its really about tell the trolls on here to post a video of them doing martial arts before they speak on it and then you get this message. haha now i know the true intent of these post thats why so much hate.
It's nothing whatsoever to do with that actually.
You're taking this very personally (and personally on behalf of WBBB as well).
Whether you're good or not has no reflection on WBBB in the slightest - nor does whether I'm any good or not.
Likewise, buying a certificate from them doesn't make you or me any better.
The belt (or certificate) does not make the person.
From what I can gather from digging on the website, WBBB isn't a system - I think that's been established.
So, this is the part that bothers me most:
world black belt bureau website said:
WBBB Certified Instructor benefits include (with Additional $125):
- A Personalized World Black Belt Bureau independent school instructor certificate.
- Granting you, as the instructor, the authority to register and promote students under the World Black Belt Bureau.
What gives them the right to grant authority to anyone to be an instructor or run a school? They're suggesting they can override other system's governing bodies?
As I understand it, the usual way of things is to rise through the ranks until you're at a point deemed by the controlling body of a system where you are an instructor. You get assessed/graded by authorised representatives of said system (who have been through the same procedure).
WBBB, no. You get instructor authority purely by paying an extra fee. There is no assessment, no inspection, no quality control.
To go back to your earlier example - a WBBB instructor who can do a high kick vs. a KKW instructor who can't. Well...
The KKW instructor will have been through the system, they'll have to have proven knowledge.
The WBBB instructor - all I know is that they can write a cheque and kick high.
I'm probably repeating myself here, but doing a technique doesn't mean you can teach a technique. You might naturally turn your hips and supporting leg correctly to do a high technique, but if you can't spot someone else not doing that and correct them they're likely to blow a joint.
That's the instructor's fault - all the pins, patches and certificates in the world won't help.
It's also on the website that the WBBB was founded in 1972 - that's 46 years.
Looking at the online active member listing (additional 19$ for an entry, no other way to verify membership as an outsider) there are 127 listed members. Of those, 114 are in the US.
The Facebook page has 56 likes.
For a
worldwide organisation with a 46 year history, that's pretty poor.