I know my point was if he is who he says he is (disabled Vet) he could have a black belt in Colorado basket weaving for all I care he dont need to feel below anyone hes already earned his respect in my book.
says who? If someone gives 100% effort learning the best he can from from a quality training tape he will be head and shoulders over a guy going the motions at a crappy school 1 or 2 days a week. But again I go back to my 1st comment he has nothing to prove to me.
Says alot of people. Someone on this thread, mentioned a UFC fighter, how he learned grappling thru dvd. My question is: Did he have any prior training? I ask that, because like I said myself, it'd be easier to pick things up due to that. I could pop in a Tatum dvd and pick up stuff, whereas my wife, whos never trained a day, would be lost. Again, a ref. tool...fine. A sole learning tool....not so fine.

Are you assuming that the person who trains with a teacher will be getting crappy instruction? That may be but not in every case. Sorry, no matter how you try to slice it, the dvd student will always be sub-par. Would you rewire your house from reading a book? Maybe people shouldnt do drivers ed, but instead, just get behind the wheel, head to the highway in rush hour traffic, and wing it. Come on man.
Im sure there are more then you think. Just like police forums there are a ton of wanna be cops bragging about this and that when in real life they are prob 14 yr old kids.
And as I said, those people should be obvious to spot. Ive banned people from this forum, only to have them pop up under a new name. Doesn't take long to figure out. Why? Because once a dumb ***, always a dumb ***, and their posting habits are the tell tale sign.

My point was simply...for every BS'er, there are a dozen legit people.
Maybe my point was lost in my 1st post. I was trying to tell the OP that hes going nothing to prove to anyone and nothing to be ashamed of no matter what path he chooses. That purple heart means more in my book then any black belt. His concern as I read it was more people looking down on his belt because he wanted to learn from a DVD and my comments were more directed to that and not the quality of the training itself.
Which brings me to....why repost the obvious? Was he really hoping to see something different? Did he really think somehow, he'd get different replies? As we see, that didn't happen.
I personally enjoy going to class and learning from a quality instructor. I drive and hour and a half to go to the dojo I picked and I pass at least 11 other schools on the trip but thats me and this was the school I thought fit me best. I enjoy working with other people going hands on as well. They are 2 important aspects of training he will miss out on. I learn better by doing and not watching I could never learn anything from a training tape I have to do it to understand it. Others are not like that and can simply watch a clip of something and then do it. Thats me and I wont judge anyone else on the path they take. We all should be having a good time learning and if we are not any longer it may be time to move on.
Yup, to each his own. All I can do, is offer advice....if they take it, great, if not, thats great too! LOL! I know what I do and I wouldn't change it for anything.