Would you drop it?

Considering that I already would have a knife on my person and if confronted by more than 1 on 1 odds, you're damned right I'd use it along with my other one.
Perhaps Bruce was thinking clearly that day he said it but I also have my feet and my MIND, along with my own experience.
I've been jumped by 8 unruly (older) teenagers before and I'll be damned if I'll let that happen again... so yeah whatever I can use to even the odds, I'll take full advantage of.
I mentioned that in my post. Of course, you may stand a chance of not looking so bad due to the nature of the situation and odds. I know the word knife probably would send chills down the spine of the jury, and right off the bat, its going to be a black mark on us, but playing devils advocate for a moment...would it look any worse were I to take off my belt and use that as a weapon? A bottle or ashtray?

Actually, IMHO, using your belt, ashtray, etc.. . can look better than using something that's sole purpose is a weapon. I keep a claw hammer in my truck at all times, and I train with it as a weapon. If there is ever an incident that I need a weapon, I have the hammer. No one is going to argue that I keep the hammer in my truck to use as a weapon, I was merely defending myself with what I had at hand.. .

I'm no lawyer, so I really don't know if that would make ANY difference in court. But in my mind it does.. .haha
Partly it depends on your skill with the knife. Anytime you have a weapon, there is always a risk of it being taken from you and then used against you. If your knife skills are poor, then you have a greater risk of it being turned against you.

Legalities aside, knife disarms are VERY difficult. The whole "your weapon could be used against you" spiel is generally used by people who want to restrict the ownership of weapons, and/or know not a hell of a lot about armed combat. If someone is so threatening that you need to use a knife, then he'll kill you with no weapons if he wants to do so anyway. Weapons help even the odds. Your chances of survival using the knife are WAY higher than him taking the knife and killing you with it. Especially if you have half a clue about using it.

Best regards,

Would I drop a weapon while being engaged by multiple violent attackers?


First, I'd wonder why my friend was handing me the knife. Am I supposed to protect him? We'd be talking about that if we survive.

If he was a good friend, then he was handing you his spare.... :)

I'd buy my homie a drink!
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I once heard from a judge that if you bring a knife or other object into a hand to hand fight your basically commiting assault.........its total ******** stupidity but thats the system 80 percent of poeple got out of prison cause of DNA evidence heh.

That depends on what State you live in.
It depends on the size difference (and gender) in the fight.

It depends if it was 1 on 1 or there were more than 1 attacker.

2 guys try to attack you here, you can use a knife or a gun but you have to stop when they no longer are an active threat.
Supposing you and a friend are confronted by unarmed gang members on the street and a fight breaks out. To your surprise, your friend pulls out a long knife and tosses it to you.

You instinctively catch it...but now WHAT???

Will you put aside all your hand to hand training and use it.

Or would you drop it?

"The man who pulls a knife on you is at a disadvantage and will clearly lose. Psychologically he only has one weapon and his thinking is therefore limited to the use of that single weapon. You, on the other hand, are thinking about all your weapons: hands, feet, elbows, knees, head. He's only got a lousy knife." -Bruce Lee.

Got to disagree with Bruce Lee on that one.......lots of DEAD folks can attest to the advantage of a weapon of flesh. ;)
Got to disagree with Bruce Lee on that one.......lots of DEAD folks can attest to the advantage of a weapon of flesh. ;)
Could be that Bruce was simply speaking for himself and his own abilities.

His son Brandon eventually went on to live up to his dad's words...after coming home to find a 'gentlemen' in the midst of ransacking his apartment!

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Actually, IMHO, using your belt, ashtray, etc.. . can look better than using something that's sole purpose is a weapon. I keep a claw hammer in my truck at all times, and I train with it as a weapon. If there is ever an incident that I need a weapon, I have the hammer. No one is going to argue that I keep the hammer in my truck to use as a weapon, I was merely defending myself with what I had at hand.. .

I'm no lawyer, so I really don't know if that would make ANY difference in court. But in my mind it does.. .haha

Point taken. So, by your logic, the hammer wont be viewed as a weapon, because you could be carrying various tools for your job, the hammer being one of them. Am I correct in that assumpion? If so, then by that same logic, the pocket knife could be in the same category.

Personally, at that moment, worrying about how its going to look in the eyes of others, is going to be the last thing on my mind. That may not be the best thing to say, but if my rear is on the line, and its a matter of me getting killed or picking up a weapon, whatever it may be, I'm going to pick up the weapon.
Point taken. So, by your logic, the hammer wont be viewed as a weapon, because you could be carrying various tools for your job, the hammer being one of them. Am I correct in that assumpion? If so, then by that same logic, the pocket knife could be in the same category.

Personally, at that moment, worrying about how its going to look in the eyes of others, is going to be the last thing on my mind. That may not be the best thing to say, but if my rear is on the line, and its a matter of me getting killed or picking up a weapon, whatever it may be, I'm going to pick up the weapon.

Very good point. If I were in a situation that I actually had to use a weapon, then it's more than a scuffle, it's life or death. At that point, it doesn't matter what I have on hand, I'm gonna use it, be it a gun, knife, or a claw hammer. I do often carry my Gerber "utility" knife.. . haha
Could be that Bruce was simply speaking for himself and his own abilities.

His son Brandon eventually went on to live up to his dad's words...after coming home to find a 'gentlemen' in the midst of ransacking his apartment!

While it's true if one is of such skill that they completely over match their opponent, even if their opponent has a weapon, they can get away with it....MOST of the time.

The reality, however, is usually that the person we're facing is of proportionate skill enough that the weapon acts to give them a decided advantage......and the thing about a knife is that not that much skill is required to push it through flesh, muscle and vital organs, to a very final conclusive point.
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Point taken. So, by your logic, the hammer wont be viewed as a weapon, because you could be carrying various tools for your job, the hammer being one of them. Am I correct in that assumpion? If so, then by that same logic, the pocket knife could be in the same category.

Personally, at that moment, worrying about how its going to look in the eyes of others, is going to be the last thing on my mind. That may not be the best thing to say, but if my rear is on the line, and its a matter of me getting killed or picking up a weapon, whatever it may be, I'm going to pick up the weapon.

That's my view of it as well.........i'd rather trust mine and my lawyers ability to explain the situation than my ability to fight off a gang of violent individuals with my bare hands........besides I have a good lawyer........he is such a good lawyer.
I'm not trained with a knife. Maybe I'd rush the guy and throw it really hard at his face when I got close and then, if it distracted him, scream and yell really loud while I kick, grab, punch and bite him away from where the knife landed. Who knows?
I would use it.
I have a little training in the knife, and outnumbered by a street gang, I would have to assume that there are others with at least knives there.

personally I would prefer a staff though.
I would use it.
I have a little training in the knife, and outnumbered by a street gang, I would have to assume that there are others with at least knives there.

personally I would prefer a staff though.

I'd prefer a flame thrower! :flame:
If there are 2 of you and a gang of them, whether they are unarmed or not, being that outnumbered makes it deadly force. All they have to do is swarm you and there is no way you could fight them off.
I'd use the Knife.
If my true friends were to give me a knife in the middle of something like this then I assume it's killing time, which means these are some serious bikers. If someone I kinda know tries to give me a knife, I'd say "keep it. You'll need it more than I will."

I gotta agree with Omar on this one, the scenario doesn't seem very realistic.
I'm not trained with a knife. Maybe I'd rush the guy and throw it really hard at his face when I got close and then, if it distracted him, scream and yell really loud while I kick, grab, punch and bite him away from where the knife landed. Who knows?

Cliffs notes for knife training. Pointy end goes in other guy. Repeat as necessary. You use a knife everyday, you already have enough training. Will you look good using it? Maybe not. But this is not a time to critique which angle of attack is most appropriate. Using a knife does not take ANY training, and can(probably will )be fatal or seriously life threatening to whoever it is used on.