Why Silat?

Greetings and Salutations!

Why did you choose Silat (or why Silat chose you)?

Most of the people I have talked with already had training in a different MA before they studied Silat. Some schools combine Silat with others (FMA seems common).

What do you like about Silat?

With Respect

I chose Silat as it was available after the TKD class I teach.

I enjoy being a student and learning new material as well as discovering new insights on old material.
also it is my contention that most of that flowery handwork,is,
for,distracting,and tangling them,high,long enough to destroy them
with the feet,baiting,the adversary into believing,it is an exchange,
we,dont,want,to,match,hand skills,too,long,when,we,are,countered,
with,a block we,strike thru or,attack,from,a,whole,different,line,their,
force,always,wins,we,never,resist,it,but we,rely,heavily,on,it,and,once,
they,lose,their,balance,its ours.

It,is superior to all other martial arts
they bore us and they pale by comparison,this is a silat forum other arts
while pretty to look at do little for us you,dont hear of many silat practitioners
staying after class to do other arts we have our plate full,the modern stuff we
mostly see as scrap,thrown together,to,make,money,they come to us and check
their belts at the door.and to be frank they start their unlearning.
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we dont care what they know we know when they see what we do it makes their eyes pop out well not literally, okay literally, we have that,too, but it looks like magic to them just
like it did to us,
It,is superior to all other martial arts
they bore us and they pale by comparison,this is a silat forum other arts
while pretty to look at do little for us you,dont hear of many silat practitioners
staying after class to do other arts we have our plate full,the modern stuff we
mostly see as scrap,thrown together,to,make,money,they come to us and check
their belts at the door.and to be frank they start their unlearning.

I've discovered in nearly 36yrs of training that there is no superior martial art, just superior martial artists.

Everyone training in the Silat class with me also trains in other martial arts. No one wears their belts from other arts.

As I mentioned, I believe Silat to be very complimentary to my TKD and I enjoy being a student.
that,moment,they,are,lost,in,thought,we,attack,not,at,all,fair,tactics,we ,all,have,the,same,options,its,how,we,learn,to,compose,and,combine,those,
at this other site to squeeze more words I use comma's it,habit,I,just,do,it,but,
here,it,screws,up,the,spaces,to,tedious,to,fix,without taking out all the comma's
I,wonder, what, the, late, great, Pendekar, Herman, would,
have, said, about, one, of, his, former, students, of, Lilly,
white, stout, origin, publicly, up, and, announcing,, himself,
a, Pendekar, to, faster, market, his, own, name, and, material,
as, brilliant, as, disgraceful,
lets, see, about, four, or, five, trained, random, practitioners,
from, various, schools, attack, you, at, once, in, real, time,
lets, see,how, well, you,can, earn, that, honored, if, not, sacred,
title, publicly, now, that, you, have, bestowed, it, on, your, self,
back to what matters.the, way I see it ,techniques, are, too, long,
and,they must be splintered , if we, are, able, to set up a standing
scissor, throw, we,are,set, up to take off anywhere from that structure,
instantaneously, as they, may, recognize, a, position, with a counter,
we, want, that, in other words you set them up to,fall straight, back, on their back
then, you, flow to,a strike,setting,up,an arm capture, break throw, we,
dont, lock in silat we always break the, point, is why pause for an instant,to,
execute,a, particular technique, techniques are, lost, in the moment
techniques,are, all,like, gears, engaged, to, be interchangeable, and, unending,
it,is really the transition being, neither, here nor there, between of the first
and, second, technique, where, the,most,destruction,should,occur its,
always, best, to, keep, them, guessing, never, being, in, one, place,
just, as, they, believe,they,are, being, locked, up we, let, them go, to
knock, them ,out,
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in silat, there is no strike too small or large, the jurus,only show the way to find the motions needed
to produce the technique,in application the art,is not,found in the jurus, the jurus are found in the
higher understanding,of the art here, to know ten thousand,motions of the jurus is not enough and,being
an,internal art the guideline seems to be using full force but,no strength
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so,yesterday,I,pick up a heavy,dumb bell in each hand,curl,one,side,then,the,other,forgeting that I struck my funny bone earlier this week
no strengh but I forced,a,curl or two channeling,all,the,strengh,from,my,shoulder and back couple hours later fell,asleep on,the couch,
I,woke,up,I thought my,lung,was,going,to,bust feeling,pain,from,my,gut,to,my,chest,this,lasted,keeping,me,awake, half the night
after,tons,of,stretching,it subsided enough,to, sleep so, I go down to the farmers market for a massage,a,lady has a table there
she pin points its my back,that is knotted causing the right,side,chest pain,no sooner I lay down up comes this guy ranting at her she
sold him the wrong oil ,last week he wants a 4.00 refund,she says she doesnt give refunds but she will make an exchange next week.
he doubles his rant at her upon, hearing that ,so face down on the table finally I say ,some people are just f,ing crazy, now he is yelling
swearing,at me from,across,the counter,for butting in, finally I looked up and told him I paid money for a massage he,is taking away from my time
so he yells he paid money too,now I hear different voices confronting,him,and,he is inviting every into the parking lot,he wants to fight,
now he is justifying his rage saying I provoked,him,by,saying some people are crazy,which only makes him sound crazier,
then,I,guess,security was called and he left young,stocky guy with a strange,square beard cut undoutably modeled after his
favorite ultimate fighter, but the massage lady,also,a,martial,artist,some kind of kick boxing who,knows,I,do martial,arts because I go to her
beat,up, after seminars, said,something,that I,was glad to hear ,she said you stay so relaxed ,she would know,and she,asked,is that part of your training ?
and I thought is it ever ,without that,there,is nothing,being,relaxed,is,what,makes all,the,counters,possible,it,opens,the breathing gives
quickness,to,motion,and,allows,strikes,to crack like a whip upon impact,so,now at the market I,figuire I might, have to watch ,my back,
but that,is also built into the training,so,the massage lady told me she was proud of me and gave me extra time,chilvary,has its rewards when its not doing us in,
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So,its like when your past forty,there is no time for sport, of fighting,you,have bridge work and enough injuries that wont heal
you,have,to,think kill or be killed,and,there are no rules,like on the suppranoes,you use anything and every way to destroy the guy,who,wants,to,fight,
If,I spit in that furious,guys left eye as I hit him in, the right eye, with an an incense,candle,jar,and,timed his lunge,to,kick him in the nuts,as
,he charged,that would be a clean victory,also,leaving him unconscious so,he can't pull out his gun and shoot as you flee,the,scene, thats silat,
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I,remember,this punk fighter that lived in the neighborhood,kind of a small wiry guy ,who would go to parties and
start trouble with guys twice his size ,almost the same thing every time,he,would appologize,saying,he,didnt,want,to,fight,
and,the,guy,would,finally,turn,around,only,to,wake,up in,the,emergency room,he knew,one,thing well,this,guy,was a master,
of,throwing his,coat,over,their head,wrenching their neck with it and pulling them down so the back of their head hit the ground,
then he,would just,keep hitting,their head on the street,with the coat over their face, till they were out never knowing what hit
them and,the one thing about, silat is there never were any rules later, I saw the same principle applied thru use of a sarong, silat
even has that built into it, of course the moral is never turn your back
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It's interesting how many training tools are hidden in plain sight inside the jurus
often one point strikes another, say elbow and hand ,all the machanics,head to toe
how ever used goes into the delivery behind the force of the srtike ,you can strike your hand with
one component involved or by spliting the timing all the compounding components,
how this can be so, intricately fine tuned ,through the hands sense of sensitivity,of the strike
I Know What I Know If You Know What I Mean, lol,

Hi Infinite Hope all is well, all is well that ends well, ...well?
I would say, the jurus repetition,ingrains an,intuitive ambiance
behind and around the techniques. theres a million ways to
answer any strike and from that first connection ,the jurus
flow will automatically,dictate where to go. that is the best
thing about it, the options in mixing the motions thru an
understanding of the loaded possibilities, no,matter where
you are or where your hands find themselves your always
standing within reference to some jurus structure,
its really fighting by split second association,

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