What would you do?

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Monkey King

I thought this would be fun.

These are hypothetical situations.
There are no right or wrong answers. I'm just curious.
Please answer truthfully based on your level of skill and physical ability.

My reason for asking this is because there are so many arts represented here, which is pretty cool. Please make your answers as descriptive as possible using these four examples:

A) Fight - (what moves or techniques)

B) Negotiate

C) Run

D) Submit

Situation 1

You are walking to your car at the mall parking lot. As you approach your car you see three unarmed individuals sitting on your car. You politely ask them to get off. They start towards you obviously wanting to fight. They surround you determined to beat your butt.

Situation 2

While at the grocery store check out late at night, a man two isles down has become hostile. The 60 year old security guard has left to call the police. The hostile man starts grabbing another customer by the hair and cussing up a storm. The manager tries to intervine but is knocked down. The man spies you and picks up a pen to use as a stabbing device, then challenges you.

Situation 3

You're in an elevator with one other individual. You happen to catch eye contact when he says: "What the #%@& are you looking at?" And comes over and starts to push you.

Situation 4

While standing at the counter paying for your gas, a man walks up to your left, pulls a gun in his right hand, and points it, over the counter at the attendant, and says "Gimmie the money!"

Remember, be honest. Only you know your level of skill.
Situation 1
You are walking to your car at the mall parking lot. As you approach your car you see three unarmed individuals sitting on your car. You politely ask them to get off. They start towards you obviously wanting to fight. They surround you determined to beat your butt.

In a case like this I could plot my moves, but I choose the direct approach. Without saying another word I would walk up to the loudest one or the leader and palm strike him right in the nose. He will go down. I would then position myself for the other two with intense determination. The odds of them actually fighting are pretty slim.

This actually happened to me, only with four. Once I hit the talker, the rest backed down and carried him away. Fast.

While at the grocery store check out late at night, a man two isles down has become hostile. The 60 year old security guard has left to call the police. The hostile man starts grabbing another customer by the hair and cussing up a storm. The manager tries to intervine but is knocked down. The man spies you and picks up a pen to use as a stabbing device, then challenges you.

Not knowing when the police are arriving is tough. I would negotiate. But in an offbeat way. Ususally when people are aggressive, they are expecting certain responses. When you react outside of what they expect, it throws them off. I would negotiate with subjects where they have to stop and think. Therefore buying time for the police. But keeping a safe distance.

You're in an elevator with one other individual. You happen to catch eye contact when he says: "What the #%@& are you looking at?" And comes over and starts to push you.

I'd say "stop it" in order to get him to push me again. Then as he reaches forward, I would bring my hands up center blocking his arms striking his jaw then grabbing his head and pulling it into my knee. Once on the ground I would put him in a submission hold until I shouted uncle.

While standing at the counter paying for your gas, a man walks up to your left, pulls a gun in his right hand, and points it, over the counter at the attendant, and says "Gimmie the money!"

Tough one. Common sense says to submit. But being a Marine vet I am void of common sense.

I suppose if I had to respond I would grab his gun hand with my right, and shoving his arm forward so he has to stretch across the counter, then elbow him with my left while the clerk pounds him with the lotto machine.

Truth is...I don't know how to answer this one.

Again remember, these are only make- believe situations.
Situation 1 - Attempt to defuse situation, if attacked defend myself as best as I can.

#2 - extensive backpeddling, as well as evasive manuvers. Avoiding contact with the intent to buy time so the pros can take over.

#3 - A variation of Delayed Sword (Kenpo) comes to mind, followed by an armbar/wristlock submission type hold if possible. Knee to the nads if not.

#4 - wet self profusely. :D

Situation 1

You are walking to your car at the mall parking lot. As you approach your car you see three unarmed individuals sitting on your car. You politely ask them to get off. They start towards you obviously wanting to fight. They surround you determined to beat your butt.

Run and seek help. Survival is the determining factor. Not getting into a fight because of 3 dudes looking to be tough.

Situation 2

While at the grocery store check out late at night, a man two isles down has become hostile. The 60 year old security guard has left to call the police. The hostile man starts grabbing another customer by the hair and cussing up a storm. The manager tries to intervine but is knocked down. The man spies you and picks up a pen to use as a stabbing device, then challenges you.

Attack...! My thoughts on this is that as a martial artist, it is a responsibility of ours to defend not only ourselves but our family and community.

I would more than likely pick something off the shelf to use as a weapon. Hopefully for the attacker, he is not in the canned goods section! :-)

Situation 3

You're in an elevator with one other individual. You happen to catch eye contact when he says: "What the #%@& are you looking at?" And comes over and starts to push you.

Negotiate and reason...kindly but firmly ask the person not to push you and if the situation does not diffuse, then start using various joint locks to subdue the person without causing any physical damage.

Situation 4

While standing at the counter paying for your gas, a man walks up to your left, pulls a gun in his right hand, and points it, over the counter at the attendant, and says "Gimmie the money!"

Once again this is a situation that as a martial artisit, it is a responsibility to defend yourself, your family and community. I would fight. First by distracting the guy by throwing a "Oh S#$&!" type reaction and getting closer to the gun as possible. Then from there, my first goal is to get control of the gun and getting it away from harming anyone.

Now keep in mind, if there are multiple people and I determine that there is no safe way to control the gun and have the gun pointing out of anyone's harm then I will be passive and see what will happen. From there, if I feel that no matter what, people are going to be killed, I will do as I desribed above.
Situation 1

You are walking to your car at the mall parking lot. As you approach your car you see three unarmed individuals sitting on your car. You politely ask them to get off. They start towards you obviously wanting to fight. They surround you determined to beat your butt.

i would move directly toward my car and if one of them happened to be in my path i would fake a punch to his head and round kick his knee taking him out of the equation then turn to face the others and continue defending myself.

Situation 2

While at the grocery store check out late at night, a man two isles down has become hostile. The 60 year old security guard has left to call the police. The hostile man starts grabbing another customer by the hair and cussing up a storm. The manager tries to intervine but is knocked down. The man spies you and picks up a pen to use as a stabbing device, then challenges you.

i would try to negotiate with this man and try to talk him down find out what is going on and attempt to wait for the cops to show up.

Situation 3

You're in an elevator with one other individual. You happen to catch eye contact when he says: "What the #%@& are you looking at?" And comes over and starts to push you.

i would first tell him plainly to stop and if he attempted to push a second time i would apply a wrist lock and slam him face first in to the side of the elevator and knee him in the hamstring bringing him down to the ground at which point i would continue to drive him down using the wrist lock till he was face down then i would hold him there with my knee across the back of his neck.

Situation 4

While standing at the counter paying for your gas, a man walks up to your left, pulls a gun in his right hand, and points it, over the counter at the attendant, and says "Gimmie the money!"

i would simply submit here unless i thought the guy was actually willing to commit to killing someone then i would attempt to get the guy to turn the gun towards me at which point i would grab for his right hand and gain control of the weapon at the same time striking to his throat with a tigers mouth strike and dragging him to the floor and "neutrilizing the threat"
Situation 1

Since I'm surrounded I would first fight my way out of the circle by attacking one of the three with a step behind side kick. (The fact that I would not let them surrond me in the first place not withstanding.) If I hit the guy square he's not getting up. And if not he is out of the way regardless. From there I'd run like a jack rabbit through the newly created opening in the circle.

Situation 2

I'd negotiate assuming the others around me where not in imidiate danger. If he then attacked one of them I'd jump on his back and chock him unconcious. (Or control him to the ground via the chock if he's smaller then me.) Probably the safest thing to do as it only takes about 10 sec. max and he's out, and he's very unlikely to get me off without oxygen going to his brain. If he attacked me I'd dodge, get in close, probably strike to the body with my knee. Then to the base of the skull with a knife hand. Since he's probably keeled over by this point I'd push his head down towards he's feet and to the side to control him to the ground where I'd strike again.

Situation 3

I'd negotiate, and press the botton for the next floor. Elevator doors will open soon, just have to avoid a fight a few sec. Then I'd get off, and if I had to, run.

Situation 4

I'd probably submit. Unless I really though he was going to start shooting. Then I'd wait until the gun was not pointing at anyone and make a dive for it, hoping that the clerk had the good sense to help. Can't really do much except that because if you don't control the hand with the gun, even for a second, I'd stand a very good chance of being killed.
Originally posted by Monkey King

Situation 1

You are walking to your car at the mall parking lot. As you approach your car you see three unarmed individuals sitting on your car. You politely ask them to get off. They start towards you obviously wanting to fight. They surround you determined to beat your butt.

Talk to them, but head for my car. Making sure that I wouldn't get caught in between the three. And if they looked like they were waiting for me to open my door. I would continue passed my car.

Situation 2

While at the grocery store check out late at night, a man two isles down has become hostile. The 60 year old security guard has left to call the police. The hostile man starts grabbing another customer by the hair and cussing up a storm. The manager tries to intervine but is knocked down. The man spies you and picks up a pen to use as a stabbing device, then challenges you.

Talk, even get the guys attention by shouting at him. Beeing in a store I would roll up the nearest magazine or paper, very tight, and us it each time he advanced.

Situation 3

You're in an elevator with one other individual. You happen to catch eye contact when he says: "What the #%@& are you looking at?" And comes over and starts to push you.

Wait and see if he pushes a second time. If he does he'll meet the wall faster than he can think, and then I'll remove his feet from the floor by sweeping them outwards. Still holding his head to the wall he'll scrap it all the way down.

Situation 4

While standing at the counter paying for your gas, a man walks up to your left, pulls a gun in his right hand, and points it, over the counter at the attendant, and says "Gimmie the money!"

Give him the money. And submit. Try to look as small as possible. But if I think my life is at stake I'd take the chance, I think. But I've never been in such an exterm situation, so it's a wild guess.

It's fun to think situations, but there are so many factors. You could have the flue that day, be drunk or be on your way to your wedding. All this would influence the way you'll handle the situation. Even in the dojo you cann't make the same technic just as well twice in a row. And then theres the factor of how uke will react, or who it is. Is he a gang member and know who you are and so on....

In 1977 I was reading an article in Black Belt magazine about this black belt who was confronted by 3 individuals in a parking lot. He proceded to tell the interviewer how he plotted each move before executing it. He did this as they were walking toward him, long before they confronted him. He went on to say that preparing his moves in his mind prior to the attack is what enabled him to defeat them.

To me, that would have to be applied in every public situation, which, I think, would make you paranoid.

Most of these type of situations only require speed, power and basic skill. True, there are many factors involved, but often there is not enough time to think about factors.

When situation 1 happened to me, there were 4 individuals in a car. One had faced off with me. I was dressed in a kung fu outfit. I had applied a simple but effective front snap kick and caused the guy to fall backward. He then yelled to his buddies to "take out his piece..." I assumed gun. I had no where to go, couldn't run because I'd never get away. I just happen to have a set of nunchaku sticks in my belt so I pulled them out and did my best Bruce Lee imitation. It worked, they all got out and grabbed the guy dragging him back into the car apologizing all the way.

Alot of "what ifs" pop in my mind but I can't second guess what will hapen. I'm glad it happened the way it did.

So let's hear from everyone else.:D
Situation 1

You are walking to your car at the mall parking lot. As you approach your car you see three unarmed individuals sitting on your car. You politely ask them to get off. They start towards you obviously wanting to fight. They surround you determined to beat your butt.

When I see people on my car I call the police and wait back in the mall.

Situation 2

While at the grocery store check out late at night, a man two isles down has become hostile. The 60 year old security guard has left to call the police. The hostile man starts grabbing another customer by the hair and cussing up a storm. The manager tries to intervine but is knocked down. The man spies you and picks up a pen to use as a stabbing device, then challenges you.

Well he has a weapon now, things have changed. Probably break his leg with my cane. I'll be damned if I am goning to try to close with an armed attacker.

Situation 3

You're in an elevator with one other individual. You happen to catch eye contact when he says: "What the #%@& are you looking at?" And comes over and starts to push you.

Submission hold untill you can get him to security.

Situation 4

While standing at the counter paying for your gas, a man walks up to your left, pulls a gun in his right hand, and points it, over the counter at the attendant, and says "Gimmie the money!"

good question.

Despair Bear
Certainly an interesting thread. It's hard to know exactly what you'd do in a given situation though unless you've been there before. We don't always act the same way under stress as we think we would when sitting around calmly typing away at the computer. :) First off, I'm still so new to martial arts that I wouldn't completely trust my ability to fight. The training I've had would probably help if I were forced to use it, but at this point I don't think fighting would really be my first choice in any of the situations. I haven't had combat training to give me a feel of how things would really go down. That being said, my guesses for my actions would be as follows.

(1) Three unarmed men at my car -- as you've described it, it's already gone further than I'd try to let it. Other paths this could go first is not stopping at your car if people are there, walking past it faking going to another lot or something then heading back inside for help, and definitely trying to avoid getting surrounded. I might attempt to negotiate first, but keeping a distance to avoid being surrounded. Reasoning while being surrounded seems harder but I'd probably still attempt it. If that wasn't working, I'd probably try to escape, just flat out run if I saw an opening or possibly trying some simple strike/kick to make one for me to get through. The best place to run is probably back into the mall where there will be tons of people and you can look for a security guard.

(2) Hostile man with pen-weapon in the grocery store -- since I'm aware that the police are coming, I'd probably try to stall for time. It could be a while, but it's often better to let the pros handle things if possible. I'm not sure exactly how I'd negotiate, but I think I'd attempt to calm him down somehow while keeping far enough away to avoid being attacked. Keep talking and backing away, leading him up and down aisles to stall for time, I guess.

(3) Pushy person in an elevator -- I'd try to avoid a conflict especially since this is obviously over nothing. I'm thinking I'd probably just submit and back down. That might be enough to make him happy and get him to stop. If not, I'd probably try to negotiate to get him to stop, using force only if necessary. If if came to a fight, I'd try to do as little damage as possible; I've learned a few "grabbing hands" joint lock type things, if I could get him in one of those, it would probably be enough to control him. Problem is I don't have tons of practice with those and would need some luck to get one locked in. A few strikes or kicks might be better. *shrug* Like I said before, fighting isn't a top option for me.

(4) Gunman behind you at the gas station counter threatening the attendant -- probably the toughest call here. I might be able to sneak my way past the gunman and get out, but that leaves the attendant on his own. If I went that way, I'd have to try to get help somehow. I'm not sure if I could talk the gunman out of it. I think to some extent it depends on what the attendant is going to do. The easiest way out seems to be if the attendant gives the gunman the money; the chances for no one getting hurt seems very good this way. Then again, I might just stand there in shock, the deer in the headlights thing. Who really knows? This is a tough one all right.
Originally posted by Monkey King
Situation 1
You are walking to your car at the mall parking lot. As you approach your car you see three unarmed individuals sitting on your car. You politely ask them to get off. They start towards you obviously wanting to fight. They surround you determined to beat your butt.

This actually happened to me. I was walking to my car in Toronto and had seen some teens sitting on the hood of a car previously being pushy and shovey to people who came out to either tell them to stop or get in their car. I believe someone had called the police as they had pushed one guy to the ground and kicked him. I did not see it but saw the guy's hands and they were all scraped up. When I had to go and went out they were on my truck's hood. I didn't say a word but went and got in my truck started the engine up and started driving. Then I slammed on the brake and the ones who didn't fall off did. Their buddy's who weren't on my hood were running up to see how their friends were. I got out of the truck and pulled out the sawed off pool cue I keep in my vehicle and racked one guy across the shins with it. Everyone who was able ran away. I got back in my car and drove home.

Originally posted by Monkey King
Situation 2
While at the grocery store check out late at night, a man two isles down has become hostile. The 60 year old security guard has left to call the police. The hostile man starts grabbing another customer by the hair and cussing up a storm. The manager tries to intervine but is knocked down. The man spies you and picks up a pen to use as a stabbing device, then challenges you.

Start throwing whatever is available at him. Hopefully heavy stuff I can put him down with. Until I get a chance to start beating him with closer range weapons like a broom handle or something. Then after you beat him down take him to the front counter and say, "Price check on a j@ckass!" When the cops get there say, "Officer, I was in fear for my life," to justify it.

Originally posted by Monkey King
Situation 3
You're in an elevator with one other individual. You happen to catch eye contact when he says: "What the #%@& are you looking at?" And comes over and starts to push you.

Use his shove to lead into a take down. Lock him up and use pain compliance. Make sure to make fun of him verbally while doing so. if he doesn't smarten up then make him smarten up. Do not go to the floor you were going to. Instead go to the lobby. (The old adage says the rabbit never runs home when chased by the fox) get some people if you can to help. Call the police. When they ask why you lumped him up. Say you only used enough force to defend yourself as you were in fear of your life. He must have fallen down on his own. What do you know?

Originally posted by Monkey King
Situation 4
While standing at the counter paying for your gas, a man walks up to your left, pulls a gun in his right hand, and points it, over the counter at the attendant, and says "Gimmie the money!"

Turn to the clerk and say, "Yeah stupid-head! Give the man his money! What are you trying to do? Get us killed?" Then turn to the guy and say, "I think I saw him hit the silent alarm. You better run." Thereby keeping your wallet and you and the clerk are safe. If all else fails when he is taking the money from the clerk, bash him from behind with a tire iron or something.

Overall, all of these scenarios involve you pretty much in a scenario where you cannot help but defend yourself. Hopefully you woul dhave taken measures to avoid confrontation and conflict before it happened but if not, it's not your fault. They asked for it.
Great thread monkey king! When this one dies, you should
post another, with more scenarios! I love reading the replies!

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