Senior Master
I'd have to go with Chinto on this one, use what you have at your disposal, and improvise if you must, there are weapons all over the place, even on planes, but most people dismiss them as common use or non-threat items, when in fact it could be used to kill or disable an attacker. Hell if you manage to get the first one down, you could probably take his weapon and skip the kamikaze pen attacks and just shoot the others, that's probably what I would do, granted gotta be careful, wouldn't want to shoot out a window several thousand feet in the air or anything.
I think the biggest and hardest part about that situation would be growing a big enough pair to act in general hehe.
hell you get his weapon put a double tap in the others.. if you hit a window or not will not make a difference .... remember the Mythbusters tried that and found that the window did not shatter but just had a hole in it.. so what.. there was NO explosive decompression... same with a stray through the side of the aircraft, and both were simulated pressure difference of the aircraft at 30,000 ft. altitude. ( standard altitude for overseas and long range domestic flights. )