Yellow Belt
People spending so much time to say... what purpose does WBBB serve? Then I answer it omg like how many times now?
Just seems like trolling to me.
forgot to use red text in the last replyenjoy
*Yawn* ok if something happens and I lose all rec of my black belts then its nice to know there is another source keeping rec of it...You have repeatedly said it’s for record keeping. People keep asking what the point of record keeping is. Especially when you started out by saying it was for if your school disappeared. So folks here pointed out that if your school disappeared, the rank would be worthless because no other school accepts outside ranks. Then you kept harping on the record keeping aspect and the folks here pointed out that if a school still exists, the records are still accessible without the WBBB. So yes, you’ve answered several times that it is for record keeping. But people want here want to know what the point of that record keeping is? If the school that issued the black belt still exists, the records still exist at that schools, this no need for outside record keeping. If the school that issued the black belt no longer exists, yes the records are probably gone but so is the value of that black belt. It doesn’t matter anymore. So, if you can explain WHY having records after a school goes defunct matter, than maybe the conversation can move on.
I tried to suggest one place that I thought basic, external, record keeping could be helpful (but that would only work if the record keeping place had extensive checks to verify all ranks before adding them to the record, which many here have explained WBBB doesn’t do). But even that is kind of a superfluous use.
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