The reason this makes me so angry is because this is the exact same kind of rhetoric that the TAMA school was touting when Mike Vera’s was teaching in Beavercreek. This was never mentioned once to me under Mike Veros in Beaver Creek. Mike Veros did not talk **** about other schools. That should be the first clue. I went to Beaver Creek high school with one of the students that studied at TAMA, And he challenged me to a fight as I said earlier and when I went to his house to discuss it with him he explained all of this to me. This is all just high school BS. I never studied at the TAMA school so I have no idea what they’re teaching other than what this person told me. But I can tell you that this student that challenged me was a black belt that had been there for years by his account. I had studied under Mike Veros for about a year and just earned a brown belt. He was not very good . Let’s just leave it at that, but what I did learn from him is that there was some kind of ridiculous rivalry that apparently Mike Veros never talked about but the instructor at TAMA never quit talking about. But I guess the real question is…is that professor Ancho was famous for teaching at Wright Patterson Air Force Base…Why was it Mike Veros that continued to teach at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base after he left If the guy from Tama was the chosen one? Mike Veros taught actual warriors who actually fought in the US military. He didn’t concern himself with high school kids who thought that Tama was a better school. Even though everybody at the high school knew the TAMA Guys were all talk while
the military police at Wright Patt were learning from Mike Veros. I wasn’t in the military I was a high school student learning from Mike , Michael, Brian, Desmond, Pete, And many other great black and brown belts that started there But I can tell you that none of those TAMA students That I sparred with were good enough to make me switch schools Even though they out ranked me by far