applications Tai Chi school this weekend. The school teaches a variety of Internal Arts. But the focus of my question today is based on their Yang-style Tai Chi instruction.
The school that I will visit this weekend teaches less that 103 forms. Their website reads: "Yang Style, the most popular style of Tai Chi, is taught using the large frame version of the standard 88-movement set. Other Yang Style forms such as the Yang Chen Fu Form, the 24 Yang Short Form and the 32 Movement Sword Form are also taught."
I am looking for legitimate long form martial applications Tai Chi.
Here's my long winded question:
For one to learn legitimate, non-wushu, non-competition, non-watered down, non-modified, martial applications Yang style Tai Chi; must it be 103 forms and no less?
Okay that's complicated. How about this... The long form of Yang style Tai Chi has 103 forms, correct? If a Yang style school teaches less that 103 forms, is it considered watered down, and as a result less martial?
Basically is Yang watered down if it has less than 103 forms; and, as a result less martial?
Thanks for your help. I know that I could have worded this question better.
Best regards,
Walter Boyd
Please forgive me if I am not using the precise Tai Chi terminology in the question(s) in my post. I am new to learning Tai Chi lingo, etc, nevertheless, I hope you can follow what I am trying to ask.
I am excited about visiting what I believe to be a reputable martial applications Tai Chi school this weekend. The school teaches a variety of Internal Arts. But the focus of my question today is based on their Yang-style Tai Chi instruction.
The school that I will visit this weekend teaches less that 103 forms. Their website reads: "Yang Style, the most popular style of Tai Chi, is taught using the large frame version of the standard 88-movement set. Other Yang Style forms such as the Yang Chen Fu Form, the 24 Yang Short Form and the 32 Movement Sword Form are also taught."
I am looking for legitimate long form martial applications Tai Chi.
Here's my long winded question:
For one to learn legitimate, non-wushu, non-competition, non-watered down, non-modified, martial applications Yang style Tai Chi; must it be 103 forms and no less?
Okay that's complicated. How about this... The long form of Yang style Tai Chi has 103 forms, correct? If a Yang style school teaches less that 103 forms, is it considered watered down, and as a result less martial?
Basically is Yang watered down if it has less than 103 forms; and, as a result less martial?
Thanks for your help. I know that I could have worded this question better.
Best regards,
Walter Boyd