The sprawl is in the first form of WC. I was just shown this. This is why I post here now to spread the gospel ( really just to pay homage to my teacher and his teaching)..I just learned this last week. Ok really last month but same same.
Excuse me? The sprawl is in SNT form? That's crazy? Who told you that??? Was it Jeff ...or Martin? And besides doesn't it tick you off that those guys, neither of whom are 'Chunners, can teach you all this crazy stuff about WC?
...And what's more, you learned this sometime in the last month, ...precisely when I've been too far behind at work to make the 30 mile drive (each way) to work out with you guys. I find that very suspicious. Fortunately, this next Saturday is the big FMA gathering in Phoenix, at Encanto Park. Martin and Jeff are both on the list of instructors demonstrating. Tiny will probably be there too. And so will I. So anyway, Bub, you can bet I'm gonna get to the bottom of this. I don't care if it's WC, DTE, or the freakin' Iluminati.
Oh and how's this strike you: The inner Jake revealed!