Senior Master
While having zero interest in joining the food fight, I do feel obligated to step in and point out that this is just flat out wrong. Needles are stuck in arteries all the time. I generally do it at least 2-3 times per shift in the ER. Most commonly it's done to measure the dissolved gases in the blood, to evaluate respiration & perfusion. Often it's done to directly measure & provide real-time constant monitoring of blood pressure. And sometimes it's done because you really need blood for labs, and the veins are shot (i.e an IV drug abuser). While pulling them out without applying pressure afterwards will result in a mess, and a really ugly bruise, it is extremely unlikely to prove fatal. Except in Hollywood, of course.
There is NO debate here. Guns are far more lethal than even the biggest needle in our supply room.
Click-click-pow is absolutely the most lethal martial art.
Im still inclined to disagree with Guns being most Lethal; But thats a matter of Opinion. A Punch to the Head has been known to Kill, so has a Bullet. Both have failed in that regard as well.
Yogendra Singh Yadav.*****.html
I could find more Links;
Bottom line is: Dude Climbs Up Mountain, at one point being shot at. Dude Charges at Machine Gun Bunker, getting shot a couple of times. Dude Grenades Bunker. Dude Runs at next Bunker, Runs Inside, and Kills the Inhabitants with Hand to Hand Combat, albeit Two (One with an Thrown Ice Axe, and the other by means of Throat Cutting). He did a few other things in the process as well, but given that he survived all of this, and got a Medal, id say he did pretty well against the apparently Super-Lethal Machine Guns.
I do find your Counterpoint very interesting.
Have you ever had anyone with a Needle, as in, a Large Sewing Needle, put through their Jugular Vein/Carotid Artery? (Just Curious)