Xu YuSheng Yang style Taijiquan

Fair enough, I appreciate the response. So let me amend my last statement from "we" are speculating to "I" am speculating. I've never met him or talked to him, and my exposure to Taiji has been from my school only. Except for some videos on youtube, books, online articles and some documentaries. Thus I'm talking to you guys to attempt to get an idea for why the difference and what things you can see that are tell tale signs of there lineage and style.

I'm not a fan of the CMC form. As for his skill, my sigung was a push hands partner of CMC and a fighter, and vouched for his skill. Good enough for me.

Nothing I said about silliness was directed at you it was simply saying to post what I know would not help the situation, there would be much arguing and frankly I see much of this thread as being very productive and I do not want to change that. I will not speculate since that speculation would be based on what I have been told by one who was there and that "speculation" would cause nothing but trouble.

In this case it is likely best to go with what CMC said in one of his books. But since I do not have that book in front of me at the moment I cannot type it out.


It's cool, I thank you. I also enjoy when conversations become more productive and less argumentative ;)

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