World black Belt Bureau

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Like many organizations of this sort the money means more than the cert. Print up a cert on you comp with some made up organization name on it and claim whatever rank you want and I vet you get a cert back from them saying they recognize your rank (that is if you sent enough money)

should be a law:enfo:
Yes, more laws, more bureaucracy, more conformity. Kinda like how the NCAA, IOC, NFL, MLB, etc. have preserved the purity of the practices within their purview.
im a member of the world black Belt Bureau. So what!

I have traveled to Memphis to preform for grand Master Rhee my self. he is a kool man. humble and very philosophical.

look if you lie on your membership card and mail him a fake cert. thats on you. if you bring you dog in there and want to get a black belt cert for him. be stupid and pay the fee. id take your money to. give fido a black belt. when you left id call all my friends and laugh at you for your black belt dog. id spend your money on shoes. look hes just helping guys out that don't have a master get rank. look a black belt is only the beginning. you people try to say its the end all.

i up for my 5th dan master i had to wait till i was 30. i have to be tested by my master or by master kang his self. its not like you walk in the door and go hi. im Sam id like a 100th deg black belt with trim. and the lady goes please pay and 10 min latter your walking out with a black belt.

now i can walk in there and say i have a student and here is there name and address. Id get one for that guy. because master Rhee is trustful. I would never disrespect his art or my own by falsifying information.

this is not a paper mill. you have different levels of black belts "A" black belt is like xma. "B" is like Average and a "C" is not that flashy. but all can defend them self from a attacker. i see "c" black belts in the best schools around. A black belt is something in your heart not around your wast.

I had a Master i enrolled in the Black belt bureau. he came here and must have read the post and was very skeptical about joining. He sent in a false name and got back he needed to supply the bureau with a cert. and she wanted the name of his master. he was convinced and i enrolled him.

a honorey black belt is just that its not a real black belt at all. it only works in that gym or dojo or dojang. I rather a guy have black belt form some where then their printer.
If you are happy with the organization . good stay with it.

If you feel the ranks are just good stay there and be happy

I am happy that you feel you belong to a good organization and believe in the head of it

Many people just have trouble with organizations that say "send your money for this rank" test or no test. Heck I have never seen anyone not pass on of the tests given but such organizations. For those that do not like such organizations stay away from them

See it is really simple in the end
Its that Ive Found out you can have the most exstive martial arts org. and people still look like babys doing martial arts and you can train in a cave in china and look like a pro with no paper to back it. I do have have a kukkiwon Rank. Your paper that says your rank does not define you -
your art Does. With that said the way you move, you train that makes you. Ive seen people with High ranks that cant teach and ive seen people with no rank teach. I chosse to back the WBBB cause I can't stand politics.
Seven years between posts. That's gotta' be some kind of record!
One fact that everyone overlooked was that the monkey was really good. I hear he has his own school now. Besides his great great grandfather had a Kung-fu style named in his honor. So martial arts runs in the family. I also heard his students are good too. The zebras have one heck of a side kick.
Is any one here a member of the World Black Belt Bureau. I have seen this add in themagazines for yrs. I know a guy who told everybody how rigorous their standards are, but I know this guy couldn't tie his belt. I have also seen them in an expose on how easy it is to get a certificate from an organization like this. My opinion is it is just another papermill. Has anybody had any experiences with them.
I am a member of the World Black Belt Bureau. Im going to tell you why and why I register my Black Belt students with WBBB as well. I know a lot of school owners that when that pass away or close down the students do not have any record of their rank outside of the cert they show you. WBBB is nothing more than a record keeper. Now you can say haha they black belted a monkey, dog or even a dragon. It only maters to the school name and rec being accounted for.
In other words i do not share black belt status with any other style in WBBB outside of my school. This is a nice way for people to look someone up to see if their Master BB them instead of the countless liers people run across often claiming they are a BB.

Also if you question the skills and level about my rank and my students I have over 100 videos on youtube as well as a Black Belt test. I dont like tournament but my students do and are ranked number one. We also did a mock tv show a few years ago for Japanese tv and you can see that on youtube as well.
Im a member of WBBB. If you know another better record keeper of all styles of Martial Arts please share with us that info and I will also look into them as well.
I am a member of the World Black Belt Bureau. Im going to tell you why and why I register my Black Belt students with WBBB as well. I know a lot of school owners that when that pass away or close down the students do not have any record of their rank outside of the cert they show you. WBBB is nothing more than a record keeper.
Personally, I never understood why it matters, outside of you own school and organization. Who really cares what some other school or organization thinks of my rank?

I watched both of your videos that you posted here. I can tell one thing right away. None of the people in the videos have trained Danzan Ryu Jujitsu. If any of them came to my school, they would start as white belts. I'll give a concrete example of why. The falls demonstrated are not Danzan Ryu falls. This matters, because Danzan Ryu throws require uke to take the correct fall, so that uke does not get hurt. There are details to our falls that match up with details in our throws. Now the throw will work just fine... I would just need to find another uke.

Now, let me turn this around. If I posted video of myself doing Danzan Ryu, you would learn very quickly, that I have no training in your art. (I think the sign on the window in your video said Karate) If I came to your school, what good would it do me to strap on my black belt and demand that every start "Siring" me? Not only can I probably not do your white belt katas... I don't even know what they are. If I wore a black belt, but had no clue about your art, might I get hurt trying to participate with the black belts?

In my gi bag, I carry my black belt and a white belt. In my school, I wear the black belt. If I go to an AJJF event, I will also wear my black belt. If I go to another Danzan Ryu organizations event, I hold both white and black in my hand, let them know my rank in the AJJF and ask which they prefer I wear. When I go to any other art, put the white belt on. I let them know I have been training a number of years in Danzan Ryu, but want to be treated like any other white belt.

My belt, my rank, really only mean things in my school and my organization. So, my school records and my organization records are all that should matter. If I am teaching Danzan Ryu, who cares what the kukkiwon thinks of my rank? If I were to teach TDK who cares what the AJJF says about my rank?
I know a lot of school owners that when that pass away or close down the students do not have any record of their rank outside of the cert they show you.
and as such if the school does not have a legit parent organization, then those students if they continue in another art will revert back to a white belt in some other style.

This is a nice way for people to look someone up to see if their Master BB them instead of the countless liers people run across often claiming they are a BB.

yeah maybe, except that your making an assumption that it has some kind of authoritative power, which it doesnt. if John is a black belt because Sally gave it to him, no one cares because we dont know John and we dont know sally. its a non valued currency. if i print up some Hoshin dollar bills, no one will accept them because there is no accepted value. without the authoritative power of a governing body and an accepted value by the general populace, there is no value.

if John gets his black belt from Sally that is backed by the American Uechi-Ryu Organization that has ties to every other uechi -ryu organization world wide, then there is an accepted value by hundreds or thousands of other practitioners who do the exact same style and who can validate that person based on their proficiency.

now to register yourself and your students in a black belt Bureau, could be construed as a lie. it is a deception or passing the bureau off as having an authoritative governing body that acts as valuation giving power when in fact it has no power as such.
the registry is only recording the fact that Sally gave John a black belt. BUT WE ALREADY KNEW THAT, because John said so. does the record tell us who gave sally the authority to pass out black belts? does the bureau tell us if the "Take Muh Do" style is any good or worth studying ? maybe Sally sucks as a martial artist and shouldnt be giving out rank to begin with. so you see there is no governing body or collective group that can give credence and value to sally or John.
the bureau is a deception to create an illusion of giving credence and value.
Thread started in 2002 and revived every few years, in the running for the oldest thread still going I imagine.

I miss very much some of the posters on this thread that sadly no longer post, ah those were the days. :(
Hi ScorpionShawn, welcome to MartialTalk, bro. Hope you enjoy it here.

Nice vids, thanks for sharing them. I enjoyed them.
A gentleman I just met is in a situation that’s related to this thread...

There was a local independent school that just closed due to the CI having Parkinson’s Disease and is no longer physically able to run the school. She had no affiliation with any group beyond the professional connections she’s made over the past 30+ years. She taught Shotokan karate.

There’s quite a few of her senior black belts who get together and work out, but none of them can make the commitment to carry on the school.

If she registered her black belts, what would that do? Absolutely nothing IMO. It doesn’t make them black belts anywhere else but the now defunct school. If they go to a new school, what rank they start as depends on the CI. The new CI May honor their previous rank. The new CI might let them wear their old belt until he/she can fully asses where they belong in the new school. The new CI might tell them they start at white belt and have to earn every promotion like every other new student. It doesn’t matter if their rank is accessible online, proven through a phone call, certificate, belt, nor any other means. It’s solely the CI’s discretion.

My CI has had people inquire about training under him from other organizations and arts. He’s had people claim dan ranking in other arts insist on wearing their own belt. One was a guy who somehow thought his 3rd in judo should carry over to our karate school, and he should wear his 3rd dan belt and line up as a 3rd dan in our school. My CI informed him that everyone from outside of our organization starts as a white belt, regardless of previous experience and rank. People who have previous experience and/or who are above average athletes typically promote faster than the norm, but it’s an individual thing. He’s not going to hold someone back if they’re worthy of promoting, yet he’s not going to promote someone early solely because they’ve had a higher rank elsewhere.

I was preparing to test for 2nd dan when I left my original dojo to go to grad school. 15 years later I found my current dojo. My CI trainer under one of the heads of my previous organization. When I initially met him he told me I couldn’t wear my old belt due to it being a different organization. I chuckled and told him I didn’t want to wear it. The curriculum between the two organizations is about 90% identical. I’ve progressed significantly faster than the other who started around the same time I did, but I wasn’t handed anything because of my past.

To bring the second half of my post full circle, it wouldn’t matter if I was registered somewhere as a black belt. I’m not a black belt in my current organization, so why should I wear one? What credibility would ring registered as a black belt give me? After about 20 minutes on the floor, my current CI had a good idea of where I was. Probably a lot less than 20 minutes into it.
Personally, I never understood why it matters, outside of you own school and organization. Who really cares what some other school or organization thinks of my rank?

I watched both of your videos that you posted here. I can tell one thing right away. None of the people in the videos have trained Danzan Ryu Jujitsu. If any of them came to my school, they would start as white belts. I'll give a concrete example of why. The falls demonstrated are not Danzan Ryu falls. This matters, because Danzan Ryu throws require uke to take the correct fall, so that uke does not get hurt. There are details to our falls that match up with details in our throws. Now the throw will work just fine... I would just need to find another uke.

Now, let me turn this around. If I posted video of myself doing Danzan Ryu, you would learn very quickly, that I have no training in your art. (I think the sign on the window in your video said Karate) If I came to your school, what good would it do me to strap on my black belt and demand that every start "Siring" me? Not only can I probably not do your white belt katas... I don't even know what they are. If I wore a black belt, but had no clue about your art, might I get hurt trying to participate with the black belts?

In my gi bag, I carry my black belt and a white belt. In my school, I wear the black belt. If I go to an AJJF event, I will also wear my black belt. If I go to another Danzan Ryu organizations event, I hold both white and black in my hand, let them know my rank in the AJJF and ask which they prefer I wear. When I go to any other art, put the white belt on. I let them know I have been training a number of years in Danzan Ryu, but want to be treated like any other white belt.

My belt, my rank, really only mean things in my school and my organization. So, my school records and my organization records are all that should matter. If I am teaching Danzan Ryu, who cares what the kukkiwon thinks of my rank? If I were to teach TDK who cares what the AJJF says about my rank?
Personally, I never understood why it matters, outside of you own school and organization. Who really cares what some other school or organization thinks of my rank?

I watched both of your videos that you posted here. I can tell one thing right away. None of the people in the videos have trained Danzan Ryu Jujitsu. If any of them came to my school, they would start as white belts. I'll give a concrete example of why. The falls demonstrated are not Danzan Ryu falls. This matters, because Danzan Ryu throws require uke to take the correct fall, so that uke does not get hurt. There are details to our falls that match up with details in our throws. Now the throw will work just fine... I would just need to find another uke.

Now, let me turn this around. If I posted video of myself doing Danzan Ryu, you would learn very quickly, that I have no training in your art. (I think the sign on the window in your video said Karate) If I came to your school, what good would it do me to strap on my black belt and demand that every start "Siring" me? Not only can I probably not do your white belt katas... I don't even know what they are. If I wore a black belt, but had no clue about your art, might I get hurt trying to participate with the black belts?

In my gi bag, I carry my black belt and a white belt. In my school, I wear the black belt. If I go to an AJJF event, I will also wear my black belt. If I go to another Danzan Ryu organizations event, I hold both white and black in my hand, let them know my rank in the AJJF and ask which they prefer I wear. When I go to any other art, put the white belt on. I let them know I have been training a number of years in Danzan Ryu, but want to be treated like any other white belt.

My belt, my rank, really only mean things in my school and my organization. So, my school records and my organization records are all that should matter. If I am teaching Danzan Ryu, who cares what the kukkiwon thinks of my rank? If I were to teach TDK who cares what the AJJF says about my rank?

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